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March 8th is almost here...

Posted: 2003-03-05 01:40am
by Bug-Eyed Earl
After perusing this site, the wistful, discontented-with-my-place-in-life part of my nature was intrigued by the mystery of this site. I was skeptical, but part of me wished a global shake-up like the one promised in this site,

A lot of the nuttier people whose emails were posted and who didn't read the DISCLAIMER started posted links to nutty sites that propagate the "Planet X" bullshit, and I sincerely hope whatever this fucking surprise is, whether it be fiction or entertainment, has nothing to do with that.

What the hell is this all about, do you think?

Posted: 2003-03-05 01:43am
by Raptor 597
It's been posted before. It's actually stupid and erronous being rebuffed by many here some months ago. I'll go look on March 8th though. He might even be an ass and push the date back.

Posted: 2003-03-05 01:45am
by Spanky The Dolphin

Posted: 2003-03-05 01:45am
by Frank Hipper
Someone's a tad un-hinged, I believe. Nevertheless, March 8th is duly noted.

Posted: 2003-03-05 01:46am
by Cal Wright
Could turn out to be either some pyscho bull shit, or one of the best damn stories to date.

Posted: 2003-03-05 01:46am
by Bug-Eyed Earl
Captain Lennox wrote:It's been posted before. It's actually stupid and erronous being rebuffed by many here some months ago. I'll go look on March 8th though. He might even be an ass and push the date back.
I just assumed he was shilling something. Even if this is a hoax, I wan some kind of payoff, though. He'll probably take down the site and laugh his ass off, most likely.

Posted: 2003-03-05 01:47am
by Shinova
As long as it's not some center that send viruses to every comp that accesses the site (I'll find this out when is suddenly mostly devoid of activity during that day), I'll take a look at it when the date comes around.

Posted: 2003-03-05 01:52am
by Exonerate
began doing research on the net, looking for clues, desperately trying to find anything that could explain the images in the photos. I used key words in the search engine - words that exactly described the images. That's when all hell broke loose. After a few minutes the cursor suddenly started moving by itself, followed by a 'whirring' noise from the hard-disk. I froze with anticipation and by the time I thought to unplug the phone line it had stopped. I had never experienced anything like this before, but I'd been told by a friend that if the cursor ever moved by itself and there was a 'whirring' from the hard-drive, they were the sure signs that indicated someone was hacking into my computer.
:roll: :lol: :roll: :lol: :roll: :lol: