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milky way and beyond

Posted: 2003-03-15 12:21pm
by f16falcon
what is at the edge of the milky way galaxy and what is between the galaxies is there a barrier? is there a wormhole connecting galaxies?
between them
is it regular space?
is it space but with gravity?
is there matter ?

Posted: 2003-03-15 12:32pm
by Sea Skimmer
The space in-between galaxies is mostly empty, but there's dust and other minor objects. There is no form of barrier or wormholes. Gravity is founded everywhere in the universe.

Re: milky way and beyond

Posted: 2003-03-15 07:37pm
by Enlightenment
f16falcon wrote:what is at the edge of the milky way galaxy and what is between the galaxies is there a barrier?
The only thing between galaxies is light years upon light years of nothing. Normal, but very, very, very empty space.