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Screw this all - Somebody help me!

Posted: 2003-03-10 06:04pm
by Colonel Olrik
Well.. :evil:

I have a new laptop. P2.4 with windows XP (original, so no talking about unninstalling it).

Now, I suddenly felt like playing some games. I installed JK2 and Empire Earth, to play on a LAN. Good, no problems.

Then, I installed Age of Mythology, which I already played in my other, much slower, laptop. When starting the game, after the introduction, the game aborted, several messages of error appeared and the computer rebooted before I could even read them.

After trying to install it again, and playing with the computer options, I eventually gave up and thought it as another MS shit.

BUT TODAY, I installed CC: generals and the precise same shit happened! The game runs well in the other computers we own, all but one worse than this one.

Any suggestions? :cry:

Posted: 2003-03-10 06:06pm
by Dalton
What's your DirectX version? You could try updating that. Also, look for patches.

Posted: 2003-03-10 06:15pm
by Brother-Captain Gaius
Yeah, I had major problems with Half-Life on my spiffy new XP machine. DirectX 9 seemed to fix it (but I still have problems with JK2... :()

Posted: 2003-03-10 06:41pm
by Colonel Olrik
Dalton wrote:What's your DirectX version? You could try updating that. Also, look for patches.
I've just reinstalled DirectX 9, just to be on the safe side. It didn't work, and each time the computer boots it checks for disk errors, and this last time even found some. Damn annoying.

I'm quite at a loss. Now I must ask my brother to let me play on his computer :?

.. And he's a big fat bully with no respect for his elders :x

Posted: 2003-03-10 06:44pm
by Ghost Rider
If not DirectX...maybe a hardware conflict?

I mean does it like your Vid card and such?

Posted: 2003-03-10 08:04pm
by Exonerate
Check your drivers? My friend had wrong drivers once, which explained why his comp was slow as hell when playing games...

Posted: 2003-03-10 08:05pm
by Admiral Valdemar
It could just be Windows, I have XP and I can't play Wargasm on it at all, even with the compatibility settings on. Same went for Worms Armageddon until I found a patch.

Posted: 2003-03-11 03:45am
by Hyperion
Pitch winXP, that thing is such a POS...

Though before you do that:

Install directX 9.0
Update your video drivers
Update the games
Download a service pack (if there is one for XP yet)

Posted: 2003-03-11 08:38am
by phongn
Windows XP runs fine on my machine.

Update your video card drivers, update DirectX to 8.1 or 9.0, grab SP1.

Posted: 2003-03-11 09:32am
by Xon
Part of the problem is you cant see the error msg which would probable tell you whats wrong.

So disable automatic restart on system error.

To do this go:
My Computer Properties->Advanced->Startup & recovery settings->Uncheck "Automaticly restart"
This occurs instead of a BSOD, uncheck to get your nice BSOD(which doesnt always force you to restart) back.

Then Go back to the Advanced. Click "Error Reporting" button, ajust too your desired level of paranoia.

Then go trigger that error. Then tell us what it reported.