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Do we want an economically advanced China?
Posted: 2003-03-10 11:56am
by Shinova ... index.html
By the looks of it, china is heading more and more toward a free-market style economy.
Would an economically strong and westernized China be good for the global future?
Posted: 2003-03-10 11:59am
by Joe
Posted: 2003-03-10 12:05pm
by Posbi
There won't be a westernized China, if you mean social standards by this, as there won't be a westernized India. Both will maybe lean closer to western ways of handling things, but essentially they are strong enough cultures of their own to find their own ways without the need to adopt too much from the First World.
But an economically strong China is of course something we should hope for. A massive market we can supply with consumer goods is never a bad thing for a modern economy...
Posted: 2003-03-10 01:21pm
by TrailerParkJawa
Overall its good for China to be a strong nation, but there are gonna be side effects. ie) environment, loss of white collars jobs in America, etc.
But, I would rather have a wealthy China, than a poor China because rich nations tend to trade and not fight.
Posted: 2003-03-10 03:51pm
by Enlightenment
Absolutely. The world needs a counterbalance to American power before things really wind up in the sewer.
Posted: 2003-03-10 04:02pm
by theski
Good to see the Horry old (gotta have a counterbalance to the US) argument used again.. Lets see it was the USSR first nope didn't work then the EU who can't even agree on a currency nope didn't work so lets find some other country to stand as a beacon of light against the dark of Freedom and Capitalisim and Democracy

Posted: 2003-03-10 04:12pm
by Pu-239
No. As long as China's government is the way it is, with eyes on Siberia and Taiwan, having greater economic power will feed their military machine... Government reforms first, then we'll talk.
I trust the EU to be more friendly.
Besides, China will probably be fucking the environment over even more. Us asians tend to dodge the rules- example my dad mixing in old ground beef with new ground beef in order to sell all of it when he had a store (Went bankrupt as of 2 years ago, so we moved into townhouse. Unfortunately a small townhouse in Fairfax county costs 250k).

On the other side, poor quality products will help trade in our favor.
Posted: 2003-03-10 04:20pm
by TrailerParkJawa
Pu-239 wrote:No. As long as China's government is the way it is, with eyes on Siberia and Taiwan, having greater economic power will feed their military machine... Government reforms first, then we'll talk.
I trust the EU to be more friendly.
Besides, China will probably be fucking the environment over even more. Us asians tend to dodge the rules- example my dad mixing in old ground beef with new ground beef in order to sell all of it when he had a store (Went bankrupt as of 2 years ago, so we moved into townhouse. Unfortunately a small townhouse in Fairfax county costs 250k).

250K ? Count your blessings. Thats affordable. A small townhouse here is 350-400K. I paid 250K for my 1 bedroom condo. It really sucks when the dot com boom caused housing here to appreaciate 100% in 4-6 years.
Posted: 2003-03-10 04:32pm
by Crazy_Vasey
250K for a one bedroom house
Where I live you can buy a 2 bedroom house for less than £30K quite easily.
Posted: 2003-03-10 04:36pm
by Pu-239
3 bedroom house. Where did you get 1 bedroom house from?
Ok, I worded it wrong. Large townhouse.
I'm only a high school student.
Posted: 2003-03-10 04:47pm
by Enlightenment
theski wrote:Good to see the Horry old (gotta have a counterbalance to the US) argument used again.. Lets see it was the USSR first nope didn't work then the EU who can't even agree on a currency nope didn't work so lets find some other country to stand as a beacon of light against the dark of Freedom and Capitalisim and Democracy

It's very Orwellian of you to use the embrace, extend and exterminate strategy against the English language. Opposing Americanism is not the same thing as opposing 'freedom, capitalism and democracy.' On the global stage the United States does not stand for freedom, capitalism and democracy. The United States government stands for the interests of major domestic campaign contributors first, with 'freedom and democracy' relegated to mere justifications of existing policy. A bipolar world split between the US and China would simply be a matter of one quasi-capitalist fascism counterbalancing the other.
Posted: 2003-03-10 04:57pm
by SirNitram
I'm not particularly looking forward to the economic effects of 1.2 billion people who will work for less than minimum wage in most Western states entering the worldwide job market.
Posted: 2003-03-10 05:01pm
by Pu-239
SirNitram wrote:I'm not particularly looking forward to the economic effects of 1.2 billion people who will work for less than minimum wage in most Western states entering the worldwide job market.
That too.
Posted: 2003-03-10 05:02pm
by Darth Garden Gnome
You can bet your toaster on it. Job offers will go down, down, down if we get an excess 500 millions fellows showing up every year willing to work for $1.25 an hour (or whatever) every day. Eventually you'd only have people knowledgable in skilled labor able to get jobs. It would crush the ecomomy. Only grave things can I forsee in this planets future.
Posted: 2003-03-10 05:29pm
by Crazy_Vasey
SirNitram wrote:I'm not particularly looking forward to the economic effects of 1.2 billion people who will work for less than minimum wage in most Western states entering the worldwide job market.
Already happened to the IT industry. You want work done? Go to India or somewhere similarly lacking economically where you can get skilled coders willing to work for about 50p a day and will fall on a grenade for you...
/me is not looking forward to trying to get a job when I graduate
Posted: 2003-03-10 05:30pm
by Crazy_Vasey
Pu-239 wrote:3 bedroom house. Where did you get 1 bedroom house from?
I paid 250K for my 1 bedroom condo. It really sucks when the dot com boom caused housing here to appreaciate 100% in 4-6 years.
Posted: 2003-03-10 05:34pm
by Enforcer Talen
10 room house and 2 acre lot for sale, 65k cheap, northern maine;)
Posted: 2003-03-10 06:54pm
by TrailerParkJawa
Crazy_Vasey wrote:250K for a one bedroom house
Where I live you can buy a 2 bedroom house for less than £30K quite easily.
Cost of living here fucking sucks. Everything costs more, because they can get away with it.
The median price of resale homes in my county in Jan was $393,000, down in Santa Clara County (Silicon Valley proper) it was $486,000.
China's economic sucsess could be threatened by an AIDs epidemic is they dont watch out. Ive heard there is little or no testing of the blood supply and they like sex like anyone else. But cultural taboos prevent open discussion.
Posted: 2003-03-11 01:31am
by ArmorPierce
Enforcer Talen wrote:10 room house and 2 acre lot for sale, 65k cheap, northern maine;)

Wow, those are some cheap ass houses. To bad it gets to cold up there for my liking.
Re: Do we want an economically advanced China?
Posted: 2003-03-11 03:33am
by MKSheppard
Shinova wrote:
Would an economically strong and westernized China be good for the global future?
No. Not as long as they're run by the Chinese Communist Party. We will inevitably have a war with Communist China in the future. With a Democratic
Posted: 2003-03-11 03:36am
by MKSheppard
Pu-239 wrote:
Us asians tend to dodge the rules- example my dad mixing in old ground beef with new ground beef in order to sell all of it when he had a store (Went bankrupt as of 2 years ago, so we moved into townhouse. Unfortunately a small townhouse in Fairfax county costs 250k).

JMFC, your father needs to be SHOT for doing that. There are some
laws I don't particularly like, but you simply don't FUCK with health
and sanitation laws.
Posted: 2003-03-11 08:41am
by phongn
Yes, an economically advanced China would be a good thing.
As for mixing beef: WTF?