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Posted: 2003-03-11 01:02am
by Cal Wright
Okay, I'm going to try and start building a collection of movie props for my artwork. Basically what I'm looking for to start off with are gun holsters. I was looking on ebay, seems they have ton of shit. I was just wondering if anyone knows where to get ahold of things like this.

As for the holsters, I'm looking for shoulder holsters, and belt holsters (this one much like Han Solos. Something simple and not ornate).

The other stuff will be like handguns and shotguns. I'll be looking for standard looking swords. Possibly capes. so maybe costume sites. If anyone can help, I'd appreciate it. thanks

Posted: 2003-03-11 01:06am
by Trytostaydead
Well, real holsters you can just buy around.. places like http://www.blackhawkindustries or though for pre-assembled holsters used in movies.. dunno.

Posted: 2003-03-11 01:06am
by neoolong
There are sites that sell movie props. I haven't seen many that do gun holsters though. You can search for "movie props sell" or something.

Is there any specific reason that you're looking for movie props? Would just buying a holster not be easier? Or is there something specific you're looking for that can be modified from something else?

Other than that, eBay.

Posted: 2003-03-11 01:20am
by Brother-Captain Gaius
Here's the site where I got my sword:

Posted: 2003-03-11 01:24am
by Cal Wright
Appreciate the help there guys.

Well, I figured movie props would probably be cheaper since they don't actually have to work or hold up to the riggers of every day use. Basically it's for my artwork. When ever you make drawings or paintings it's rather emparitive that you have a reference to look at. So I'm aiming at getting ahold of things I'll need for certain characters. Like a fake gun, or gun prop would seem to be cheaper than an actual working model. heh. My biggest peeve also is orante things. I've seen swords in town, and the one my friend has that I used for a painting had a crafted handle with a damn demons head, but I like plain objects. Doesnt' seem exciting when you think about it, but usually the scale of things like that details get lost.

Posted: 2003-03-11 01:30am
by Crayz9000
I don't know where you live, but here in SoCal (Burbank, California to be specific) there's a store called "It's A Wrap" which specializes in movie props and clothing.

Posted: 2003-03-11 01:46am
by Nathan F
Go to a Wal Mart or book shop and get a Shotgun News. It is full of stuff for sale, including real and prop guns, blanks, and gun accessories (including holsters, etc.)

heh, last one I saw had a non-firing soviet anti-tank gun, only 2000 US dollars! Plus the display and non firing MGs, sub-mgs, battle rifles, pistols, etc.

Posted: 2003-03-11 04:57am
by Drewcifer
This isn't exactly what you're looking for, but try state gov't surplus sales. A friend of mine bought 50 used black leather police belts and holsters at a surplus auction for something like $50 for the whole box and sold them on ebay (to the S&M crowd) for $30 a pop.

At any rate, surplus police gear might be a start.

Posted: 2003-03-11 10:34am
by Nathan F
Or, if you know someone that is in the military, get them to take you to the DMRO on a military base. Most major installations will have one. It is where they sell off old and surplus equipment. Everything from steel pot helmets to desk chairs to web gear.