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Article from the Spectator

Posted: 2003-03-17 01:48am
by Stuart Mackey
The Yanks are going home
Mark Steyn says that the high-minded, pacifist tax-and-spend ideology of ‘Eurabia’ means the future is American (but not Canadian) New Hampshire
In 1898, Sir Wilfrid Laurier, prime minister of Queen Victoria’s great white north, declared that just ‘as the 19th century was the century of the United States, so shall the 20th century belong to Canada.’

The line caught on. ‘The 19th century was the century of the United States,’ James Longley, attorney-general of Nova Scotia, informed a Boston audience in 1902. ‘The 20th century is Canada’s century.’

‘The day is coming,’ predicted another prime minister, Sir Charles Tupper, ‘when Canada, which has become the right arm of the British empire, will dominate the American continent.’

Now, if you’ll quit laughing and wipe the tears from your eyes, I’ll get to the point. Tupper was talking to the historian John Boyd, who fleshed out the soundbite: ‘Canada,’ he explained, ‘shall dominate the American continent, not in aggression or materialism, but in the arts of peace, in the greatness of its institutions, in the broadness of its culture, and in the lofty moral character of its people.’

Does that sound familiar? It’s the European argument today: just as the 20th century belonged to America, so the 21st will belong to Europe, a Europe that cannot — and, indeed, disdains to — compete with the Yanks in ‘aggression’ (military capability) or ‘materialism’ (capitalism red in tooth and claw), and so has devised a better way. We’ve all had a grand old time these last few weeks watching M. Chirac demonstrate his mastery of ‘the arts of peace’ and his ‘lofty moral character’, but it would perhaps be fairer to choose a more representative Euro-grandee to articulate the EUtopian vision. Step forward, Finnish Prime Minister Paavo Lipponen, who said in London last year that ‘the EU must not develop into a military superpower but must become a great power that will not take up arms at any occasion in order to defend its own interests.’

No doubt it sounds better in Finnish. Nonetheless, like the Canadians a century ago, the Europeans are claiming that the old rules no longer apply, that they’ve been supplanted by new measures of power, not least the ‘greatness of institutions’ (EU, UN, ICC, etc.). And, like the Canadians, the Europeans are doomed to disappointment. Just for the record, if you’re reading this in an obscure corner of the jungle, not only did the 20th century not belong to Canada; the decayed Dominion will be very lucky to make it through the 21st at all: I doubt it’ll get past 2025 with its present borders intact.

But that’s by the by. What the world — or, at any rate, ‘old Europe’ — wants to know is: what will it take to nobble the Yanks? Or, to be more accurate, what will it take for the Yanks to nobble themselves? The corollary to the Euro-Canadian redefinition of ‘great power’ is that a lone cowboy who sticks to tired concepts like guns’n’ammo is bound to come a cropper. As Matthew Parris put it last week, ‘We should ask whether America does have the armies, the weaponry, the funds, the economic clout and the democratic staying power to carry all before her in the century ahead. How many wars on how many fronts could she sustain at once? How much fighting can she fund? How much does she need to export? Is she really unchallenged by any other economic bloc?’

My colleague is falling prey to theories of ‘imperial overstretch’. But, if you’re not imperial, it’s quite difficult to get overstretched. By comparison with 19th-century empires, the Americans travel light. More to the point, their most obvious ‘overstretch’ is in their historically unprecedented generosity to putative rivals: unlike traditional imperialists, they garrison not remote ramshackle colonies but their wealthiest allies. The US picks up the defence tab for Europe, Japan, South Korea and Saudi Arabia, among others. As Americans have learned in the last 18 months, absolving wealthy nations of the need to maintain their own armies does not pay off in the long run. This overstretch is over. If Bush wins a second term, the boys will be coming home from South Korea and Germany, and maybe Japan, too. So the EU will begin the second decade of the century with an excellent opportunity to test Mr Lipponen’s theory: it can either will the means to maintain a credible defence, or it can try to live as the first ‘superpower’ with no means of defence. In other words, the first victim of American overstretch will not be America but Europe.

I doubt the Continentals of a decade hence will be in any mood to increase defence spending. For all M. de Villepin’s dreams of Napoleonic glory, his generation of French politicians will spend the rest of their lives managing decline. By 2050, there will be 100 million more Americans, 100 million fewer Europeans. The US fertility rate is 2.1 children per couple; in Europe it’s 1.4. Demography is not necessarily destiny, and certainly not inevitable disaster. But it will be for Europe, because the 20th-century Continental welfare state was built on a careless model that requires a constantly growing population to sustain it. In hard-hearted New Hampshire, we don’t have that problem.

