Stormbringer wrote:I haven't seen it but frankly I hope this isn't another Ali-G show. Supposely funny but only one bit that actually is funny. If it isn't I might have to check it out.
Don't EVER compare the genius of Ricky Gervais to Ali G.
It's good to hear that people who have seen it have got the humour, like that Simpsons mentioned just here, I expected it to be too subtle for many Americans to get, I was a bit iffy with it at first but my dad and mum love it because they've actually worked with people like that which makes it even funnier. The documentary style of the programme makes it work.
I've seen both series when on at Xmas and just seen the first again on DVD all last Friday night, when series 2 is on DVD I'll buy them both.
Here are some great series 1 quotes.
Arguing over the quiz result and request for a rematch
Chris Finch: Right, I will throw anything you choose over this building. If I do it, we win the quiz. Right?
David Brent: Yeah, so you choose anything. If he can throw it over, we've won the champagne. And that's it. And that's the real quiz. Choose one thing.
Ricky: You really are a couple of sad little men, aren't you?
Gareth Keenan: Oh yeah, they're sad little men. He's thrown a kettle over a pub. What have you ever done?
Dawn and Tim are getting a laugh out of pretending Gareth is gay.
Tim Canterbury: We were wondering if a military man like you, a soldier, er, could you give a man a lethal blow?
Gareth Keenan: If I was forced to, I could. If it was absolutely necessary, if he was attacking me.
Tim Canterbury: What if he was coming, really hard?
Gareth Keenan: Yeah, if my life was in danger, yeah.
Dawn Tinsley: And do you always imagine doing it face to face with a bloke, or could you take a man from behind?
Gareth Keenan: Either ways easy.
Dawn Tinsley: So you could take a man from behind?
Gareth Keenan: Yeah.
Dawn Tinsley: Lovely.
Tim builds a wall of boxes between his and Gareth's desk.
Tim Canterbury: I don't like acting like a kid, do you know what I mean? But he's a bit...
Gareth Keenan: What are you doing?
Tim Canterbury: I don't actually want to have to look at you, Gareth.
Gareth Keenan: You can't do that.
Tim Canterbury: Why not?
Gareth Keenan: Health and Safety.
Tim Canterbury: Health and Safety. Erm, why? Crushed by Cardboard, or what?
Gareth Keenan: No, number one: blocking out light. Number two: misuse of company files.
Tim Canterbury: Misuse of files? Yeah, see this is why the whole redundancy thing doesn't bother me. If I have to work with him another day, right, I'm just going to, I will... I will slit my throat.
Mimes a throat slitting action
Gareth Keenan: Yeah, you won't do it like that, though. You'd get the knife in behind the windpipe, then pull it down like that.
Tim as a joke has put Gareth's stapler in a jelly.
Gareth Keenan: Tim's put my stapler inside a jelly again. That's the third time he's done it. It wasn't even funny the first time.
David Brent: Why has he done that?
Gareth Keenan: " told him once that I don't like jelly. I don't trust the way it moves.
David Brent: Yeah. You showed him a weakness - he pounced. You should know about that... What is in there?
Gareth Keenan: It's my stapler.
Gareth plunges his hand in to fish out the stapler.
David Brent: Well, don't do that... eat it out. There's people starving in the world, which I hate... and it's a waste so... How do you know it's yours?
Gareth Keenan: It's got my name on it in Tipp-Ex.
David Brent: Okay, don't eat it now then...chemicals.
Rowan: Gareth, quick test exercise, ultimate fantasy?
Gareth Keenan: Hmm?
David Brent: We're just doing the ultimate fantasy, we're all doing it.
Gareth Keenan: Two lesbians probably, sisters. I'm just watching.
Rowan: Oh, um, Tim? Do you have one?
Tim Canterbury: I'd never thought I'd have to say this, but can I hear more from Gareth please?
Gareth Keenan: Alright then Einstein if you're so clever, what am I thinking about now?
Tim Canterbury: You're thinking how could I kill a tiger armed only with a biro?
Gareth Keenan: No.
Tim Canterbury: You're thinking if I crash land in the jungle can I survive by eating my own shoes?
Gareth Keenan: No and no you can't.
Tim Canterbury: What are you thinking Gareth?
Gareth Keenan: "I was thinking will there ever be a boy born who can swim faster then a shark?
*Does the Brent dance*