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From the Capitol Hill newspaper: Plans laid for impeachment.

Posted: 2003-03-13 10:33pm
by Frank_Scenario
Legislation is being drafted to impeach Bush.

Edited to add brief thoughts on the matter: It would be great if it happened, but that's a long shot.

Posted: 2003-03-13 10:36pm
by Joe
They're wasting time. This isn't going to happen.

Honestly, if you want to protest the war, fine, more power to you, but don't go off on dumbass crusades like this that will lead nowhere.

Posted: 2003-03-13 10:39pm
by Stormbringer
Well, I'm afraid to say that guys is from my state. Not my distict but from nearby. Ugh. What a fucking idiot.

Posted: 2003-03-13 10:39pm
by Sokar
Bunch of horse shit...all this would do is cost the Democrats seats during the next election.

Posted: 2003-03-13 10:42pm
by Joe
Sokar wrote:Bunch of horse shit...all this would do is cost the Democrats seats during the next election.
Seriously. I almost feel sorry for Gephardt and Daschle (but not really), I can only imagine what they're thinking when they a member of their party doing something like this.

Posted: 2003-03-13 11:23pm
by Darth Yoshi
It doesn't matter if Bush gets impeached anyway. Pretty everyone lined up for the White House in case the President can't serve is a conservative Republican.

Posted: 2003-03-14 01:41am
by Enlightenment

Long overdue payback for the Republicans impeaching Clinton for the crime of being a Democrat.

Posted: 2003-03-14 01:44am
by David
Huh I was glad just because he lied under oath, and I don't care what for.

I wish the Democrats would. Then I shall laugh when they loos even more seats in the house.

Posted: 2003-03-14 01:46am
by Joe
Perjury is perjury is perjury is perjury is perjury is perjury is perjury is perjury. Even if you're a Democrat.

Re: From the Capitol Hill newspaper: Plans laid for impeachm

Posted: 2003-03-14 01:47am
by The Duchess of Zeon
Frank_Scenario wrote:Legislation is being drafted to impeach Bush.

Edited to add brief thoughts on the matter: It would be great if it happened, but that's a long shot.
Remember how the impeachment of Clinton turned into a farce? This would be a bigger farce. Even presidents doing things somewhat unpopular with a segment of the populace can usually make their detractors look real bad when they're jumped on. The office of the President has a certain aura which demands a standard of sorts for impeachment which is a bit higher than, well, dislike. How exactly could the support be mustered, anyway?

Re: From the Capitol Hill newspaper: Plans laid for impeachm

Posted: 2003-03-14 01:51am
by Joe
The Duchess of Zeon wrote:
Frank_Scenario wrote:Legislation is being drafted to impeach Bush.

Edited to add brief thoughts on the matter: It would be great if it happened, but that's a long shot.
Remember how the impeachment of Clinton turned into a farce? This would be a bigger farce. Even presidents doing things somewhat unpopular with a segment of the populace can usually make their detractors look real bad when they're jumped on. The office of the President has a certain aura which demands a standard of sorts for impeachment which is a bit higher than, well, dislike. How exactly could the support be mustered, anyway?

It can't; this is just a bunch of stupid, self-righteous idiots who are doing a great service to the Republican party. Dubya is no doubt pleased with this.

Posted: 2003-03-14 02:26am
by jegs2
Durran Korr wrote:Perjury is perjury is perjury is perjury is perjury is perjury is perjury is perjury. Even if you're a Democrat.
No. If a Democrat lies, it's called a delayed campaign promise.

Posted: 2003-03-14 09:13am
by theski
gota love that Democratic honor "we will stand sholder to sholder with the president" typical bullshit>> :x

Re: From the Capitol Hill newspaper: Plans laid for impeachm

Posted: 2003-03-14 09:19am
by Frank_Scenario
The Duchess of Zeon wrote: Remember how the impeachment of Clinton turned into a farce? This would be a bigger farce. Even presidents doing things somewhat unpopular with a segment of the populace can usually make their detractors look real bad when they're jumped on. The office of the President has a certain aura which demands a standard of sorts for impeachment which is a bit higher than, well, dislike. How exactly could the support be mustered, anyway?
I know it won't happen, and if Bush is impeached, he won't be kicked out of office, and if he is kicked out, Cheney (who is no better in my estimation) will just step in. But a man can dream, can't he?

Posted: 2003-03-14 10:03am
by Stormbringer
Enlightenment wrote:<LOL!>

Long overdue payback for the Republicans impeaching Clinton for the crime of being a Democrat.
Oh yeah, because we all know the fact that he perjured and obstructed justice had nothing to do with it. :roll:

Posted: 2003-03-14 10:16am
by Col. Crackpot
Stormbringer wrote:
Enlightenment wrote:<LOL!>

Long overdue payback for the Republicans impeaching Clinton for the crime of being a Democrat.
Oh yeah, because we all know the fact that he perjured and obstructed justice had nothing to do with it. :roll:
*cough* and raped Juanita Broderick *cough*

Posted: 2003-03-14 10:35am
by Stormbringer
Col. Crackpot wrote:
Stormbringer wrote:Oh yeah, because we all know the fact that he perjured and obstructed justice had nothing to do with it. :roll:
*cough* and raped Juanita Broderick *cough*
I don't know and I'd hesitate to condemn him on something like that without a trial. Clinton was a sleazy guy and one debauched, adulterous, perv but I'd hesitate to call him a rapist on any one person's charge with out a trial.

