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I don't care for music

Posted: 2011-03-14 10:43am
by Sam Or I
The title of the topic is to get the basic idea across, but it is misleading. I could not explain what I mean in a phrase.

The best way I can explain my feelings on music is that I feel the same way about music as most people do about TV commercials. Most of it is annoying, but there is some I like, but nothing I would want to play over and over again or go out of my way for. I really do not care if it plays again. I just cannot get into it.

I seem to enjoy it just fine when it is used to enhance another medium (like a good tension builder in a movie), but music by itself does not strike the raw emotions that other people love about it.

I have tried many different types, and really, none of them do that much for me. On car trips I prefer the engine noise to music radio. I usually end up listening to comedy bits. Music with a constant beat drives me nuts, it feels like chinese water torture. I prefer songs that go places , but I really don't need to listen to it.

Does anyone else feel this way? Is there something psychologically wrong?

Re: I don't care for music

Posted: 2011-03-14 11:06am
by Thanas
This might sound strange, have you ever checked out high-quality classical music?

Re: I don't care for music

Posted: 2011-03-14 11:50am
by General Zod
The solution is to listen to more types of music. There's enough variety out there that eventually you'll find something you like. Hell, I don't even bother with the radio anymore since I started using the internet to discover music years ago.

Re: I don't care for music

Posted: 2011-03-14 12:06pm
by Darth Fanboy
You just might not be interested in music, pretty simple. If you find something you lie one day that's great, if not, oh well you save lots of money on concert tickets.

Re: I don't care for music

Posted: 2011-03-14 01:00pm
by Anguirus
Wow, I've been wondering if there was ANYONE else like this.

I'm not in exactly the same boat as you. I'm into a very specific genre...soundtracks of movies and television I've seen (mostly sci-fi). I get REALLY into music when I can connect it with something that's visually interesting or, better yet, a story. However I almost never want to go to a concert or a club (for the sake of the music, I'll go for social reasons).

It's not even that I'm incapable of appreciating music when I hear it, it's just that I'm rarely motivated to find out more about it or listen to more of it except for that one genre. o_0

Re: I don't care for music

Posted: 2011-03-14 02:20pm
by TheFeniX
90% (or more) of music from any genre is terrible. The popular radio stations take the one or two good songs of the current flavor and play them out till I can't stand to hear them for months. This isn't just a new phenomena, I can't stand most of Bach or Mozart. A lot of classical music in general is jarring. A lot of music from my parents generation is pretty awful as well. Even the Beatles had a whole lot of crap to go with their greats.

My old job, which consisted of driving all over the state (so 4 hours drives one way), was about to give me a heart attack as I listened to a whole lot of Offspring, Metallica, etc.

When the front end of my truck was trashed and I had it in the shop for repairs, I had to borrow my Mom's car for a few days. She drove across the country at times for her baskets (long story). Her Mariner and Cusco CDs turned me on to the "Celtic (I guess) genre" as it's all just wood flutes. After that, I started listening to pretty much anything I could get my hands on that didn't raise my blood pressure.

Lately I've been listening to a lot more video game soundtracks and other assorted instrumental music. And by lately, I mean for the past 6 years. Soundtracks like Call of Duty (Hans Zimmer is always awesome) and Lost Odyssey seem to either have more quality than the game (Modern Warfare) or add a whole lot to an already great game (Lost Odyssey). John Williams movie and game soundtracks (The Dig, oh yea) comprises almost an entire CD. In fact, I have to keep a few "normal" CDs in my truck disc changer so people don't look at me like I'm crazy when they ride with me.

My go to "background music" song is one I ripped years ago from the Sega CD version of "Echo: the Dolphin." If I'm not in the mood to hunt for a song, it's CD6, song 1, repeat.

But seriously, just because you can't stand the lame shit they play on the radio doesn't mean you're fucked up or anything.

Re: I don't care for music

Posted: 2011-03-14 03:08pm
by Zixinus
Somewhat. I am often annoyed when there is a singer in the music. Granted, this is partly because there is a pressure to HAVE a singer and that singer can easily be shit.

Amyway, what I like depends on my mood. But my favorite is what is called "ambient" I guess.

For reference, here is one of my favorite "songs" that actually inspired a poem in me.
As for "Celtic" (whatever that is exactly) I have to go on with TheFeniX too: I find them great, even the singing.

Sometimes I can get behind one or two "popular songs", hell I even got a few albums from more "conventinal" music groups like Sonata Artica, Dream Evil or even more lighter rock (though, I usually can't stand Metal where it sounds like the singer has a throat condition) such as Nickelback.

However, I love my Solar Fields, David Arkenstone and the further mix of the lot.

Re: I don't care for music

Posted: 2011-03-14 05:22pm
by TheFeniX
Zixinus wrote:For reference, here is one of my favorite "songs" that actually inspired a poem in me.
The beginning of that song sounds like a remade version of the Star Control 2 - Space Theme. The techno-pop stuff about 2 minutes in starts to grate though.

