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When I hear ___, I think of ____.
Posted: 2003-03-07 08:21pm
by Zaia
I was listening to the radio this morning (singin' in the shower, you know how that is), and this fabulous song came on: "New York State of Mind" by Billy Joel. Anyway, I realized that every time I hear that song, I think of my grandfather who died when I was nine. He used to be the chief photographer for the New York Daily News, and that song mentions the paper and some other things that I remember hearing that my grandfather liked about NYC.
So, my question to you is, are there any songs out there that you associate with certain people, and if so, what is it about that song that brings to mind that specific person?
Re: When I hear ___, I think of ____.
Posted: 2003-03-07 08:29pm
by Kuja
Zaia wrote:So, my question to you is, are there any songs out there that you associate with certain people, and if so, what is it about that song that brings to mind that specific person?
Every time I hear "How do I Live" by LeAnn Rimes, I'm reminded of an old girlfriend of mine. The reason it does that is because she sang along with it the day before she dumped me. *grunt*
"The Wind Beneath My Wings" by Celine Dion reminds me of one of my grandmothers.
"One Week" by Barenaked Ladies has basically become the theme song of a friend and I whenever we hand out.
Posted: 2003-03-07 08:32pm
by salm
when i hear "vicars wank too" by peter and the test tube babies, fallwell comes to my mind.
Posted: 2003-03-07 08:36pm
by Admiral Valdemar
*Simply thinks of shower part of opening post*
Uh, wha? Oh sorry, when I hear songs off films I immediately think of the film e.g. Sweet Home Alabama reminds me of Con Air as does How Do I Live?
Posted: 2003-03-07 08:38pm
by Zaia
Admiral Valdemar wrote:*Simply thinks of shower part of opening post*
Uh, wha? Oh sorry
That's funny that you mention that, since that's the edited version of what I originally wrote...bwahahaha...

Oh, uh, I mean--*adjusts halo*
Perhaps you should go back to your be-toweled chickie avatar, to be in the spirit of the thread?


Posted: 2003-03-07 09:01pm
by Xenophobe3691
Enya - Watermark: I think of my mom, she's the one who first played this song for me, to show me what a good piano player can do. It really motivated me, too

Posted: 2003-03-07 09:03pm
by Admiral Valdemar
Zaia wrote:Admiral Valdemar wrote:*Simply thinks of shower part of opening post*
Uh, wha? Oh sorry
That's funny that you mention that, since that's the edited version of what I originally wrote...bwahahaha...

Oh, uh, I mean--*adjusts halo*
Perhaps you should go back to your be-toweled chickie avatar, to be in the spirit of the thread?


Rei likes pie though!

Posted: 2003-03-07 09:05pm
by Alex Moon
Admiral Valdemar wrote:Zaia wrote:Admiral Valdemar wrote:*Simply thinks of shower part of opening post*
Uh, wha? Oh sorry
That's funny that you mention that, since that's the edited version of what I originally wrote...bwahahaha...

Oh, uh, I mean--*adjusts halo*
Perhaps you should go back to your be-toweled chickie avatar, to be in the spirit of the thread?


Rei likes pie though!

She does?
Posted: 2003-03-07 09:07pm
by Admiral Valdemar
Alex Moon wrote:Admiral Valdemar wrote:Zaia wrote:
That's funny that you mention that, since that's the edited version of what I originally wrote...bwahahaha...

Oh, uh, I mean--*adjusts halo*
Perhaps you should go back to your be-toweled chickie avatar, to be in the spirit of the thread?


Rei likes pie though!

She does?
Get your mind out of the gutter!
Posted: 2003-03-07 09:11pm
by Alex Moon
Admiral Valdemar wrote:Alex Moon wrote:Admiral Valdemar wrote:
Rei likes pie though!

She does?
Get your mind out of the gutter!
WHAT!? I was just asking.
[EDIT] Now, if I had asked if she liked cream pies, then you'd have a reason to slap me, but I didn't.
Posted: 2003-03-07 09:13pm
by Admiral Valdemar
Alex Moon wrote:Admiral Valdemar wrote:Alex Moon wrote:
She does?
Get your mind out of the gutter!
WHAT!? I was just asking.
[EDIT] Now, if I had asked if she liked cream pies, then you'd have a reason to slap me, but I didn't.
Sorry, I'm being me at 0213 in the morning and bored stiff... metaphorically speaking.

Posted: 2003-03-07 09:15pm
by Baron Mordo
Every time I hear "Higher" by Creed, I think of this girl I met over the net.
Posted: 2003-03-07 09:16pm
by Alex Moon
Admiral Valdemar wrote:Alex Moon wrote:Admiral Valdemar wrote:
Get your mind out of the gutter!
WHAT!? I was just asking.
[EDIT] Now, if I had asked if she liked cream pies, then you'd have a reason to slap me, but I didn't.
Sorry, I'm being me at 0213 in the morning and bored stiff... metaphorically speaking.

