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Need your opinion about making a personal choice

Posted: 2003-03-04 03:21pm
by Superman
Okay folks, I need some people to weigh in here. I have been an amateur body builder for a little while now. I eat the specialized diets, go the gym about 4 times per week, take supplements, etc. I don't know if there are any fellow lifters in here, but I am considering starting an anabolic steroid regimen.

Since we are all basically anonymous in here, I was wondering what you people think. I am aware of the potential side effects and I am aware of the benefits.


Thanks people.

Re: Need your opinion about making a personal choice

Posted: 2003-03-04 03:23pm
by Kuja
Superman wrote: Opinions????

Thanks people.
Don't do it.

Posted: 2003-03-04 03:25pm
by Utsanomiko
Look up 'Elite fitness', or 'EFitness' on this message board.

And take careful consideration what you say in this thread. I smell trouble a'brewing.

Posted: 2003-03-04 03:27pm
by Superman
Look up 'Elite fitness', or 'EFitness' on this message board.

And take careful consideration what you say in this thread. I smell trouble a'brewing.

Ummm, am I missing something?

Posted: 2003-03-04 03:28pm
by Superman
Look, I promise you I am not making trouble. Just asking for some opinions.

Posted: 2003-03-04 03:29pm
by Utsanomiko
Well then, don't do it. It isn't worth it.

Posted: 2003-03-04 03:29pm
by Joe
Probably not a wise course of action. Besides, you might grow boobs.

Posted: 2003-03-04 03:29pm
by Xenophobe3691
Steroids make you a girl. Your brain confuses them with Estrogen, so...

That, and I could use some advice on weightlifting...

Posted: 2003-03-04 03:29pm
by Darth Wong
Superman wrote:am I missing something?
He's referring to an invasion of idiots from (a steroid advocacy board) a while ago.

PS. Don't take them; they're toxic to your liver and kidneys and while they try to reassure you that your organs can withstand it in controlled doses, it's still a pretty shortsighted thing to do your own body.

Posted: 2003-03-04 03:34pm
by Superman
Yes, from what I understand they are HELL on the liver and kidneys. Oh, while I love to lift and live the lifestyle, I don't consider myself to be one of the muscleheads. I do, however, want to get a "boost" and bulk up much more on certain parts of my body.

Vorlon, what advice were you looking for?

Thanks again, people.

Re: Need your opinion about making a personal choice

Posted: 2003-03-04 03:37pm
by Colonel Olrik
Superman wrote:
Keeping yourself fit, going to the gymn and leading an active life is one thing. Body building for the sake of it has little to do with it, specially when you're obsessed and start taking drugs. There are far more healthier things to do and where you can spend your time and money.

I do gymn three times a week, and mountain biking at the weekends. While I like to have muscles and work them, I can't understand the obsession with body building as an end to itself.

Posted: 2003-03-04 03:40pm
by Superman
I understand what you mean. I am also very active in Tae Kwon Do, and I jog when I can. I agree with you, keeping fit and living an active lifestyle is enjoyable and has positive benefits.

Posted: 2003-03-04 03:55pm
by RedImperator
Health risks aside, it seems like cheating to me.

Posted: 2003-03-04 04:01pm
by Superman

A special is on TV now about body dysmorphic disorder.

Posted: 2003-03-04 04:16pm
by salm
i agree (once again :shock: ) with red imperator. it´s like cheating.
i can respect body builders who manage to pump themselves up to uberhumans by training, but growing muscles by taking drugs is something everybody could do.

Posted: 2003-03-04 04:20pm
by Next of Kin
Superman wrote:I understand what you mean. I am also very active in Tae Kwon Do, and I jog when I can. I agree with you, keeping fit and living an active lifestyle is enjoyable and has positive benefits.
Then ask yourself why are you willing to risk your future health for a short term gain? Do you want to be fit or do you want to look good in front of others or the mirror. Are you are narcissist?

Posted: 2003-03-04 04:27pm
by theski
I power lifted for college. I used roids for more than 2 years on and off. So here is a different perspective.
Good: They work let no one tell you different
They work like cortizone shots, no stiffness in your joints
You will gain muscle mass and lose body fat
You can train harder and more often, faster recovery

Bad: Shots suck, and pills are harder on your body
You will get acne and bitch tits unless you have a great endrocro
You will hate yourself inbetween cycles
Your liver will pay. I had to stop drinking for good after a bad liver test 2 years ago..
Good and bad your choice

Posted: 2003-03-04 04:30pm
by Superman
sky, was it worth it?

Posted: 2003-03-04 04:30pm
by darthdavid
Plus Roid rage. There is a good thing about shrunken testicles though. Small potatoes make the steak look bigger :lol:

Posted: 2003-03-04 04:33pm
by Superman

Yes, rage sucks. I have taken ephedra for a bit and that can even make me a little edgy. Fighting with my girlfriend sucks...

Posted: 2003-03-04 04:37pm
by theski
Roid Rage is just an excuse for the weak minded.. You always can control your aggression if you want to.. It was worth it for what I was doing at the time.. Would I do it now No..

Posted: 2003-03-04 04:45pm
by Superman
So how big did you get? Were you also dieting?

Posted: 2003-03-04 04:54pm
by theski
I wasn't body building so "getting big" was not the thing. Getting strong was. It was more about specific weight totals, Bench, Squat, I only limited fat intake and increased protein intake..

Posted: 2003-03-04 05:52pm
by Zaia
Ahh, Superman. We meet again.

Although I don't exactly body build, I do work out quite a lot (cardio, bikes, weights). It's usually by myself, but occasionally I go with friends. One of these friends used to feel really insecure when we'd do weights because he was a little on the skinny side, so he decided to go for the quick fix by taking steroids. Didn't tell me because he knew I wouldn't approve. Well, let's just say that they caused about ten times more problems than he had to begin with. It was a mess. Don't do it.

Posted: 2003-03-04 05:54pm
by Superman
Yes, they are a health risk. I am looking for a "boost," but maybe this is the quick way out. Perhaps I should just keep to my routine and develop more naturally.