A Conversation
Posted: 2003-03-17 04:50pm
This is a conversation over MSN I had with the same girl I had a previous debate with, I have given the full transcript here and made sure I kept my side civil.
Was I debating correctly or were my views wrong? I started to get a little infuriated with her and her anti-American and lack of understanding of the situation. I emailed her at the end since I didn't get all my points in before she left.
It should be noted that I have been sitting on the fence on this issue mostly, but for this I played devil's advocate so to speak, I feel I may as well since the war is already pretty much started.
Was I debating correctly or were my views wrong? I started to get a little infuriated with her and her anti-American and lack of understanding of the situation. I emailed her at the end since I didn't get all my points in before she left.
It should be noted that I have been sitting on the fence on this issue mostly, but for this I played devil's advocate so to speak, I feel I may as well since the war is already pretty much started.
Nick says:
I give it till Wednesday before the first invasion party starts.
Thetis says:
Thetis says:
Then on Wednesday the walkout shall be
Nick says:
It was funny, 9 people at 1pm today were lying in the square below my room protesting in the sunshine with an ai raid siren going off for over 15 minutes. I liked how everyone clapped when they finally stopped that and left.
Thetis says:
*shrugs* it's apparently going to be a hell of a lot more than 9 people... people are tring to get a countrywide thing going
Thetis says:
Hell, we have official permission from Anslow to go!
Nick says:
Good luck, I'll look out for you in between the war footage.
Thetis says:
Hurrah, go us
Nick says:
It's totally futile, but have fun.
Thetis says:
We're all going to die. This sucks.
Nick says:
Nick says:
We all die in the end.
Thetis says:
If that's your argument then murder is ok. I am afraid I have to disagree.
Nick says:
You were being vague, we all die in the end, what's different now?
Thetis says:
It will be sooner.
Nick says:
How come?
Thetis says:
People die in wars.
Nick says:
We're not in a war, so how will we die sooner? Incidentally, soldiers have a right to die in warfare, it comes with the job, they accept that and I would too if I could get in the forces.
Thetis says:
No offence intended, but I think anyone who is willing to die for an unjust cause is totally fucked in the head.
Thetis says:
And a 'right' to die in warfare?
Thetis says:
Pleas to explain it.
Nick says:
How is the action of deposing a tyrant unjust? The soldiers are doing a job, they don't have a say in what wars they fight, anyone who attacks the servicemen after such a war is just being stupid.
Nick says:
Yes, soldiers know they will most likely die in warfare.
Nick says:
There is no such thing as a casualty free war.
Thetis says:
It's not a 'right' to die though is it, as if they want it. It's a risk of dying, not the right to die
Nick says:
It is comparable to an honourable right then, fighting for the people, they know that they face death in warfare, that's their job much like a fireman would expect too. They don't *try* to die, but if soldiers die it's war. This "war" will not last more than a month, Iraquis have been trying to surrender for ages.
Thetis says:
We have made it blatently clear that we will attack them anyway, we'd just rather that they didn't defend themselves; to be honest I don't know why they let us push them around so much. For fuck's sake, we're bullying Saddam Hussain, it doesn't come much lower than that...
Nick says:
Saddam Hussein was breaking international law, he knew the rules and he's already broken them by gassing nearby countries. I'd rather him be dethroned now by force than have him pass his little empire onto his even more dangerous son.
Thetis says:
We're just going to create more terrorists. Plain and simple. When you take away everything that people have through war, they have nothing to lose by giving their lives to harm you.
Nick says:
Oh, that's like saying the Middle-east terrorists aren't mad at us as it is, I guess we need a nuke to go off instead of plane hijackings before we finally see them at their maddest. Admit it, they already hate us "The Great Satan" through priniciple and Al-Qaeda has been recruiting new agents since last October it appears.
Thetis says:
They hate us yes, but even so, most of them still have some self interest left. When we have killed their families, what will they do? Kill ours. I, for one, don't really approve of that...
Thetis says:
Plus, it's was just chance that I was born here instead of Iraq, I could be the same person I am now, bu if I was Iraqui, that means I deserve to die?
Nick says:
They can continuen to recruit more warm bodies, doesn't mean they can suddenly do more, they only have so many resources.
Nick says:
No, if you're Iraqui you don't deserve to die, I like your appeal to emotion argument though "but what if YOU were there?" sorry, doesn't cut it. Saddam gasses his own citizens anyway, I guess it's okay because it's his country though.
Thetis says:
You're condemning him killing them, but supporting a war where we kill them? I fail to see the logic.
