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USAid awarding contracts to rebuild Iraq

Posted: 2003-03-10 03:21pm
by Enlightenment
US 'awarding contracts' for Iraq
The US government has plans ready to award contracts worth up to $900 million for immediate reconstruction needs in post-war Iraq, according to a report in the Wall Street Journal.

The United States Agency for International Development is said to have discreetly sent out requests for proposals from at least five companies involved in infrastructure and engineering.
Damage from 1991 Gulf war
Counting the cost of another war

The newspaper said the plan for rebuilding Iraq was detailed in a privately distributed USAID document, called "Vision for Post Conflict Iraq".

The Wall Street Journal said the plan would include rebuilding of roads, schools, bridges and parts of the electricity network.

Among the companies mentioned is the Texas-based Halliburton, where the American vice president Dick Cheney served as chief executive officer from 1995 to 2000.

Halliburton has already been reported to have acquired a contract to oversee firefighting operations at Iraqi oilfields after any invasion.

Many more contracts will have to be awarded after any possible war.

Unique economy

Estimates of the cost of rebuilding a post-war Iraq vary widely - unofficial figures from the UN suggest it could be as much as $30 billion.

"Iraq has a unique economy. Its people are among the poorest in the world yet it has a modern industrialised infrastructure," a United Nations Development Programme spokesman told BBC News Online.

He said that comparisons with Afghanistan, which is costing some $2 billion to reconstruct following a US-led war to oust the Taleban regime, were "misleading".

He noted that the amount of oil produced by Iraq had plummeted from 3.5 million barrels a day at the end of the 1980s to 2 million at present.

"It's the only source of foreign earnings, so any idea that Iraq can pay its own way without a substantial period of reinvestment is very wide of the mark," said the spokesman.
Contracts for Texas and the Friends of Shrub.


Next up, lets see how much Iraqi oil gets handed to the Friends of Shrub for the low, low extraction fee of $0.00 dollars a barrel.

Posted: 2003-03-10 03:26pm
by Sea Skimmer
Holy fuck! The US is actually planning in advance to rebuild Iraq! God forbid the United States should actually be prepared for the aftermath of the war. That might undermine the rest of the worlds ability to bash it!

Posted: 2003-03-10 03:27pm
by Enlightenment
Sea Skimmer wrote:Holy fuck! The US is actually planning in advance to rebuild Iraq!
Address my point. Why are reconstruction contracts going to the Friends of Shrub?

Re: USAid awarding contracts to rebuild Iraq

Posted: 2003-03-10 03:32pm
by Next of Kin
Enlightenment wrote: I TOLD YOU SO

Next up, lets see how much Iraqi oil gets handed to the Friends of Shrub for the low, low extraction fee of $0.00 dollars a barrel.
Wow, Halliburton oil is one of the companies! What an innocent coincidence... :roll: :roll:

Posted: 2003-03-10 03:36pm
by Sea Skimmer
Enlightenment wrote:
Sea Skimmer wrote:Holy fuck! The US is actually planning in advance to rebuild Iraq!
Address my point. Why are reconstruction contracts going to the Friends of Shrub?
Because there best able to do the job or bid the lowest most likely. ONE company is mention that had Dick Cheney as an employ. So, what about the rest of the companies? So far you've got one with a weak tie to Bush at best. Though you haven't shown that Bush or Cheney even had anything to do with the process.

Even if they did, you still have to show that there was a a reason not to hire them and that the selection was not merit based.

Posted: 2003-03-10 03:37pm
by RedImperator
Haliburton is a major oil refinery construction and engineering firm. I wonder how their services might possibly be useful in Iraq? Never mind--let's just leap from "a company that Dick Cheney once ran, which happens to be a major international contractor in an industry that's critical to Iraq's ecnomy, is being asked to submit bids for reconstuction contracts in Iraq" to "Shrubby is handing out big fat contracts to his oil friends".

Posted: 2003-03-10 03:41pm
by Montcalm
Every arab and terrorists will say they were right about Americans trying to take over the world. :shock:

Posted: 2003-03-10 03:41pm
by theski
This has nothing to do with Haliburton, WHO (are one of the best oilfield comp to reclaim old and neglected oil fields) This has to do with saying
I told Ya so I told Ya So....

Posted: 2003-03-10 03:46pm
by Hamel
How many coincidences do people need to put 2 and 2 together?

Posted: 2003-03-10 03:49pm
by RedImperator
Hameru wrote:How many coincidences do people need to put 2 and 2 together?
I don't know. Come up with some "coincidences" that don't have rational explanations that anyone who isn't blinded by their own agenda can see, and maybe I'll start listening to you.

Posted: 2003-03-10 03:50pm
by Sea Skimmer
Hameru wrote:How many coincidences do people need to put 2 and 2 together?
Well, I'd need it proved that something was more then a coincidence for starters. :roll:

Posted: 2003-03-10 04:02pm
by TrailerParkJawa
I believe some of the business is going to friends of Bush, but that does not mean its a grand conspiracy to start the war. Haliburton is a QUALIFIED company to carry out this work.

Posted: 2003-03-10 10:14pm
by EmperorChrostas the Cruel
Let's just ask our selves a serious question here.
Just how many gigantor class oil refinery and drilling construction firms ARE there in America anyway? Not many, I am sure.
If there are only five, then the odds of being picked are very high.The odds of ALL being picked is high.
We are talking BIG project here. I would not be surprised that the work load is so big, that only the smaller and less capable firms will NOT be doing at least SOME work in Iraq.
If EVERY major US oil firm gets into the picture, where is the link to Bush? :?

Tell me Ham, is haliburton supposed to stop trying to get new buisness, because the CURRENT VP was ONCE running the company? :roll:

The batteries in the chip in your head need recharging.

Posted: 2003-03-10 10:17pm
by Enforcer Talen
bout time. just running in and blowing things up would look really bad.

and personally, I love a good nation building.

Posted: 2003-03-10 10:24pm
by Wicked Pilot
Sea Skimmer wrote: Well, I'd need it proved that something was more then a coincidence for starters. :roll:
Unfortunately on the world stage the mere sign of impropriety can be worse than impropriety itself.