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Proof of ST Time travelers!

Posted: 2003-03-06 12:07am
by Falkenhorst ... index.html

scroll down to the very end of the article and see who wrote it.

Posted: 2003-03-06 12:10am
by Nathan F
LOL! and with an engineering related topic at that.

Re: Proof of ST Time travelers!

Posted: 2003-03-06 12:18am
by Rob Wilson
Falkenhorst wrote: ... index.html

scroll down to the very end of the article and see who wrote it.
hehehehe, anything to get away from keiko's incessant nagging. :)

Posted: 2003-03-06 12:21am
by neoolong
Bah, where's the companion piece written by Jake Sisko?

Posted: 2003-03-06 12:22am
by Captain tycho
I'm detecting a screwed up time line. :)

Posted: 2003-03-06 12:54am
by Falkenhorst
I'm detecting a screwed up time line.
Exactly what I thought, maybe he got left behind on one of the Federation's numerous unplanned time travel fuckups, or better yet, maybe he ran off and ditched the rest of the crew to stay here where it's cool, HEHEHEHEHh :twisted: :twisted:

Posted: 2003-03-06 01:02am
by Dalton
Yeah, I saw this years ago.

Posted: 2003-03-06 01:07am
by XPViking
The guy probably gets a lot of misplaced fan mail from Trekkies.



Posted: 2003-03-06 01:17am
by Captain tycho
Falkenhorst wrote:
I'm detecting a screwed up time line.
Exactly what I thought, maybe he got left behind on one of the Federation's numerous unplanned time travel fuckups, or better yet, maybe he ran off and ditched the rest of the crew to stay here where it's cool, HEHEHEHEHh :twisted: :twisted:
One can only hope. :twisted: