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saudis rally for 9/11 reperations

Posted: 2002-08-21 08:34pm
by Enforcer Talen

A group of Saudis plan to sue the U.S. government and media organizations for the alleged psychological and financial damage they suffered in the aftermath of September 11, their lawyer said on Wednesday. "Tens of Saudi nationals seriously plan to file lawsuits against U.S. government, civil and media entities, the majority of whom are students who had been attending American universities and were forced to leave," Saudi lawyer Katib al-Shamri said.

Posted: 2002-08-21 08:46pm
by Mr Bean
They have more standing then the people in America trying to sue them for 1 Trillion Dollers(2.3 BILLION a head for each memeber of the law-suit NTM Lawyer fees)

Posted: 2002-08-21 09:31pm
by Master of Ossus
Yeah, unfortunately I can see their point. I think that Saudi Arabia has been unfairly blamed for the actions of a few of its citizens, but I really don't think it a good idea for the Saudis to be suing. If anything, it is likely to perpetuate the conflict. I don't think this is the right thing to be doing. For either side.

I also disagree with some parts of the trillion dollar lawsuit, which appears to have been made because someone needs to be responsible, and a billion is too little.

Posted: 2002-08-21 10:34pm
by Enlightenment
This is rather like a car theif injuring himself while trying to steal a car and suing the car owner for damages.

Posted: 2002-08-21 10:47pm
by Azeron
What BS.

this suit is a joke. Foriegners are hear at the pleasure of the US government. Since they are not citizens, They can be removed by the government at any time for any reason. You don't like our removal policies, don't come in the first place. Last time I checked the constitution, it didn't say foriegners have the inalienable right to be here. It would appear that the founders intended to give the Federal government broad powers to regulate the traffic of non citizens.

Posted: 2002-08-22 12:42am
by RedImperator
If this works, I'm suing every country on Earth because widespread anti-Americanism has caused me psychological damage (especially when anti-American foreigners fly airplanes into skyscrapers and the like). Fuck the Saudis, their lawsuit, and their lawyers. No, scratch that. Double fuck their lawyers. With heated instruments, if at all possible.

Posted: 2002-08-22 05:47pm
by Asst. Asst. Lt. Cmdr. Smi
Reperations for what? They fund just about all the Arab ism in the world. It's not like they're going to get their trillion dollars back.

Posted: 2002-08-22 06:28pm
by Sea Skimmer
What ever they win, they are welcome to in the form of Mk84 and BLU-109 bombs with attached guidance kits, delivered from 15,000 feet in a shallow dive..

Poor babies.

Posted: 2002-08-28 01:28am
The A-Rabs sure hate us here in "Great Satan". But they sure do like the green of our money. Without America the oil trillionares would be nothing more then goat herders. F**k 'em. Lets pull out of Saudi Arabia. After one of their neighboring "allies" invades them and kicks the fat-ass elite out, then there will be screams of "America!, America!, SAVE US!!".
(Damn, this is a great soapbox!!) :lol:

Posted: 2002-08-28 01:30am
by Howedar
I believe I speak for everyone:

Fuck 'em.

Posted: 2002-08-28 05:10pm
by starfury
The A-Rabs sure hate us here in "Great Satan". But they sure do like the green of our money. Without America the oil trillionares would be nothing more then goat herders. F**k 'em. Lets pull out of Saudi Arabia. After one of their neighboring "allies" invades them and kicks the fat-ass elite out, then there will be screams of "America!, America!, SAVE US!!".
Right, considering that they help fund the extremists who caused 9/11 in the first place.

Posted: 2002-08-28 05:19pm
by Mr Bean
Right, considering that they help fund the extremists who caused 9/11 in the first place.
So did American's

Lots of people helped Fund them, You could validly claim that not as much as they did, I just wanted to make the point that few people are without blaim

Posted: 2002-08-28 05:41pm
by Colonel Olrik
RedImperator wrote:If this works, I'm suing every country on Earth because widespread anti-Americanism has caused me psychological damage.
Don't sue me. I love America. Honest :cry:

Wouldn't be good if the war could be fought in courts instead of sending actual soldiers?
But then.. Forget it.. The U.S is also the Superpower of lawyers.
Nobody would stand a chance

Posted: 2002-08-28 05:55pm
by Mr Bean
Lawyers or Army your pick, you won't do to good aginst either

Posted: 2002-08-29 01:04am
by weemadando
Howedar wrote:I believe I speak for everyone:

Fuck 'em.
Actually, no, you don't speak for me. And I say fuck you.

But really. This kind of lawsuit is fucking pointless. Just like any invasion of Iraq, or even an ongoing war on terror. Just get on with your insignificant and pointless lives. Shit happens.

Posted: 2002-08-29 01:13am
by Mr. B
Why does everyone think that a huge pile of money will solve all theitr problems. ie, the trillion dollar lawsuit, as if that will help bring back their loved ones. It's the goddamn lawyers faults, fucking ambulance chasers, it's their faults that doctors can't afford malpractice insurance and don't want to be doctors anymore or can't afford to.

Posted: 2002-08-29 01:18am
by Howedar
weemadando wrote: Actually, no, you don't speak for me. And I say fuck you.
Very well, fuck you too. Glad we got that settled.