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Why I love Australian government.
Posted: 2003-03-18 09:43pm
by weemadando
Fairly hefty document, but yesterdays session really warrants this being posted. Today is senate question time which should be no less amusing. I shall be listening to that one as well...
This should also clear up misunderstandings of just why Australians love taking the piss out of our government and where we get it from - they do it themselves, and do it well.
The transcript of the days session starts at page 15 and goes on for quite a while, but it is a VERY entertaining read.
Posted: 2003-03-18 09:50pm
by Crown
I love this part;
Mr HOWARD—This will be difficult. Saddam
Hussein is married to his weapons of mass destruction.
He will never give them up willingly. Militarism
and aggression are the foundations of his regime. If
you doubt this, consider his actions against Iraqi
Kurds, against the Shiah majority—particularly the
Marshland Arabs.
Consider the estimated 400,000
combatants and civilians who lost their lives in the
war that followed his invasion of Iran—
Mr Albanese—We were on his side, you dope!
The SPEAKER—The member for Grayndler will
excuse himself from the House under the provisions
of standing order 304A.
Posted: 2003-03-18 10:01pm
by Zoink
Crown wrote:
Mr Albanese—We were on his side, you dope!
The SPEAKER—The member for Grayndler will
excuse himself from the House under the provisions
of standing order 304A.
Could he have stayed if he left out the "you dope" part? Is that the 304A? heh
Posted: 2003-03-18 10:02pm
by Vympel
I'll say it again: Westminster govt r0xx0rZ.
Posted: 2003-03-18 10:06pm
by Crown
It's now time for the Liberals to attack Labour over another Labout PM who is in favour of war;
Mr DOWNER (Mayo—Minister for Foreign Affairs)
(4.24 p.m.)—As the member for Eden-Monaro
says, it is a pity we did not get even one minute on
Tony Blair, whose name has yet to be uttered by the
Labor Party in this debate, interestingly—
Mr Sidebottom—Go on then, fawn over him!
The DEPUTY SPEAKER—The member for
Mr Sidebottom—Tell us you love him.
The DEPUTY SPEAKER—Order! The honourable
member for Braddon will desist or leave the
Posted: 2003-03-18 10:08pm
by Zoink
How many people are left in the chamber at the end of a typical day?
Posted: 2003-03-18 10:16pm
by Crown
Zoink wrote:How many people are left in the chamber at the end of a typical day?
A lot more then you would think. You have to be warned quite a few times before your ejected... Unless you totally interject (more than a snide comment) then it's straight out. As my understanding goes.
Posted: 2003-03-18 10:17pm
by Sea Skimmer
Dictatorship: Don't risk
thishappening to your government.
Posted: 2003-03-18 11:03pm
by Vympel
Simpsons: "I've said it before, and I'll say it again: democracy just doesn't work."
Posted: 2003-03-18 11:36pm
by Frank Hipper
Mr Sidebottom—Tell us you love him.
*giggles ass off*
Posted: 2003-03-18 11:45pm
by XPViking
Mr Crean - The deputy over there?
Mr SWAN - The deputy sheriff or Deputy Dawg?
Mr Crean - Deputy Dawg
Posted: 2003-03-19 12:47am
by weemadando
"Democracy is the worst form of government except for all the others." - Winston Churchill.
Live feed right now is the Senate doing a similar thing to what happened yesterday in the House of Reps.
Posted: 2003-03-19 01:09am
by Sienthal
Wee...I think your drug dealers slipped some diced frog in those guys' reefer,
Posted: 2003-03-19 01:19am
by Zaia
I have to read it when I'm completely awake to get the full effect of how entertaining this is. Hahahahhaha--wow.
Posted: 2003-03-19 01:54am
by Xon
Ah, senate question time. Watching it isnt bad, lots of comedy. You can really tell how outclasses Crean is.