Posted: 2003-03-14 11:04am
by Col. Crackpot
Stormbringer wrote:
Col. Crackpot wrote:
Stormbringer wrote:Oh yeah, because we all know the fact that he perjured and obstructed justice had nothing to do with it. :roll:
*cough* and raped Juanita Broderick *cough*
I don't know and I'd hesitate to condemn him on something like that without a trial. Clinton was a sleazy guy and one debauched, adulterous, perv but I'd hesitate to call him a rapist on any one person's charge with out a trial.
that's true. but there was one thing i always found fishy. It had always been the policy of NOW to force an investigation on behalf of any woman who cried rape. Where were they then? Was their legislative agenda more important than their core values? i guess so.

Posted: 2003-03-14 11:26am
by EmperorMing
jegs2 wrote:
Durran Korr wrote:Perjury is perjury is perjury is perjury is perjury is perjury is perjury is perjury. Even if you're a Democrat.
No. If a Democrat lies, it's called a delayed campaign promise.
LOL!! So true...

Posted: 2003-03-14 12:00pm
by Stormbringer
Col. Crackpot wrote:
Stormbringer wrote:
Col. Crackpot wrote:*cough* and raped Juanita Broderick *cough*
I don't know and I'd hesitate to condemn him on something like that without a trial. Clinton was a sleazy guy and one debauched, adulterous, perv but I'd hesitate to call him a rapist on any one person's charge with out a trial.
that's true. but there was one thing i always found fishy. It had always been the policy of NOW to force an investigation on behalf of any woman who cried rape. Where were they then? Was their legislative agenda more important than their core values? i guess so.
Part of it was Clinton was a smarmy bastard that managed to lie his way out of a jam time and time again. Since they couldn't win they didn't want to get lumped in with the conservatives.

Part of it was, indeed the fact that Clinton was a liberal. Any conservative that did half of what he did affair and affair-cover up-wise have been raked over the coals until he resigned. But since NOW and other are in bed with the Democrats they chose to shut up.

I find it more than fishy that there wasn't something substantial for an investigation. Any serious charge of rape should damn well be investigated, President or not.

Re: From the Capitol Hill newspaper: Plans laid for impeachm

Posted: 2003-03-14 12:09pm
by Kuja
House Judiciary ranking member John Conyers (D-Mich.) assembled more than two-dozen prominent liberal attorneys and legal scholars on Tuesday to mull over articles of impeachment drafted against President Bush by activists seeking to block military action against Saddam Hussein.
Don't these fucktards realize that to impeach the President, you have to have evidence that he's broken a law?

Impeach (def): To accuse a public official of misconduct.

Wow, Bush has been acting pretty lawlessly, huh? :roll:

Re: From the Capitol Hill newspaper: Plans laid for impeachm

Posted: 2003-03-14 12:12pm
by Stormbringer
IG-88E wrote:
House Judiciary ranking member John Conyers (D-Mich.) assembled more than two-dozen prominent liberal attorneys and legal scholars on Tuesday to mull over articles of impeachment drafted against President Bush by activists seeking to block military action against Saddam Hussein.
Don't these fucktards realize that to impeach the President, you have to have evidence that he's broken a law?

Impeach (def): To accuse a public official of misconduct.

Wow, Bush has been acting pretty lawlessly, huh? :roll:
I'd imagine they're going to try and challenge him on the War Powers Act or something along those lines. It'll never work but that isn't likely to deter them.

Posted: 2003-03-14 01:05pm
by Hamel
Stormbringer wrote:
Col. Crackpot wrote:
Stormbringer wrote: I don't know and I'd hesitate to condemn him on something like that without a trial. Clinton was a sleazy guy and one debauched, adulterous, perv but I'd hesitate to call him a rapist on any one person's charge with out a trial.
that's true. but there was one thing i always found fishy. It had always been the policy of NOW to force an investigation on behalf of any woman who cried rape. Where were they then? Was their legislative agenda more important than their core values? i guess so.
Part of it was, indeed the fact that Clinton was a liberal. Any conservative that did half of what he did affair and affair-cover up-wise have been raked over the coals until he resigned. But since NOW and other are in bed with the Democrats they chose to shut up.
You have it completely backwards. If Clinton did half the stuff Bush has done, he would've been impeached a thousand times over. Every bogus story on Clinton was treated as fact by the media. No one got on Newt Gingrich for his madness. No one cared that the bastard left his wife for another woman even when she was on her deathbed.

I don't recall the press spying on republican dick.

This ridiculous crap didn't stop with Clinton. The media has had quite the anti-democrat bias. Case in point : Gary Condit. Condit, despite the lack of evidence tying him with Chandra Levy's dissapearance, was considered guilty by the press.

However, this same media never covered the dead intern found in republican congressman Joe Scarborough's office.

And btw, Clinton's policies reflected those of a moderate republican.
I find it more than fishy that there wasn't something substantial for an investigation. Any serious charge of rape should damn well be investigated, President or not.
Maybe that's because Juanita is a known liar, even among her own family :roll:

Did you know Reagan has been accused of rape?

Posted: 2003-03-14 01:07pm
by Nathan F
jegs2 wrote:
Durran Korr wrote:Perjury is perjury is perjury is perjury is perjury is perjury is perjury is perjury. Even if you're a Democrat.
No. If a Democrat lies, it's called a delayed campaign promise.

Posted: 2003-03-14 01:16pm
by Utsanomiko
Oh, come on. Clinton started Desert Fox for No fucking Reason, and then lied and BSed about how long troops would be in Bosnia.

And iirc, NOW pulled the exact same thing when they found out that the girl Mike Tyson raped was conservative. They were screaming their lungs out untill she made some sort of comment about Democrats (I forget what it was), and then they went totally silent. Femnazis almost always have a bigger political agenda.