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Drag Racing
Posted: 2003-03-12 12:49am
by Joe
Do any of you live in an area with this problem? Back home, in Cobb County, it's a pretty big problem. Usually what happens is some 16 year old brat, spoiled by their fucking parents, either buys them or allows them to get a ridiculously fast car, completely unsuitable and exorbitant for a teenage driver, and they use it to drag race, endangering the lives of themselves and others. Every once and a while, more often than not, someone gets killed, and the little darlings basically get a slap on the wrist for being minors, while the people killed by their irresponsibility remain dead. We coddle kids so much these days...
Posted: 2003-03-12 12:56am
by Alferd Packer
People like to think they drive fast cars around here, but I've honestly only seen one car that turned my head: a '69 GTO. Dunno how fast it was, by goddamn, did it ROAR when the guy stomped on the gas. They sure new how to make cars back in the day.

Posted: 2003-03-12 12:57am
by The Dark
Yeah, we get 'em from UCF. I've only felt sorry for one. He sideswiped a car going 130. The other car went off the road and into a ditch, killing the driver. The driver was his mother. All the others make me wish I had some kinda of vehicle that could launch a Hellfire missile. The genepool needs some chlorination.
Posted: 2003-03-12 01:00am
by Darth Wong
This is not a new problem.
Posted: 2003-03-12 01:01am
by neoolong
Incredibly stupid. If you want to do it, go to a track.
Posted: 2003-03-12 01:07am
by Joe
Darth Wong wrote:This is not a new problem.
Not at all, but for whatever reason, it's becoming a worse problem, at least where I live.
Posted: 2003-03-12 01:09am
by TrailerParkJawa
Oakland has had some big troubles, they call them side shows. Unoffical street races that have lead to some deaths. I think its quieted down some because of police crackdowns, I believe they take your car and keep it now, and Im sure the bad economy and high gas prices help a bit to.
I paid $2.14 for 87 octane today. WTF?
Posted: 2003-03-12 01:21am
by neoolong
TrailerParkJawa wrote:Oakland has had some big troubles, they call them side shows. Unoffical street races that have lead to some deaths. I think its quieted down some because of police crackdowns, I believe they take your car and keep it now, and Im sure the bad economy and high gas prices help a bit to.
I paid $2.14 for 87 octane today. WTF?
You're telling me. I'm just glad I got a car with decent mileage.
Posted: 2003-03-12 01:59am
by Gandalf
In Sydney people used to race through our tunnel at 200KPH+
Posted: 2003-03-12 02:11am
by TrailerParkJawa
Gandalf wrote:In Sydney people used to race through our tunnel at 200KPH+
Thats fucking crazy! I totally support seizure of the car in cases like that.
Posted: 2003-03-12 02:11am
by Cal Wright
I don't keep up with it, but we don't have news reports about dead kids due to racing. Now my dad was like judging a drag race when he was a kid (ready, set, yabba dabba dooo!!!) and like some dude died when he fucked up. Usually the brats and the hoodlums that have cars with anything added to them, just go to the drag strip.