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Cutting Class
Posted: 2003-03-17 10:19am
by FireNexus
Stories about ditching class, anyone? I just got a saturday detention and in-school suspension for cutting the class I'm in at the moment last tuesday. Funny thing, though: I cut the class so much, my teacher hasn't seen my hair, which has grown in since the last time I was here.
Re: Cutting Class
Posted: 2003-03-17 10:23am
by jegs2
FireNexus wrote:Stories about ditching class, anyone? I just got a saturday detention and in-school suspension for cutting the class I'm in at the moment last tuesday. Funny thing, though: I cut the class so much, my teacher hasn't seen my hair, which has grown in since the last time I was here.
I skipped classes a lot when I was in the 11th grade. But then I got caught, and my dad had me join the football team, since he said I apparently had too much time on my hands. I
was a rather
worthless teenager, but the the two terms (worthless and teenager) are generally synonymous.
Posted: 2003-03-17 10:26am
by Xenophobe3691
I've never cut class on purpose, just doesn't seem right, and there really isn't anything else to do around here anyways. Ah well, you'll probably get yelled at or something...
Posted: 2003-03-17 10:27am
by Stormbringer
I cut class ocassionally during high school. Got away with it too. Grades never suffered for it either.
Posted: 2003-03-17 10:27am
by Jordie
I haven't been to school in about 2 years... the bastard still call my house to ask why I'm not there though.
Posted: 2003-03-17 10:30am
by Admiral Valdemar
Only if sick, I tried as much as possible at secondary school but in college I found it to be self-defeating and harder to do.
Now at university anyone who avoids lectures is simply wasting their own money and time.
Posted: 2003-03-17 10:31am
by Zoink
Never cut high school, although I'd often schedule 'guidance' sessions during french class. My friend and I would walk up to the secretary, and she'd automatically bring out the master schedule book to tell us when our french class would be on a certain day, cuz she knew that's when we'd schedule it. The up-side is that I was *really* prepared for university.
I had a perfect attendance record for CEGEP (quebec college)
University, I only cut class if I needed to work on something else more important (like another class).
Posted: 2003-03-17 10:37am
by Joe
Cutting class is a horrible habit to get in to. For early classes, it starts out small; you miss maybe one or two sessions in a row, and before you know it it's the end of the semester and you haven't been to class in eight weeks. And no, I'm not exaggerating, I really did this second semester, freshman year. My grade in the class that I skipped suffered horribly, and I'll probably be paying for it for the rest of my college career.
I am proud to say, however, that I did not miss a single class last semester, which just about NEVER happens at UGA.
Posted: 2003-03-17 10:43am
by Sea Skimmer
I'm cutting class right now. Only one of my classes in the miracle that is 11th grade has a point. So I occasional only go it it and then skip out ofr the rest of the day. None of my other teachers take roll.I'm not concerned about it as long as my grade remain up.
I also used to go out to lunch until I got caught. Though my friend and I managed to lie our way out of any punishment.
Posted: 2003-03-17 10:50am
by XaLEv
The only time I ever cut class was seventh grade, and one of those times is kinda... iffy. Both times it was PE, fifth period. The first time me and a friend just stayed in one of the bathrooms on the other side of the school from the gym, and the other time me and a couple of my other friends got locked in the locker room and and good ole Coach Sims wouldn't let us out, so we spent the time digging around the areas where we weren't normally allowed. Ahh, that was fun. Tried it again a while later but Coach Sims let us out that time.
Posted: 2003-03-17 11:52am
by Lord Pounder
I used to "go on the Beek" as we called it regularily when i was in high school. I was bullied and tortured a lot to it was important for me to leave school that period early so i could avoid a kickign on the way home. Don't get me wrong i can handle myself and fight if necessary but the guys in my school where the kind that if they can't beat you 1-1 they get 5 other people to help.
In 6th year of highschool that all changed. All the assholes had left school and i was able to enjoy my time more fully. Namely i leaned how to brew real beer in a science experiment that involved "Cultivation of Yeast" well thats what we told the school board. I also leaned how to make a bong out of a coke can and spent every afternoon miles high.
Posted: 2003-03-17 11:56am
by Lord Pounder
I used to "go on the Beek" as we called it regularily when i was in high school. I was bullied and tortured a lot to it was important for me to leave school that period early so i could avoid a kickign on the way home. Don't get me wrong i can handle myself and fight if necessary but the guys in my school where the kind that if they can't beat you 1-1 they get 5 other people to help.