According to a UN report from last year, for the EU to keep its working population stable till 2050 it would need another 1.58 million immigrants every year. To keep the ratio of workers to retirees at the present level, you’d need 13.5 million immigrants per year. Personally, I’ve never seen what’s so liberal and enlightened about denuding the developing world of their best and brightest. But, even if you can live with it, it won’t be an option much longer. The UN’s most recent population report has revised the global fertility rate down from 2.1 — i.e., replacement rate — to 1.85 — i.e., eventual population decline. It will peak in about 2050, and then fall off in a geometric progression. What this means for the Continent is that the fall-back position — use the Third World as your nursery — is also dead. The developing world’s fertility rate is 2.9 and falling. The Third Worlders being born now in all but the most psychotic jurisdictions will reach adulthood with a range of options, of which Europe will be the least attractive. If that ratio of workers to retirees keeps heading in the same direction, the EU will have the highest taxes not just in the Western world, but in most of the rest. A middle-class Indian or Singaporean or Chilean already has little incentive to come to the Continent. If the insane Bush–Steyn plan to remake the Middle East comes off, even your wacky Arabs may stay home. If it doesn’t, the transformation of Europe into ‘Eurabia’, as the droller Western Muslims already call their new colony, will continue.

So for Europe this is the perfect storm, with Jacques Chirac in the George Clooney role. Best case scenario: you wind up as Vienna with Swedish tax rates. Don’t get me wrong, I love Vienna. I especially like the way you can stroll down their streets and never hear any ghastly rockers and rappers caterwauling. When you go into a record store, the pop category’s a couple of bins at the back and there are two floors of operetta. All very pleasant, though not if you’re into surfing the cutting edge of the zeitgeist. I quite like Stockholm, too. Well, I like the babes, but they’re gonna be a lot wrinklier by 2050. And Sweden’s already got a lower standard of living than Mississippi. Its 60 per cent overall tax rate is likely to be the base in the Europe of 2020 and fondly recalled as the good old days by mid-century.

Worst case scenario: Sharia, circa 2070.

For the Americans, it doesn’t make much difference whether the Austro-Swedish or Eurabian option prevails. This is nothing to do with disagreements over Iraq: you can’t ‘mend bridges’ when the opposite bank is sinking into the river. The death of Europe in its present form is a given. The phase we’ve just begun is an interim one: America’s gone to the store, and is trying various outfits on for size. There is Bush’s wooing of Putin, who has not been so insane as to follow Jacques on his diplomatic suicide-bomber mission. There is the suggestion, floated more and more frequently vis-à-vis the Korean peninsula, that now may be the time for Japan to go nuclear. There are the Atlanticist states of Eastern Europe who declined to be shut up by Chirac. There are the President’s Latino inclinations, soon to be given expression in the Free Trade Area of the Americas. From the American point of view, the FTAA brings their principal foreign energy suppliers — Alberta and Venezuela — in-house and, in the broader sense, Catholic Latin America is more culturally compatible with the US than post-Christian Europe is.

And then there’s the conservatives’ favourite: National Review’s current cover shows Bush, Blair and John Howard above the headline ‘Three Amigos’. Five years ago, when Bill Clinton launched his non-Chirac-sanctioned mini-war on Baghdad with the assistance of Britain, Canada, Australia and New Zealand, I noted that what those countries had in common was a perverse determination to recoil from the notion that they had anything in common. For a generation, these countries’ elites have worked tirelessly to deny the reality of language, culture and history. Much of the territory Anglospherists claim is already lost — Canada and New Zealand, for starters — and anyone who wants to make it a going concern had better step on it, because it will be a lot harder to do in another generation. Where Britain will lie depends on how serious Mr Blair is about going down with the Franco–Belgo–German ship.

All these arrangements in embryo, however, have one thing in common: the intention is that America’s partners should be both economically and militarily credible — or, in that Canadian historian’s terms, they’re being evaluated in terms of ‘aggression and materialism’. Australia will never be as powerful as America, but it doesn’t, as Mr Lipponen does, trumpet its arthritic defects as a virtue and demand that these should be accepted as the new global norm. Indeed, once you stick a black void in the centre of the map where Western Europe is, it’s amazing how the global outlook improves.

I should add that by ‘Europe’ I’m using the Chiraquist shorthand for a European Union run on sclerotic Franco–German lines. What we’ve seen in the last few weeks is that for Europeans the real clash of civilisations is not between Islam and the West but between what the French call ‘Anglo-Saxon’ capitalism and Eurostatism. I was amused by the sheer snobbery of Martin Amis’s analysis in the Guardian last week: the condescension to Bush’s faith, the parallels between Texas and Saudi Arabia, both mired in a dusty religiosity. America’s religiosity, now unique in the Western world, is at least part of the reason it reproduces at replacement rate, also uniquely in the Western world. Besides, for all Amis’s cracks, Texas doesn’t seem as fundamentalist as the radical secularism of post-Christian Europe. Why would anyone think a disinclination to breed or to defend oneself is the recipe for success? Just because there’ll always be an England? As Bernard Shaw wrote almost 90 years ago in Heartbreak House, of a Europe too smug and self-absorbed to see what was coming, ‘Do you think the laws of God will be suspended in favour of England because you were born in it?’

