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ATTN:Cowboy Bebop Fans!!! Movie to Come Stateside!!

Posted: 2003-03-07 07:40am
by Einhander Sn0m4n ... ml?tid=168


Posted: 2003-03-07 07:45am
by Spanky The Dolphin
Um, that's been known for a LONG time, Ein.

It was delayed for quite a while, but I've known about it's recent release for at least a week or so...

Posted: 2003-03-07 07:50am
by XaLEv
So, Ein, does your rock have a name? :P

Posted: 2003-03-07 07:50am
by Einhander Sn0m4n
XaLEv wrote:So, Ein, does your rock have a name? :P

Posted: 2003-03-07 07:54am
by Spanky The Dolphin
I think he's refering to how far behind in the times you are, Ein.

In this case, it's at least a year. :P

Posted: 2003-03-07 07:56am
by XaLEv
Yes. As in, what rock have you been under?

Posted: 2003-03-07 07:57am
by Einhander Sn0m4n
Oh oops... ROFLMAO

Posted: 2003-03-07 08:06am
by Singular Quartet
Jsut adding insult to insult, here, but we deffinatly already know. The only question is, "Why isn't there a stickified thread to prevent this sort of thing from happening?"

Posted: 2003-03-07 08:13am
by Spanky The Dolphin
XaLEv wrote:Yes. As in, what rock have you been under?
Oops, I thought you meant what was the name of his pet rock, also refering to how far behind the times he was.

Well, that works, too... :P

Posted: 2003-03-07 08:15am
by XaLEv
Spanky The Dolphin wrote: Oops, I thought you meant what was the name of his pet rock, also refering to how far behind the times he was.

Well, that works, too... :P

Well, as long as you understood the meaning.

Posted: 2003-03-07 09:15am
by Dalton
According to IMDb, the title was changed because of the fucking copyright bitches.

Posted: 2003-03-07 11:13am
by Stormbringer
Dalton wrote:According to IMDb, the title was changed because of the fucking copyright bitches.
Well, to be fair the official subtitle was a copyrighted song. And it wasn't really an unintentional thing either.

Posted: 2003-03-07 11:39am
by Dalton
Stormbringer wrote:
Dalton wrote:According to IMDb, the title was changed because of the fucking copyright bitches.
Well, to be fair the official subtitle was a copyrighted song. And it wasn't really an unintentional thing either.
Yes, but it was meant as a tribute.

Posted: 2003-03-07 11:57am
by neoolong
Funny how there was another movie called Knocking on Heaven's Door that wasn't changed. Course it wasn't American I think.

Posted: 2003-03-07 12:00pm
by Stormbringer
Dalton wrote:Yes, but it was meant as a tribute.
I know. But I guess he didn't see it that way. It's still Cowboy Bebop: Knockin' on Heaven's Door to everyone that matters. I'd rather they just changed the subtitle and released the movie than have them slog through a ton of legal crap to get it released.