Title Length?
Posted: 2003-03-10 05:50pm
Just curious here, what's the longest length you can get a title?
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Custom title? thread title? Username (is technically a title)? you'll need to be a bit more Specific there.Tom_Aurum wrote:Just curious here, what's the longest length you can get a title?
Good point, though I'm wondering if it could go to another line rather than running on across the box? Guess only Mike can answer that.Sea Skimmer wrote:I don't think there is an actual limit in the software for custom titles, but after a point it will force formatting. We don't like that outside of dedicated picture threads.
Are you implying I'm trying to compensate for something? Well, I'm not!bottle capColonel Olrik wrote:It passes to another line. Look at Frank Hipper's title. It can be as long as you want, and still respect the format of the thread.
I see Hippers title as one line. Perhapes theam and screen resolution change it. I'm running M falcon on 800x600 currently.Colonel Olrik wrote:It passes to another line. Look at Frank Hipper's title. It can be as long as you want, and still respect the format of the thread.
I'm running Blacksoul on 1024x768, on my laptop 15' monitor, and I see it as a double line.Sea Skimmer wrote: I see Hippers title as one line. Perhapes theam and screen resolution change it. I'm running M falcon on 800x600 currently.
Well that could be it. For me what determines the normal width of the "user data" area is the date.Colonel Olrik wrote:I'm running Blacksoul on 1024x768, on my laptop 15' monitor, and I see it as a double line.Sea Skimmer wrote: I see Hippers title as one line. Perhapes theam and screen resolution change it. I'm running M falcon on 800x600 currently.
I read it as one line as well, I'm on MF with a resolution of 1024x768.Sea Skimmer wrote:I see Hippers title as one line. Perhapes theam and screen resolution change it. I'm running M falcon on 800x600 currently.Colonel Olrik wrote:It passes to another line. Look at Frank Hipper's title. It can be as long as you want, and still respect the format of the thread.
Weird, what style are you using to view the Forum?Exonerate wrote:2 lines, 1024x768, 19in, running IE6.
In that case, you should cancel Commander_Arvel_Crynyd's account, since his user name fucks up the format, and he only has five posts so no loss.Darth Wong wrote:It causes problems only when you have usernames that run on or substitute underscores for spaces. With no spaces, the software can't do line-breaks.
Why bother if the guy isn't an active poster? Or you could just change the underscores to spaces.Spanky The Dolphin wrote:In that case, you should cancel Commander_Arvel_Crynyd's account, since his user name fucks up the format, and he only has five posts so no loss.Darth Wong wrote:It causes problems only when you have usernames that run on or substitute underscores for spaces. With no spaces, the software can't do line-breaks.
Coincidently, I just saw him lurking in the PSW forums. To that end, I wouldn't delete his account (I know those prescious five postsSpanky The Dolphin wrote:In that case, you should cancel Commander_Arvel_Crynyd's account, since his user name fucks up the format, and he only has five posts so no loss.
Some board's don't let you have spaces in usernames.Spanky The Dolphin wrote:EDIT: Why the hell do some people use _ as part of a username, anyway?
Very true... I almost called our Sith Lord Darth_Wong on several occassions before I realized that yes, there were spaces.Stormbringer wrote:Some board's don't let you have spaces in usernames.Spanky The Dolphin wrote:EDIT: Why the hell do some people use _ as part of a username, anyway?