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Somthing to make Shep Weep with Joy

Posted: 2002-08-22 09:19am
by Mr Bean
And the rest of you gun nuts (Yes I want one to),2100,46570,00.html
I suggest you read the whole thing but two quick quotes to give you an idea
In perhaps the most audacious upgrade of high-speed weaponry since the introduction of the Gatling Gun, Australian inventor Mike O'Dwyer has developed a machine gun that can fire bullets at a rate of 1 million rounds per minute.
Just how lethal? That depends on how many rounds you want to fire and how many barrels you want to put to use. In a test firing of 36 barrels, lashed together and firing full bore, the gun reduced a series of 15 wooden doors to toothpicks in just two-tenths of a second.
Discuss :twisted:

Posted: 2002-08-22 09:24am
by Sea Skimmer
Been there, seen that. The rates of fire are useless, and reloading takes a barrel change, but still cool as all hell. I'd like the eighteen-barreled handgun that fires 36,000 round per minute and a couple of the proposed 50,000 round per minute 81mm mortar arrays.

Posted: 2002-08-22 09:41am
by Evil Sadistic Bastard
Isn't that the Metal Storm weapons system? The one that uses electrical firing rather than mechanical action?

It's impressive, since we can probably make guns about three-quarters the weight (minus the bolt) and if we used caseless rounds it could literally shoot underwater (caseless mechanism means no need for ejection port, so the whole thing can be fully sealed. helps prevent foul-ups from the dirt)

I didn't hear about the "Laser of Lead" thing, though when you fire 50'000 rounds at anything, that anything tends to die very fast, very horrifically.

Thanks for bringing it up Bean, i almost forgot about it.

Posted: 2002-08-22 10:28am
by Sea Skimmer
Yes this is metel Storm.

Posted: 2002-08-22 10:43am
by Tsyroc
When I first glanced at this thread I thought it said "Make SHEEP Weep With Joy". :shock:

Posted: 2002-08-22 05:06pm
by Mr Bean
Lol try to read that better next time and where is Shepperd when you need him?

hmmm how do I get his attention
I know!

There we go should get him nice and riled up :D

Posted: 2002-08-22 05:22pm
by Asst. Asst. Lt. Cmdr. Smi
I've heard of that. But it seems that a mechanical machine gun could do the job on a battlefield, but this 1,000,000 round/minute gun could make a lot of toothpicks.

Posted: 2002-08-22 06:37pm
by Sothis
I do, thought sheep upon first reading the title...

and a gun like that would make a lot of sheep weep... but not for joy :)

A single soldier could gun down a lot of enemy soldiers... unless he was sniped off quickly...

Posted: 2002-08-22 07:13pm
by Captain Cyran
So.....evil....MWAHAHAHA :twisted: . Changes his plans of world domination to include these thingies..he doesn't care how useful or useless they are, they look cool.

Posted: 2002-08-22 07:33pm
by General Trelane (Retired)

But there's one major drawback--carrying enough ammo. Of course, if it were to be vehicle mounted...

Posted: 2002-08-22 07:56pm
by Mr Bean
I'm imaging a Battle-Ship that only designed for high speed with three of these mounted on the bow plus the rest of the ship filled with ammo as a mobile assualt platform
Maby just a Octople Gun Barrel Set up giving it a nice 50k a Mintue Ability
IE BFG sitation :D

Or maybe you do go with that 64 Set-Up One mintue gives you alot of time to kill things :twisted:

Posted: 2002-08-22 11:46pm
by Mr. B
Be nice to have on my roof with a huge ammo bin. It'll keep away those pesky Jehovahs witness.

Posted: 2002-08-23 01:41am
by Evil Sadistic Bastard
Mr. B posted:
Be nice to have on my roof with a huge ammo bin. It'll keep away those pesky Jehovahs witness.

Noooo all you need is a nice big flamethrower... "Are you on fire for your God now? HAHAHAHA! "