In 6th year of highschool that all changed. All the assholes had left school and i was able to enjoy my time more fully. Namely i leaned how to brew real beer in a science experiment that involved "Cultivation of Yeast" well thats what we told the school board. I also leaned how to make a bong out of a coke can and spent every afternoon miles high.
Posted: 2003-03-17 11:56am
by Lord Pounder
I used to "go on the Beek" as we called it regularily when i was in high school. I was bullied and tortured a lot to it was important for me to leave school that period early so i could avoid a kickign on the way home. Don't get me wrong i can handle myself and fight if necessary but the guys in my school where the kind that if they can't beat you 1-1 they get 5 other people to help.
In 6th year of highschool that all changed. All the assholes had left school and i was able to enjoy my time more fully. Namely i leaned how to brew real beer in a science experiment that involved "Cultivation of Yeast" well thats what we told the school board. I also leaned how to make a bong out of a coke can and spent every afternoon miles high.
Posted: 2003-03-17 01:11pm
by BrYaN19kc
I've never, ever cut a class before. I guess that scores me much higher on the nerd scale!
Posted: 2003-03-17 01:14pm
by Sea Skimmer
I call for the power of the mods to purge this thread of Darth Pounder and his triple post!
Posted: 2003-03-17 01:18pm
by RedImperator
I never skip class, especially not to nurse a hangover. No, not me. Never. I've definitely never decided to enjoy an impromptu three day weekend. And I've NEVER skipped class because I was too busy making out with my (now-ex) girlfriend. Uh-uh. No way. (I hope nobobdy brings up this post in an argument over whether or not liberal arts students do real work, as opposed to science and engineering students).
Posted: 2003-03-17 01:18pm
by aerius
I'm cutting class right now. I found that as a general rule for me that I only need to attend every other class. Some classes I need to attend all the time and others I only need to be there for exams and to hand in papers. With some classes the lectures are completely useless and I can learn faster and better from the textbooks, in others the lectures are essential. Right now I'm going to roughly 2/3 to 3/4 of my classes, it's a particularly useless semester I'm having right now.
Posted: 2003-03-17 01:30pm
by Asst. Asst. Lt. Cmdr. Smi
I'v never skipped class, my parents wouldn't let me, but I'm sure there would be times where it would be good for me. Last night, I couldn't fall asleep until midnight, so I woke up tired. Then, I realized I had to take a science test first period, and I didn't study. If I skipped that class, I would have time to study tonight, and perhaps get more rest for trhe next day.
Posted: 2003-03-17 01:36pm
by Kuja
I cut class occasionally in HS.
Posted: 2003-03-17 02:14pm
by Cal Wright
I only skipped out of class like two or three times, but I did so knowing full well that I could get an exuse for it. LoL. I've skipped a few times since I've been in college. Couple times here at the beginning cuz I couldn't get a damn book, others I think because I hated the teacher.
Posted: 2003-03-17 02:47pm
by Einhander Sn0m4n
Darth Pounder wrote:I used to "go on the Beek" as we called it regularily when i was in high school. I was bullied and tortured a lot to it was important for me to leave school that period early so i could avoid a kickign on the way home. Don't get me wrong i can handle myself and fight if necessary but the guys in my school where the kind that if they can't beat you 1-1 they get 5 other people to help.
In 6th year of highschool that all changed. All the assholes had left school and i was able to enjoy my time more fully. Namely i leaned how to brew real beer in a science experiment that involved "Cultivation of Yeast" well thats what we told the school board. I also leaned how to make a bong out of a coke can and spent every afternoon miles high.
Good story and a nice Triple Post to boot!
I'd cut classes occasionally too. Especially in Middle School..
Posted: 2003-03-17 03:17pm
by Crazy_Vasey
I skip a lot of Java lectures because they're so damned boring and easy I just end up falling asleep in half of them anyway (no exaggeration, I do fall asleep in them...)
Posted: 2003-03-17 06:06pm
by Sr.mal
I cut some classes in "HIGH" school. I still cut some classes in college for the same reasons: Sleep, weed, and GF.
Posted: 2003-03-17 06:09pm
by Lord Pounder
appologies for the tripple post.
Posted: 2003-03-17 06:10pm
by HemlockGrey
I never skip class, especially not to nurse a hangover. No, not me. Never. I've definitely never decided to enjoy an impromptu three day weekend. And I've NEVER skipped class because I was too busy making out with my (now-ex) girlfriend. Uh-uh. No way. (I hope nobobdy brings up this post in an argument over whether or not liberal arts students do real work, as opposed to science and engineering students).
Heh. You know, my dad bitches about people missing class all the time. Circle of life, I guess.