Posted: 2003-03-17 02:22am
by Joe
Interesting read. I don't agree with everything here, but an interesting read nonetheless.

Mark Steyn is Canadian, is he not?

Posted: 2003-03-17 02:36am
by Stuart Mackey
Durran Korr wrote:Interesting read. I don't agree with everything here, but an interesting read nonetheless.

Mark Steyn is Canadian, is he not?
Yes, it is most interesting, and I dont agree with a lot, but he is perceptive. I do not know if the author is Canadian

Posted: 2003-03-17 07:30am
by Colonel Olrik
Besides, for all Amis’s cracks, Texas doesn’t seem as fundamentalist as the radical secularism of post-Christian Europe.
This little slip says it all. Fuck the author up the ass.

He doesn't know a thing about Europe, and is wrong in all accounts.

This article only proves that fundie idiots are still capable of coherent typing.

Posted: 2003-03-17 07:42am
by Edi
I especially like how he misrepresents (soon to be former) Prime Minister Lipponen's words. Mr. Lipponen is quite well informed of the necessity of having armed forces, but what he advocates is that Europe should not become a militaristically expansionist superpower. He is (as are most Finns) a proponent of a pan-European defense arrangement that preferably does not involve the US, and what his words mean is that if somebody tries to attack us, they get smacked down, but we (as in Europe) won't be going abroad to look for a fight.

The population figures and birth rate correlation sound correct, but otherwise that article is just bullshit.


Posted: 2003-03-17 08:08am
by Crown
Apparently the author doesn't realise that the EU 15 are about to become 25, and then who knows what? Personally I would rather have my palm read by a blind clairvoyant than swollow this guys drivel.

And oh no! America is going to remove 340,000 of it's troops from Europe. What ever shall we do?

Posted: 2003-03-17 08:13am
by Vympel
America has 340,000 troops in Europe?

Posted: 2003-03-17 08:13am
by Warspite
Invade Canada?

Posted: 2003-03-17 08:20am
by Crown
Vympel wrote:America has 340,000 troops in Europe?
According to the Centre for Defence Information they do. But then in another article the number is sited as being 140,000 troops. I just used the higher value to be charitable.

Posted: 2003-03-17 08:22am
by Col. Crackpot
Vympel wrote:America has 340,000 troops in Europe?
mostly in Germany and Italy.... leftovers from the cold war

Posted: 2003-03-17 08:24am
by Vympel
Colossal waste of money.

Posted: 2003-03-17 08:26am
by Crown
Vympel wrote:Colossal waste of money.
Yep for the 140,00 troops it was something like $10 billion annually. :wink:

Posted: 2003-03-17 09:24am
by Faram
And Sweden’s already got a lower standard of living than Mississippi. Its 60 per cent overall tax rate is likely to be the base in the Europe of 2020 and fondly recalled as the good old days by mid-century.
Hmm 60%??

I pay 33%, I don't know the standard of living in mississippi. But I have:
Free school.
Free healthcare.
80% of my salary if i get sick.
80% of my salary if i get unenployerd (private insurance)
150 working days off the first 3 years if I have a child
30 days payed vacation /year

It is worth it for me anyways.

Posted: 2003-03-17 10:40am
by Knife
Crown wrote:
Vympel wrote:Colossal waste of money.
Yep for the 140,00 troops it was something like $10 billion annually. :wink:
Although one thing that you might want to consider, with respect to those 340,000 or 140,000 depending) is how is the economy of those nations where those troops are. What are the repercusions of removing all those troops and thus all that money they spend locally? Cities, let alone states or countries, with military bases in them recieve ALOT of revenue from the base in serveral ways.

I personaly could care less, if American troops are pulled out of Europe and stationed elsewhere. The question is not if the US can afford it, but if the locals where the American troops where, can afford it?

Posted: 2003-03-17 10:48am
by Joe
Knife wrote:
Crown wrote:
Vympel wrote:Colossal waste of money.
Yep for the 140,00 troops it was something like $10 billion annually. :wink:
Although one thing that you might want to consider, with respect to those 340,000 or 140,000 depending) is how is the economy of those nations where those troops are. What are the repercusions of removing all those troops and thus all that money they spend locally? Cities, let alone states or countries, with military bases in them recieve ALOT of revenue from the base in serveral ways.

