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I hate e-junk mail

Posted: 2003-03-11 08:53am
by darthdavid
I hate those bastards at junk e-mail servers. Some how about 2 of them have gotten my e-mail adress but i still get 20 mails just about every time i log in. Every few weeks they switch one or two letters or send adds for different products so my blocked senders list just keeps growing and growing. I've clicked un-subscribe but those bastards won't leave me alone. :x

Posted: 2003-03-11 08:57am
by Admiral Valdemar
Just be thankful they can't send flaming bags of dogshit across the Net, I'm sure some scriptkiddy would love to do that to several million people.

Posted: 2003-03-11 09:19am
by phongn
Most of the time the unsubscribe address is really to confirm your email.

Posted: 2003-03-11 09:39am
by Admiral Valdemar
phongn wrote:Most of the time the unsubscribe address is really to confirm your email.
Aye, so I just ignore the things altogether.

Posted: 2003-03-11 01:26pm
by TrailerParkJawa
NEVER click return a junk email. All it does is confirm your address as live and your address will find its way to other servers.

Posted: 2003-03-11 01:39pm
by Ghost Rider
Eh I destroy most of it and keep account for this crap...usually helps.

Posted: 2003-03-11 02:36pm
by Asst. Asst. Lt. Cmdr. Smi
I don't gt much e-mail, but every once in a while I get smoe essage that says "Increase your penis size!". In that case, I dlete it,and block whoever sent it.

Posted: 2003-03-11 03:11pm
by Soontir C'boath
Hmmm...from Feb 3 to today March 11 I have recieved 366 junk mail....

Not a lot if you asked me heh. Before I used to get 100 per day lol.
And I don't know about you....but after i did the unsubscribe thing.... my junk mail reduced to prolly 20 a day lol.


Posted: 2003-03-11 03:16pm
by Zoink
My ISP installed SpamAssassin on their mail server, and its killing about 95% of the spam I *was* getting.

What does get through (which is very little) I send to for reporting. I used to do all the tracing myself, but that was time consuming.

Posted: 2003-03-11 05:31pm
by Enlightenment
The next version of Mozilla, currently in beta testing, has an machine-learning based antispam filter. Depending on the quality of the implementation the methods involved have the potential to be extremely effective. Anyone who's really on the wrong end of a spam sewer should look into Mozilla if they don't have an ironclad reason to stay with Microsoft Outhouse.

Posted: 2003-03-11 05:37pm
by Pu-239
Unfortunately I use Yahoo Mail, and they shut down their free POP service, so I have to put up with spam. I'm using my sister's friend's ISP, so I don't have a POP account.