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Best computer game bugs...

Posted: 2003-03-09 01:05am
by weemadando
Simple enough, what are your favourite computer game bugs ever?

Mine would be the C&C sandbag bug.

And the classic Worms bugs of the annihilator/devastator and the unlimited time/unlimited shot bug.

Posted: 2003-03-09 01:10am
by Sea Skimmer
I think the C&C sandbags where intentional. You can't win a number of missions without them.

Nothing can defeat the sandbag....

Posted: 2003-03-09 01:32am
by Shinova
In one instance, I unloaded an SCV in a melee game in starcraft: bw. The SCV got stuck somewhere between the land where it was supposed to be and the water, and it kept spinning like a crazy top for about half the game. I saved a replay of the game just for that :D

Also, in Quake 2, if you have quad damage, you jump higher doing rocket-jump than you do with BFG-jump.

Posted: 2003-03-09 01:35am
by Brother-Captain Gaius
In America's Army you occasionally get kicked for "being idle too long" if you have an M24 and you are just killed. Frees up the sniper spot real fast :mrgreen:

Posted: 2003-03-09 01:46am
by Crayz9000

Posted: 2003-03-09 02:01am
by Brother-Captain Gaius
If you fuck up while you're taking off in a plane in Battlefield 1942, sometimes it upends, similar to the above GTA3 bug.

Posted: 2003-03-09 02:02am
by Sea Skimmer
There's a bug in Total Annihilation in which nukes will sometimes circle endlessly. I think it happens when you specifically target them on a unit and it gets destroyed first. I once had seven different nukes circling.

Posted: 2003-03-09 02:04am
by Joe
In the PS2 version of GTAIII, gang members cannot, no matter how hard they try, shoot at you if you have a car barrier between your character and them. It made a lot of missions easier.

Posted: 2003-03-09 02:09am
by Brother-Captain Gaius
There's a Jedi Knight II bug that allows you to spiral your lightsaber around yourself indefinitely after you throw it.

Posted: 2003-03-09 02:09am
by Exonerate
The unlimited nukes in Hearts of Iron. Hehe.

Posted: 2003-03-09 02:31am
by Shinova
Another bug in Total annihilation:

I hear that in the older versions you could aim a long-range plasma cannon, like the Big Bertha or Intimidator, right next to the cannon and in trying to aim it just rotates the turret to its highest angle and fires, making it shoot farther than its usual range.

Hear it works for the rapid-fire ones also.

Posted: 2003-03-09 03:27am
by The Yosemite Bear
X-Com, TFTD/Enemy Unknown, I have had the computer "glitch up" fpr a second in a mission, and then cut right to the ending screen for the last completed mission. (your inventory get's updated as if that was what you brought in, and what not, Get's really funny when the last completed mission was a landed battleship. :twisted:

Posted: 2003-03-09 03:32am
by XaLEv
There's a tank combat game on the Intellivision ( :D ) which has a cool glitch: there's a certain point in one of the walls where you can pass into the wall and fire on the other player with impunity.

Posted: 2003-03-09 04:11am
by Cpt_Frank
C&C sandbag bug? what's that?

Posted: 2003-03-09 04:15am
by Brother-Captain Gaius
Cpt_Frank wrote:C&C sandbag bug? what's that?
I believe it refers to the capability of building off of your walls. Since buildings in C&C must be placed close together, you're forced to keep your base all in one spot. Of course, in the original, sandbags count as buildings - so you can build anything you want adjacent to a block of sandbags. And sandbags are extremely cheap. So cheap you can easily build a string of them across the map and then build an obelisk of light inside the GDI base... :twisted:

Posted: 2003-03-09 04:31am
by Sea Skimmer
Cpt_Frank wrote:C&C sandbag bug? what's that?
The fact that the computer wont shoot or run over sandbags, allow you to block off vast computer armies for minimal cost.

You can win most late game C&C missions without building any vehicles. You just wall off your own base, then build a line to the computers, seal it in, and then build defenses inside of their base. Though often I'd divide the base into pieces with my walls, then build a barracks and capture to buildings

Posted: 2003-03-09 04:34am
by Cpt_Frank
Sea Skimmer wrote:
Cpt_Frank wrote:C&C sandbag bug? what's that?
The fact that the computer wont shoot or run over sandbags, allow you to block off vast computer armies for minimal cost.

You can win most late game C&C missions without building any vehicles. You just wall off your own base, then build a line to the computers, seal it in, and then build defenses inside of their base. Though often I'd divide the base into pieces with my walls, then build a barracks and capture to buildings
Hmm must try that.
thanks btw.

Posted: 2003-03-09 01:17pm
by TrailerParkJawa
I hated the Guile air throw in Street Fighter II. I was a Ryu / Chun Li player.

Posted: 2003-03-09 01:24pm
by Lord Pounder
The bug in Dune 2 by Westwood was the best bug ever. Dune 2 was suposed to be turn based and instead a bug in the code made it the 1st RTS and went on to build a whole new style of computer game.

Posted: 2003-03-09 01:36pm
by Howedar
I don't really believe that story.

Posted: 2003-03-09 01:38pm
by Lord Pounder
I remember it being said at the time which was about the time i really got into PC gaming, the early 90's IIRC

Posted: 2003-03-09 01:52pm
by Admiral Valdemar
Sea Skimmer wrote:
Cpt_Frank wrote:C&C sandbag bug? what's that?
The fact that the computer wont shoot or run over sandbags, allow you to block off vast computer armies for minimal cost.

You can win most late game C&C missions without building any vehicles. You just wall off your own base, then build a line to the computers, seal it in, and then build defenses inside of their base. Though often I'd divide the base into pieces with my walls, then build a barracks and capture to buildings
Actually, in RA I was building a second base in skirmish when all of a sudden I noticed that a single Heavy Tank and a few rocket infatry were on a sole mission to take out my line of sandbags upto the point I wanted to build my second base. Gits.

The GTA3 flying car is funny too, I like the flying Rhino tank best. The TA circling nukes were damn funny if you got a lot of them up there.

Posted: 2003-03-09 01:55pm
by RedImperator
One time, I had Final Fantasy III (VI in Japan, I believe) for the SNES not properly inserted into console when I turned it on. The game loaded, but I couldn't see any of my savegames. I turned off the machine, reinserted the cart, and tried again. My savegames appeared again. When I loaded, however, I'd discovered that I had 99 Excalubur swords, 99 Paladin shields, at least 1000 dirks, and hundreds of other miscellaneous items in my inventory. The only thing I noticed missing was the chainsaw. That wasn't the best part, though. The best part was, any magicite shards I had equipped when the glitch happened now taught their spells to the entire party (including guys back on the airship). One of these shards was Odin, which taught Ultima...

Kefka went down like a sad, squealing little bitch. I've never been able to duplicate this bug.

Posted: 2003-03-09 02:11pm
by McNum
I belive the Final Fantasy bug you have there is the infamous "Sketch Bug".

When Relm Skecthes certain enemies it can happen. It two has outcomes. The one you got with 99 of most items, or the one that deletes all savegames.
You got lucky with this one.

Posted: 2003-03-09 02:42pm
by 2000AD
Although the sandbag glitch was removed in C&C:RA you could get a simular effect by using ore silos.