Car Chases

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Dennis Toy
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Car Chases

Post by Dennis Toy »

Has anyone in this room ever been in a car chase. I mean a real one. I have never driven before, but i want to know if car chases like in TV actually happen.?
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Frank Hipper
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Post by Frank Hipper »

I was following some friends of friends once, and it sure as hell felt like a car chase. Sliding around corners, pushing my car as hard as it would go. It was a '66 Cadillac, and was not slow.
When we finally got to the idiot's house, my brakes were smoking. I've had some pretty exciting adventures in a car, but I have never seen smoke coming off my brakes, before or since....
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Post by Cal Wright »

I recall a couple of friends being in one. Then there was my high speed chase, tailgate, cutoff, slowdown reckless abandon on the local parkway once.

This though IS a carchase. Might not be the biggest, or the best, but it was hell. First off, last 4th of July. Cousin and I got done with our shit, and wanted to go find others who were still shootin off fireworks. So we hopped in his car, a Crown Victoria, and proceeded to drive down the road. First we headed to the school right behind my house, we figured there might be a few delinquences there. No one was around so we turned back. As we came up to the very first intersection out, some car pulled up. As we passed, they drove out behind us. Then, in true dumbass fashion they started tailgating us. So my cousin speeds up real quick, they start gaining on us. (For what reason we have NO clue. We didn't do anything, look at them, wave at them, flick them off, nothing.) Then he slams on the brakes, and that car was right on our ass. Then he gasses it. The other driver follows us. Luckily, in our neighborhood, we race everything on wheels since we've been able to drive, so we know the area perfectly. We take a short road, then a really fucked up pavement road, with a t-section at the end. Somehow this dude is managing to keep somewhat of a pace, just enough that when we did a little zig zag he was able to spot were we went. My cousin slowed a little due to some wannabes and thier homies having a drug deal. (About this time we're hoping to niether be shot at or ganged up on), Unfortunately, we see the headlights again. Now we race off to this long stretch of road on the far side of our neighborhood. He floors it and hops off into an apartment complex. The look on those kids faces when a Crown Vic (what the cops use around here) tears into thier area. LoL. We get the car turned around and shut off the lights. Then we see the other car zoom by. Give it a few seconds, and head out. He drops me off at my house, and luckily for him, he lives on the other side of town, and takes off. The sucky part, was I didn't have a good lighter, because I brought along an entire box of smoke bombs.

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Post by Rathark »

I've taken taxis. In South Korea.

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Post by Hyperion »

Does doing 94 in a 40 in a stolen car, running from its owner and the owner's friends count?
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Post by desertjedi »

Well I have been in a taxi in Tijuana. When you tell the driver you want to go to the border and hurry... you better believe they hurry.

Then there was a time I was in a ride along with my father, he's now a retired cop. We were driving along an old highway making our way back to HQ when this minivan heading eastbound merges into the westbound lane to pass a car. Unfortunately, the driver didn't see our patrol car and literaly ran us off the road. Before I even got my bearings straight, my dad was chasing the car down the freeway. We were hitting speeds of about 90mph, not very fast, but on a small road, it was plenty quick. Well we findly pull the van over and the driver was a woman who was late for work and was putting on her makeup. She got her ticket and verbal beating and we went on our merry way. That was the last ride along I was ever on. :(
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Post by EmperorMing »

desertjedi wrote: ...driver was a woman who was late for work and was putting on her makeup. She got her ticket and verbal beating and we went on our merry way. That was the last ride along I was ever on. :(
Shit like that is what pisses me off the most. I see that crap all the time down here in Houston-People just not paying enough attention.

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Post by Captain tycho »

Um, well once this guy running from the cops pulled in right behind on narrow one way road. He had no room to pass and I did not doubt for a second he wouldn't ram me. So I cranked up my engine and went as fast as possible. Then later on he did end up ramming me, but that slowed him down so much the cop right behind him rammned him and we all ended up in a big pileup.
That was pretty fun actually. :D
No one even got hurt.
Well, except my poor 88 Chevy pickup. :(
Turns out the guy was high. Wadda know? :roll:
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