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Rumors of Bin Laden Capture!
Posted: 2003-03-06 03:19pm
by theski
Posted: 2003-03-06 03:20pm
by Kuja
Did you even read the article? NOWHERE is the claim made the OBL was captured.
Posted: 2003-03-06 03:21pm
by theski
Thats why I said rumors
Posted: 2003-03-06 03:23pm
by Kuja
theski wrote:Thats why I said rumors
It's not even that. All it says is that some evidence MIGHT lead to a capture in the FUTURE.
Posted: 2003-03-06 03:25pm
by Durandal
IG-88E wrote:theski wrote:Thats why I said rumors
It's not even that. All it says is that some evidence MIGHT lead to a capture in the FUTURE.
I'm guessing theski works for some sort of news channel or paper, and his job is to find a way to blow things way out of proportion to generate a good story.
Posted: 2003-03-06 03:25pm
by theski
I should have posted the link to Drudge, he has the Jerusalm post story.. Sorry
Posted: 2003-03-06 03:29pm
by theski
Durandal, I can't spell well enough to work at a paper... Sorry about jumping the gun, I guess I need to quit reading Drudge for a while..
Posted: 2003-03-06 03:44pm
by Montcalm
What i heard on the news is they think they know where Bin Laden is.
Posted: 2003-03-06 03:50pm
by Mr Bean
Rumors are flying fast and furios, the BBC has changed its story three times now and it broiled out until Bush annoced a live Press-Confessen this evening and some of his advisors canceld there,
Somthing is going to be said, if its about Bin-Ladin is still unknow but SOMTHING is happening
Posted: 2003-03-06 06:41pm
by Enlightenment
Mr Bean wrote:Somthing is going to be said, if its about Bin-Ladin is still unknow but SOMTHING is happening
Has the CIA evidence fabrication unit 'discovered' evidence that Bin Laden is in Baghdad?
Posted: 2003-03-06 08:08pm
by Mr Bean
Has the CIA evidence fabrication unit 'discovered' evidence that Bin Laden is in Baghdad?
I think your statment speaks quite clearly for itself
Now exuse me I have to go catch a Black Helicopter to work
Posted: 2003-03-06 08:17pm
by Enlightenment
Mr Bean wrote:I think your statment speaks quite clearly for itself
Of course it does. I am quite fluent in the English language and I usually take the effort to write clearly....
I just tend to get a little nervous when US government figures prepare to make 'major' announcements with little advance indication as to what they'll be announcing. These people just can't be trusted.