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When is it ok to hit someone?
Posted: 2003-03-10 10:35pm
by RogueIce
A bit of an offshoot from the "OK to hit girls?" thread...
When is it justified to hit someone? For me, it's only a matter of defense. Either self defense, or defending someone else. Any other reason and there's just no point (like being insulted. Just insult them back or ignore it. Why resort to violence? Not meaning to sound all peacnik, but what's there to gain, other than the asshole being able to charge you with something if they felt like it?).
Additional question: would you defend a complete stranger who is being smacked around by someone, especially if they're calling for help? Or someone getting mugged, or anything like that? A lot of people I know would say no. I, however, am foolishly ideal, and would say yes.
Thoughts, comments?
Posted: 2003-03-10 10:51pm
by Asst. Asst. Lt. Cmdr. Smi
I say it's only okay if you're doing it for self-defense (Or in certain cases, revenge). If you're the bully hitting the nerd, it's plain mean. If you're the nerd hitting bully, then it's somewhat more justified.
Posted: 2003-03-10 10:53pm
by Kuja
"I don't start fights. I finish them." That's my philosophy on hitting.
Posted: 2003-03-10 10:54pm
by Pablo Sanchez
I say only in defense of your physical well being, but when it comes down to it I've got a bad temper. Like my father's, it's very slow burning and takes a lot of abuse to get going, but I tend to explode. I once threw my brother down a flight of stairs and then stepped on his face on my way out, to give you an idea.
Posted: 2003-03-10 10:55pm
by Montcalm
Or if you`re a boxer punching your opponent while a bunch of brain-dead jerk yell kill him kill him

Re: When is it ok to hit someone?
Posted: 2003-03-10 10:56pm
by aerius
RogueIce wrote:When is it justified to hit someone? For me, it's only a matter of defense. Either self defense, or defending someone else. Any other reason and there's just no point (like being insulted. Just insult them back or ignore it.
Self defense, defending my friends, defending my property, defending my friends' property. Other possiblities, an obnoxious drunk at a bar who won't shut the fuck up and keeps stalking you around. Chances are I'll get management to toss his ass out, but if management ain't available I might have to whack him.
Additional question: would you defend a complete stranger who is being smacked around by someone, especially if they're calling for help? Or someone getting mugged, or anything like that? A lot of people I know would say no. I, however, am foolishly ideal, and would say yes.
Nope. Too many unknowns, I don't know what happened, I don't know how it started, I don't know how many people are involved, and I'm not going to risk my life with all these unknowns. If I had a cell phone I'll just call it in and leave it at that.
Posted: 2003-03-10 11:11pm
by Captain tycho
Self-defense and if your defending someone else.
Posted: 2003-03-10 11:13pm
by Kelly Antilles
IG-88E wrote:"I don't start fights. I finish them." That's my philosophy on hitting.
That was what my band director in high school always told us. I like that philosophy.
Posted: 2003-03-10 11:42pm
by weemadando
"I don't start fights - I use pre-emptive strikes..."
Well, kind of. If I see that a guy is clearly lining up a shot I'll take the first one. No point taking an unneccesary hit.
Posted: 2003-03-10 11:45pm
by Kuja
weemadando wrote:Well, kind of. If I see that a guy is clearly lining up a shot I'll take the first one. No point taking an unneccesary hit.
Well yes, if it's obvious they're about to wallop you, sock 'em.
Posted: 2003-03-10 11:54pm
by Cal Wright
I think I fall under that strike back sort of philosophy. However, the opening salvo had better be damned good, I think I've shown here over the past few days I'm likely to level a city block to exterminate a cockroach.
The only exceptions is when I confront people whose name starts with MK and ends with Sheppard. LoL!!! I had to toss that one in. It just seemed funny at the time, but now that I look back at it, it's only subpar.
Posted: 2003-03-11 12:33am
by ArmorPierce
Looks like that everyone agrees on self-defense. I think that too..., you don't need to start hitting to defend your pride in other ways besides start hitting (although the other ways might get the other guy to hit you

Posted: 2003-03-11 01:11am
by weemadando
ArmorPierce wrote:Looks like that everyone agrees on self-defense. I think that too..., you don't need to start hitting to defend your pride in other ways besides start hitting (although the other ways might get the other guy to hit you :)).
There are a few people around who if I see them on the streets it'll be on for young and old - but that is due to long-standing grudges that I really NEEEED to settle.
Posted: 2003-03-11 01:27am
by Darth Garden Gnome
I agree to self-defense. Incidentally, I happen to have a copy of my school rule book here (no I don't keep it aroudn religiously for reference or anything, it happened to be shoved under my bed so I thought I'd share this with you), and as you will learn the people at my school are IDIOTS.
Behold-if someone hits you you are not, that is NOT allowed to hit them back, need you suffer the same consequences as the attacker (1-day suspension, $100 fine). Stupid in its own right, but it gets worse: although you cannot hit back you can, and I quote, "dodge and/or block the attacks." Do these guys think I know fucking kung-fu or something? That I'm gonna do a back flip over my oppenents head, block a dozen blows with one arm, and quickly flee to the office? NO. I'm gonna sock him in the face before he breaks my godamned arm!
Funny story relating to that, I once had a knife drawn on me by some drugee who used to go to my school. So when my friend decks him (he has a clear intention that hes pissed at me, for no apparent reason) HE gets suspeneded too for "fighting" even though he could've very well have saved my fucking life. Naturally I was pissed, and after a lot of yelling at principals and higher-ups his parents and mine finally got the unexcused absence removed. But boy are they fucking idiots.
Posted: 2003-03-11 01:27am
by Cal Wright
Oh yeah, you might be from the land down under bub, but I'll slap you right side up. Heh. that was lamer than the last one. my bad. i sincerly apologise
Posted: 2003-03-11 01:45am
by ArmorPierce
Yeah, schools are often stupid like that.
Posted: 2003-03-11 01:50am
by Adelfi
When somebody hits you or someone you're with
You should hit them back...much