Now where does she say she likes pie?

Posted: 2003-03-07 09:17pm
by Kuja
Admiral Valdemar and Alex Moon: did you two miss the announcement about trimming your quotes?:|
Posted: 2003-03-07 09:17pm
by Alex Moon
IG-88E wrote:Admiral Valdemar and Alex Moon: did you two miss the announcement about trimming your quotes?:|
Yup. Sorry. I'll try to keep them trimmed from now on.
Posted: 2003-03-07 09:21pm
by Admiral Valdemar
IG-88E wrote:Admiral Valdemar and Alex Moon: did you two miss the announcement about trimming your quotes?:|
Icky, only just noticed that, my bad.
Posted: 2003-03-07 09:31pm
by Spanky The Dolphin
Admiral Valdemar wrote:Rei likes pie though!

I thought it was toast?
And no, you can NEVER change your avatar, now that you've used Happy Rei.

Posted: 2003-03-07 09:35pm
by TrailerParkJawa
3 A.M. Eternal by KLF : I think of my first vacation without parents to a far away place. I went to Florida with my friends. I think I was 20 years old.
Posted: 2003-03-07 09:55pm
by Admiral Valdemar
Spanky The Dolphin wrote:Admiral Valdemar wrote:Rei likes pie though!

I thought it was toast?
And no, you can NEVER change your avatar, now that you've used Happy Rei.

Nuts, I like this avatar, but I also have other avatars I have to use. Why hast thou forsaken me?!
*Breaks down and sobs*
Re: When I hear ___, I think of ____.
Posted: 2003-03-07 10:04pm
by Next of Kin
Zaia wrote: So, my question to you is, are there any songs out there that you associate with certain people, and if so, what is it about that song that brings to mind that specific person?
There is a specific song that I associate with a certain person but I tend to associate songs with places and events. One my first drive in to my new place of work, oh about four years ago, I heard the "What its like" by Everlast. That song reminds of my first days at work at my real job...and I've been working at that place ever since. Funny though, the more I listen to that song nowadays the more depressed I get.
Posted: 2003-03-07 10:51pm
by Anarchist Bunny
Well, not exactly the same, but when ever I smell one of those awful chocolate orange, I think of Zelda:OoT, cause the Christmas I first got that I had one that melted into my entertainment center, the area reaked of it for weeks and I can't exactly remember which was finished first, but I whenever I smell one, ahhhhhhhhhhh nostaliga.
Posted: 2003-03-07 11:06pm
by Admiral Valdemar
closet sci-fi fan wrote:When I hear Where is My Mind? by the Pixies, I think of Fight Club.
When I hear Little Green Bag by George Baker, I think of Reservoir Dogs.
Heh, same here. I have the Pixies AMV to Evangelion and it fits well.
Posted: 2003-03-07 11:36pm
by XaLEv
Where does this stuff about Rei liking pie come from?
On topic: Eminem's "My name is" reminds me of my old friend Esben. I don't often associate songs with people, mostly places or actions: for instance, Tool's album Aenima, specifically the songs H and Third Eye, I associate with waking up at the end of a long trip.
Posted: 2003-03-07 11:38pm
by Ghost Rider
Anyway...You get what you give...I think of some dumb stuff I've done in the name of publishing.
Posted: 2003-03-08 01:15am
by Zaia
Are you guys serious? Wow, I wonder if this is a girlie thing or a me thing... Hmm.........
See, just about everyone in my life has a song, or two, or ninety-seven (as is the case of my first love). Every guy I've ever had a sizable crush on has had a song. I think my cats even have songs. Weird.
Ok, if you care, here's how my brain works:
Ando = "Pure Morning" by Placebo--it was playing in the background of one particularly fun day in the pool room at college, so whenever I hear that song, I think of that day, and consequently of Ando. It's one of the few memories I have of us not arguing, so I like it.
Sarah (Ando's gf and my best friend) = "Crash and Burn" by Savage Garden--when I left Australia, Sar and I were having tough times, so it's nothing short of amazing that she and I have only gotten closer since then. Not only do I have fabulous memories of the two of us mimicking the video from this song with all the sign language, but the words really ring true when one of us really misses the other.
Let me be the one you call
If you jump, I'll break your fall
Lift you up and fly away with you into the night
If you need to fall apart, I can mend a broken heart
If you need to crash, then crash and burn
You're not alone
I could go on and on and on, but a) I don't think you care, and b) I don't think you care.