Nick says:
You don't understand this, I'll let you in on a little secret, we're not going to bomb schools and inner city suburbs, we're out to destroy his military infrastructure. Saddam gasses civilians just to test his new chemical weapons, he shot several scientists just last week for almost talking to the UN. We are doing this to help free the people of a tyrant THEY HATE, we are not going in to bomb...
Nick says:
innocents as you would believe. "Collateral damage" or innocents being killed does happen, that is regrettable, but we will try to minmise it.
Thetis says:
Well, of course we won't hit civilians, I mean, when we were bombing Afghanistan we didn't drop bombs on weddings and Red Cross Hospitals...
Thetis says:
Civilians are totally safe
Nick says:
Firstly, the Red Cross thing was a fuck up by one of the pilots taking wrong readings from the laser designator of a spec-ops group. Secondly, the wedding involved numerous people shooting in the air. The pilot made a call since he thought his life was being threatened and they were enemies, so he bombed them. Perhaps weddings don't need AK47s really.
Nick says:
Friendly fire isn't.
Nick says:
But it happens and since the US will have the biggest presence there, they will no doubt through sheer probability have more incidents.
Thetis says:
*thinks* Did I say the Red cross thing wasn't a mistake? But if the bombers ahdn't been there, then it would not have happened, and those innocent people would not have died.
Nick says:
Good logic, and then the Taliban would still be there stoning women and forcing children into a fundamentalist regime of hate towards all cultures. I like that.
Thetis says:
*shrugs* we didn't care before when it didn't affect us, don't pretend you care about them now.
Nick says:
That's because the terrorist cells stationed there flew 2 big planes into two big buildings and killed many people. Be thankful the US actually showed restraint and didn't flat out nuke the place. And you also changed your tone, why should you care for the Iraquis now just because of this war coming? Did you think about them this time last year?
Thetis says:
*thinks* I believe that I have cared about them for longer than you; yes I did, after all, this time last year I had started to study Mesopotamia, so had an interest then... I have been watching the situation for about 5 years now, which sounds little until you consider that it's since I was 13
Nick says:
And have you tried to help them out in anyway? It's all very well saying "war bad, don't do it!" but obviously you're not doing anything either. I would live under a non-tyrannical regime nicely compared to something like Saddams where he is obviously a few fries short of a happy meal.
Thetis says:
I was 13 years old, what exactly was I suppose to do?
Thetis says:
And you have not exactly explained to me what having a war will achieve. Beyond cheap oil for the US, of course.
Nick says:
You're not anymore though.
Nick says:
It's not about oil, try again.
Thetis says:
It is, you are a fool if you believe otherwise.
Nick says:
Lol, yes, that's why Russia, Germany and France were there with their oil contracts long before us and planned to invade themselves so their contracts were not liquidated. You seem to think the US and UK gets oil from Iraq, they do not, we don't get ANY from there but France, they have actively opposed our actions because for them it IS about oil.
Nick says:
So blame France, Germany and Russia about the oil.
Thetis says:
So why is our friend America involved then?
Thetis says:
And it is about oil, however much you bullshit about it not being.
Nick says:
Because they are the biggest part of the UN perhaps?
Thetis says:
American control of oil there will push down worldwide prices to the US and up prices to everyone else
Thetis says:
Yes, America the humanitarians
Nick says:
Do some research, we get NO oil from Iraq and even when we go, what's to say Saddam doesn't set them on fire anyway? And even if it was JUST about oil, why shouldn't we fight for something that our economies depend on? Secondly, guess which nation donates the most aid in the world? It begins with "Am" and ends in "erica", nice ad hominem.
Thetis says:
Who is wrecking the world's atmosphere, reneges on any past agreements ever made? Who continues to persue a long traditioned poicy of isolationism? Who only gets involved with events outside itself when it has something to gain, and is so arrogant that it never actually does anything to help anyone?
Nick says:
1. America isn't isolationist if it is acting like it is now, hmm? 2. America has the biggest economy in the world, gee, I guess they should have the lowest emissions too. 3. NO-ONE has signed the Kyoto accords and if you looked at the actual writing, you'd know that the whole concept is actually flawed to the extent that my eco professors dismiss it.
Nick says:
4. Name one, just one nation that doesn't look out for its own interests?
Thetis says:
1- America doesn't care about other people, which is pretty isolationist
2- America has a tiny proportion of the world's population and area, and yet produces most of the waste.
3- People are actually cutting emissions though, you will find
4- Us, obviously, we're doing what America wants
Thetis says:
I am going now, tired
Nick says:
Fine, bye.
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