I call it my "I stay away from this song" effect (which no one besides me has ever found witty, hehe) because I first noticed it in "Alice in Chains - I Stay Away." There's this really great intro, then 50 seconds in my ears start to bleed. "Santana" manages to kill "Put Your Lights On" about half-way through with this same effect.

Re: I don't care for music

Posted: 2011-03-14 05:53pm
by Zixinus
Yeah, first few times I listened to it the techno-pop did grate me too. However, when I was thinking about a poem this one stuck out and really lived with me while I was writing.

If I may, try this one from Carbon Based Lifeforms. Different and I think one of their best ones.

Re: I don't care for music

Posted: 2011-03-14 06:06pm
by HeadCreeps
Sam Or I wrote:I don't care for music
You are dead. Dead!! in my mind.

Really, the participants in this message board don't exactly come off as musically-inclined. You'll note there is an art & music forum here, yet there are only rarely topics discussing music.

It seems like the only reason you're ever really going to get into music is if it conjures up memories of a movie or another experience you enjoyed. People often use this as a gateway into enjoying music generally. At first you could pick up a song because it came from a film you rather enjoyed, but if you listen to it enough, you may adopt a taste for that particular type of sound. If successful, your interest in music would branch from there.

If you do hate beats and want to experiment with music though, classical may be the place to start. That, or simply trying stuff unusual to your region in the world. I'm finding middle eastern and Indian sounds are some of the most underrated sounds we ignore over in the USA. example could be the unfortunately named Tea Party (unrelated to modern political movements). Maybe this or this. But you're probably not going to get into any suggestions, if your post is any indication.

Re: I don't care for music

Posted: 2011-03-14 06:07pm
by Havok
Sam Or I wrote:The title of the topic is to get the basic idea across, but it is misleading. I could not explain what I mean in a phrase.

The best way I can explain my feelings on music is that I feel the same way about music as most people do about TV commercials. Most of it is annoying, but there is some I like, but nothing I would want to play over and over again or go out of my way for. I really do not care if it plays again. I just cannot get into it.

I seem to enjoy it just fine when it is used to enhance another medium (like a good tension builder in a movie), but music by itself does not strike the raw emotions that other people love about it.

I have tried many different types, and really, none of them do that much for me. On car trips I prefer the engine noise to music radio. I usually end up listening to comedy bits. Music with a constant beat drives me nuts, it feels like chinese water torture. I prefer songs that go places , but I really don't need to listen to it.

Does anyone else feel this way? Is there something psychologically wrong?
I like music that I feel a connection to. Songs that played during events or times in my life that I enjoyed. Music that has context within my existence.

Perhaps you are a shut in that has never done anything that you enjoy? Maybe you just don' like it. Maybe music has negative connotations for you for some reason.
I can't really say. Something psychologically wrong? Nah.

Re: I don't care for music

Posted: 2011-03-14 06:43pm
by Iroscato
Sam Or I wrote:The title of the topic is to get the basic idea across, but it is misleading. I could not explain what I mean in a phrase.

The best way I can explain my feelings on music is that I feel the same way about music as most people do about TV commercials. Most of it is annoying, but there is some I like, but nothing I would want to play over and over again or go out of my way for. I really do not care if it plays again. I just cannot get into it.

I seem to enjoy it just fine when it is used to enhance another medium (like a good tension builder in a movie), but music by itself does not strike the raw emotions that other people love about it.

I have tried many different types, and really, none of them do that much for me. On car trips I prefer the engine noise to music radio. I usually end up listening to comedy bits. Music with a constant beat drives me nuts, it feels like chinese water torture. I prefer songs that go places , but I really don't need to listen to it.

Does anyone else feel this way? Is there something psychologically wrong?
There's nothing wrong with you, I don't care for most music and I'm perfectly normal *twitch*.
But I am into some pretty niche and unusual stuff, ranging from psuedo-classical 'epic' music to laid back indie rock. If I may make some suggestions?

Keane- my favorite band ever, piano rather than guitar based rock, nice and chilled out stuff.

The Verve- similiar in style to Keane, a bit more weight to the content though.

Queens of The Stone Age- Heavy metal band, drugged up to the nines and not giving a fuck. Very...inventive, shall we say.

And last but not least...
Two Steps From Hell- an unusual choice, they specialise in composing music for movie and game blockbuster trailers (Star Trek, Mass Effect 2), and is best described as epic music. My faves...Protectors of the Earth, Freedom Fighters, and Heart of courage.

So, there should be something there you like or even love, but if not, who cares? There are other things in life to like apart from music, so don't worry. :D

Re: I don't care for music

Posted: 2011-03-14 11:59pm
by Sam Or I
I actually like some music, but as it goes I can live with out it. If I had to pick between music and a good magazine, I would pick the magazine. (Yes I know I can do both.) I usually pick sports broadcasts, or talk if I am listening to the radio.

I can name bands I like (Queen, Pink Floyd, Night Wish, etc...) and yes I do like them. I also tend to like the symphony version of a lot of songs. But rarely do I go out of my way to listen to them. Even when I am working I prefer the silience to the music. Even songs I like become more of an annoyance when I am trying to accomplish something.

