Can anyone recommend some good classes

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Can anyone recommend some good classes

Post by Darksider »

It's time for me to pick my classes for next year and my form is almos filled up but i've got 2 empty slots and i can't figure out what the hell to do with them so if anyone can recommend classes that are interesting or usefull any help would be appreciated
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Post by Trytostaydead »

Well, what's your major? A lot of the interesting classes have a ton of prerequisites. Take Human Sexuality, always a fun class and an easy A.
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Post by Dalton »

To be brutally honest, find some kind of typing class or something that will hone your typing ability.
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Post by Joe »

A class on ethics is always good. If you can find it, look for a class on Science, Psuedoscience, and logic also; I'm taking one now, it's a great class. Stay away from archaeology.

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Post by salm »

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Post by Superman »

Why stay away from archaeology? My classes were great!

Ok, one of my archaeology teachers was an active member of the LDS church and believed in near-death-experiences, but other than that, it was good.
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Post by Kintaro »

You know, a lot can depend on the teacher. A really uninteresting sounding class can be great with a good teacher.
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