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Dead man walking

Posted: 2003-03-14 08:30am
by His Divine Shadow
OK, to translate for ya'll here: ... 20,00.html

Död man fick räkning till kyrkogården
"Våra klienter brukar inte få post"

Dead man got bill to the cemetery
"Our clients usually don't get any mail"

Den 60-årige mannen hade varit död och begraven i sex år när telefonräkningen kom.
The 60 year old man had been dead and buried for six years when the phonebill arrived.

Våra klienter brukar inte få post, men nu funderar jag på om vi skulle börja sätta upp brevlådor vid gravstenarna
"Our clients usually don't get mail, but now I'm thinking that maybe we ought to put up mailboxes at the tombstones"

Jag kommer att behålla den här ett tag, säger kontorets ansvariga Ellen Gaboury.
Jag bara måste. Och mr Towles kredit kan påverkas om den inte betalas.

"I'm going to keep this for a while, says the head of the office Ellen Gaboury.
I just have to. And mr Towles credit rating can be affected if it's not payed."

Posted: 2003-03-14 08:33am
by Montcalm
Highly illogical :?

Posted: 2003-03-14 08:34am
by Stuart Mackey
Montcalm wrote:Highly illogical :?
Highly amusing?: hell yes.

Posted: 2003-03-14 08:38am
by Montcalm
Stuart Mackey wrote:
Montcalm wrote:Highly illogical :?
Highly amusing?: hell yes.
With all the instant access to peoples files on computers how did they miss the part saying the man was dead.

Posted: 2003-03-14 09:18am
by Stuart Mackey
Montcalm wrote:
Stuart Mackey wrote:
Montcalm wrote:Highly illogical :?
Highly amusing?: hell yes.
With all the instant access to peoples files on computers how did they miss the part saying the man was dead.
Computers and instant access are insignificant next to the inertia and incompetance of a beauacracy

Posted: 2003-03-14 10:16am
by Sebastin
That´s nothing. Every month I get a free, around 25-30 page thick and quite expensive looking prospect from some company for my grandfathers business.

Which died with him.

In 1975.