I like it perfectly well as a supplement to a different medium, if it is a video game or movie, or even an old radio serial. But when ever SNL goes to the music section I tend to change the channel.

Spiro, I do like the Verves.

HeadCreeps, I also don't have a soul. :wink:

Re: I don't care for music

Posted: 2011-03-15 12:56am
by General Zod
Nightwish? Ugh. I'd suggest almost anyone besides those overplayed whores. E Nomine, Dream Theater and VNV Nation would be a good bet. Dethklok is also pretty awesome.

Re: I don't care for music

Posted: 2011-03-15 01:06am
by HeadCreeps
@Sam Or I -
That sounds completely normal. Most people I've seen have their small collection of music that they don't even actively listen to. You're not unusual in the least. I didn't care for music until most of the people near to me turned heavily toward music, and even then I don't hold a candle to other peoples' music knowledge.

If you don't mind, what prompted you to even ask if that was unusual?

Re: I don't care for music

Posted: 2011-03-15 03:34am
by Nieztchean Uber-Amoeba
Is it ironic that the thread title just makes me think of the lyrics to Leonard Cohen's Hallelujah, and want to listen to one of the like 5 versions of it I have?

Re: I don't care for music

Posted: 2011-03-15 04:43am
by adam_grif
I was in OP's position when I was younger, but during my final years of high school something just clicked in the back of my head, and now I have one of the biggest music collections out of the people I know and there is almost never a time when I'm not playing music. At some stage I also stopped listening to songs and started listening to albums.

Re: I don't care for music

Posted: 2011-03-15 06:31am
by His Divine Shadow
I've never bought more than 5-8 music CDs in my life I think.... I don't care about music much either. I just let the radio play whatever for background noise. Still I enjoy some music, some bands and songs in particular (say, AC/DC) and you can't help but keep up with most music thanks to the radio (most of it sucks).

Re: I don't care for music

Posted: 2011-03-15 08:59am
by Enigma
I'm quite the opposite. I love music and may tastes in it are quite varied. Unfortunately, I haven't been able to enjoy it for the past several months because of my declining hearing ability. Might not ever get the chance to enjoy it again.

Re: I don't care for music

Posted: 2011-03-15 09:05am
by Iroscato
Enigma wrote:I'm quite the opposite. I love music and may tastes in it are quite varied. Unfortunately, I haven't been able to enjoy it for the past several months because of my declining hearing ability. Might not ever get the chance to enjoy it again.
My sympathies for your health problems Enigma. :(

Re: I don't care for music

Posted: 2011-03-15 04:01pm
by Adrian McNair
Anguirus wrote:
I'm not in exactly the same boat as you. I'm into a very specific genre...soundtracks of movies and television I've seen (mostly sci-fi). I get REALLY into music when I can connect it with something that's visually interesting or, better yet, a story. However I almost never want to go to a concert or a club (for the sake of the music, I'll go for social reasons).
It's roughly the same in my case. Though I'd extend the list of things that I enjoy to game soundtracks as well. Frankly, I usually prefer music of the instrumental variety. I just can't stand anything with lyrics in it, unless it's exceptional (or a Weird Al Yankovic track). When I listen to a song I get the impression that I'm being told what to feel as opposed to it evoking such emotions naturally. To name an example, I find one of Bear McCreary's works to be far more inspirational than any piece of singing I've heard.

Re: I don't care for music

Posted: 2011-03-15 04:19pm
by Anguirus
To name an example, I find one of Bear McCreary's works to be far more inspirational than any piece of singing I've heard.
I am fucking in love with Bear. I even was reading his blog for awhile, despite being a musical know-nothing.

Re: I don't care for music

Posted: 2011-03-16 11:31pm
by aerius
I wouldn't worry about it too much, if you don't feel any special attraction to music then that's the way it is. It may change later on in life, it might not. For me it's the same thing with paintings, I've been to art galleries, seen works by the masters and all kinds of other stuff but it doesn't do much for me. At most I'm like "hey that looks pretty nice" but I'm not moved to tears or going "oh my god, holy fuck...damn..." As far as I can tell I'm a pretty well balanced person and not on the road to being an axe murderer or anything. On the other hand I've found that photographs do it for me, particularly black & white photos. Why? I don't know.
Nieztchean Uber-Amoeba wrote:Is it ironic that the thread title just makes me think of the lyrics to Leonard Cohen's Hallelujah, and want to listen to one of the like 5 versions of it I have?

Re: I don't care for music

Posted: 2011-03-20 05:15pm
by Rye
Popular music is mostly gash for mass consumption. Not all of it is artless toss, though, and a great many 'purer' artists just won't appeal to you. On the other hand, if you listen to certain things that resonate with you on an emotional level, you can listen for it in works by other people and see how those musical principles and sounds can occur in different manners.

If you don't feel any connection with any music, I dunno, maybe your brain doesn't process tone and rhythm like mine does.

Re: I don't care for music

Posted: 2011-03-20 06:04pm
by Phantasee
I kinda like Kanye West's music, but I usually enjoy finding out what he sampled and listening to that, more. He's got some pretty good taste, when it comes to production.