I personaly could care less, if American troops are pulled out of Europe and stationed elsewhere. The question is not if the US can afford it, but if the locals where the American troops where, can afford it?
I highly doubt that Japan, South Korea, and the western Europeans nations are going to have much trouble footing the bill for defense. As for Saudi Arabia, well, maybe they can use some of the money that they give to terrorists to beef up their military.

And I DO care that this happens, I think it's a great idea. This is exactly the kind of foreign policy trend that I want to see. We could save a lot of money. Money that can be used for important things, like building new government offices in West Virginia and fancy museums in Trent Lott's hometown.

Posted: 2003-03-17 10:58am
by Sea Skimmer
Crown wrote:
Vympel wrote:America has 340,000 troops in Europe?
According to the Centre for Defence Information they do. But then in another article the number is sited as being 140,000 troops. I just used the higher value to be charitable.
Next time, fully read the article. The 340,000 figure is from 1990. Notice all the references to the Soviet Union, and B-2 and Trident Procurement costs? Not to mention talk about an increase being asked for the Fiscal year 1991 defense budget, or the quotes from Secretary Cheney. As in Secretary of Defence Cheney, under Bush senior.

The current figure is about 140,000 with about a corps of grounds and a bunch of assorted corps assets and aircraft. Though there is still equipment stockpiled for three additional armored divisions.

Posted: 2003-03-17 11:15am
by SirNitram
Any article which lists John Boyd as a historian receives an immediate red flag.

Posted: 2003-03-17 08:45pm
by Crown
Sea Skimmer wrote:
Crown wrote:
Vympel wrote:America has 340,000 troops in Europe?
According to the Centre for Defence Information they do. But then in another article the number is sited as being 140,000 troops. I just used the higher value to be charitable.
Next time, fully read the article. The 340,000 figure is from 1990. Notice all the references to the Soviet Union, and B-2 and Trident Procurement costs? Not to mention talk about an increase being asked for the Fiscal year 1991 defense budget, or the quotes from Secretary Cheney. As in Secretary of Defence Cheney, under Bush senior.

The current figure is about 140,000 with about a corps of grounds and a bunch of assorted corps assets and aircraft. Though there is still equipment stockpiled for three additional armored divisions.

You are correct, I didn't read the article fully. That's why I stated there was a figure showing only 140,000 troops. My point is that who is going to invade the countries that the US has the troops in anyway? They are there to maintain another stratigic position for the US close to Africa and the Mid East. :wink: The author's ascertation that this is somehow going to be 'disasterous' for Europe is what I was attempting to show.

Posted: 2003-03-17 10:58pm
by phongn
There are rumours that we may remain in Europe but relocated Eastward.

Posted: 2003-03-18 02:47am
by Stuart Mackey
phongn wrote:There are rumours that we may remain in Europe but relocated Eastward.
Assuming they want you of course. {I mean the people, not the governments.}

Posted: 2003-03-18 03:20am
by Enlightenment
The demographic problem alone will be the deathknell for any European ambitions for the EU to develop into a great power. Any hopes if increased economic activity and power are nothing but fools' dreams if the working population is irrecoverably shrinking. The Chinese and Indians will be the competition to the United States in the 21nd century and beyond: Europe's attempts to return to glory will be little more than a historical footnote.

The demographic division between the US and the EU is simply a manifestation of the basic fact that evolution selects for cultures that have a high-level of religious infestation rather than for those which are based on rationalism.

In the long term there is the issue of how long the US will remain a great power given that the population is increasingly falling into the grip of fundamentalist ignorance and in the face of the rising tide of fascism brought on by both government and business. If the US graduates many more generations of high-school students who do not know of such concepts as heliocentrism let alone have a functional understanding of the sciences, the US could undereducate itself into irrelevance.

Combined, Europe's population deficit and America's intelligence deficit could very well mean that western civilization will fade into insignificance by the dawn of the 22nd century. The likes of China and India might carry the torch further, but there is a very real risk that humanity as a technological civilization may soon reach its peak and progress no further.

With all of the above said, however, there are a few technological wildcards on the horizion that could change the outcome significantly. If there is a breakthrough in life extension technologies within the next five decades then the problem of paying for retirees will vanish more or less overnight. If the likes of Kurzweil and Vinge are right about the singularity, then the education and size of a population will become quite irrelevant to a state's power. And if pigs could fly, hogfarms would be airports....

Posted: 2003-03-18 04:31pm
by phongn
Stuart Mackey wrote:
phongn wrote:There are rumours that we may remain in Europe but relocated Eastward.
Assuming they want you of course. {I mean the people, not the governments.}
Of course.