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Man vs Beast

Posted: 2002-08-23 06:38pm
by Faust von ASVS
A man say about Arnie sized, armed with the following:

An aluminium baseball bat


A Ka-Bar combat knife (blade is about six inches long)


A Black Widow high-power slingshot


Engages the following beasts:

An African lion


A grizzly bear


A gorilla


A crocodile


Posted: 2002-08-23 06:45pm
by Darth Yoshi
At once, or one after another? How much ammo is he packing, and is the ground littered with rocks that can be used for ammo?

Posted: 2002-08-23 06:49pm
by Faust von ASVS
He faces them seperately. Having them all charge him at once would just be stupidly one sided.

There is plenty of stones about to use as slingshot ammo.

Posted: 2002-08-23 06:53pm
by XaLEv
Interesting. Laird posted this exact same thing over at SB not long ago.

Posted: 2002-08-23 09:12pm
by Mr Bean
Easy win VS the Crock and prehaps Lion(Toss up there realy)
The Gorrilia could break him like a twig and the Grizy is even worse, Considering its thick fur and shear size none of your weapons could kill it short of a stab through the Throat which the avarage bear won't give you

Posted: 2002-08-23 11:00pm
by Pablo Sanchez
Any of these animals will kick a human's ass, except possibly the crocodile. The best chance the human has is to somehow hit the animals in the eyes and blind them, and then stab them.

Posted: 2002-08-23 11:53pm
by RayCav of ASVS
The only possible animals the guy can win against are the gorilla and bear. He can outmaneouver the bear and engage with the knife, and that is as tricky as hell; gorillas are gentile unless provokes, so he can potentially sneak up on him as well. Unless the slingshot has high-penetration ammo, all other weapons are really useless.

Posted: 2002-08-24 12:06am
by lgot
well, this makes no sense...
Where is that happening ? All the animals are hungry or have really a reason to fight with a human ? At which time of day ? What is the specie and size of the animals ?
A big enough crocodille inside water or anything close to that when he is hot is almost impossible to be stabbed by a human, not matter his muscles. (the crocodille would still be more fast, strong and extremely resistense to pain).

Posted: 2002-08-24 12:20am
by RedImperator
Where in the world are you all getting the idea that the croc would be an easy win? The croc is the only member of a species that regularly kills humans, is faster in short bursts than the gorilla and the lion, has bigger teeth and stronger jaw muscles than any of them, and is the only one that's armored. The bat won't hurt him, the slingshot will just annoy him, and by the time you're close enough to use the knife, his teeth are in your neck. Very few people are good enough shots to hit a charging crocodile in the eye with a slingshot in the few seconds they'll have before they die painfully. We invented spears for a reason, folks. Any one of these animals could easily kill a human armed with what this scenario give him unless the human is incredibly well trained or incredibly, stupidly lucky.

Posted: 2002-08-24 12:23am
by GrandMasterTerwynn
Well, let's look at it animal by animal. We'll assume the animal is scaled at 100 for all traits.

Speed: 100
Strength: 100
Protection: 100
Arms: 100

Speed: 25 (Lions can run up to 40 MPH, IIRC.)
Strength: 50
Protection: 30 (Even if Arnold wears a leather biker's jacket, a male lion has that thick mane.)
Arms: 30 (Arnold's knife is bigger than the lion's claws, but the lion has 8 claws and fangs.)

Lion versus Arnold -- Lion has the speed. Arnold might be able to hit it with the slingshot, but if the lion is hungry enough, the lion doesn't care. Though if Arnold hit it with a big enough rock, he might beat the lion.

Grizzly vs. Arnold:
Speed: 30 (Grizzly's top speed is 35 MPH)
Strength: 10 (Even black bears can rip the doors off cars.)
Protection: 20 (A well-fed grizzly weighs half a ton.)
Arms: 5 (The grizzly's claws are about as long as the knife. The bear has 10 of them. And teeth.)

Bear versus Arnold -- Let's say Arnold pisses off a sow with cubs. Black bears would head for the trees. Grizzlies would fight. The grizzly has the size and reach to take Arnold down . . . and the thick padding to shrug off the slingshot. No way Arnold wins.

Gorilla vs. Arnold:
Speed: 50
Strength: 20 - 30 (Great apes are much stronger than humans. Even chimps have 3X human strength.)
Protection: 70
Arms: 200

Gorilla versus Arnold -- Arnold violates the territory of a male silverback. The gorilla has the strength, but he doesn't really have the speed or desire to fight. Arnold might actually win this one.

Crocodile vs. Arnold -- Arnold gets to close to the water and doesn't watch his step . . . whack he's dead. Any other time, Arnold wins. If he pulls a Steve Irwin and jumps on the crocodile, his knife makes him the easy winner.

Posted: 2002-08-24 12:45am
by lgot
you are going so well until you put this one.
Crocodilles are faster than animals and in their habitat they can be beat by very very few animals, which does not include humans with a knife. And his habitat is hardly just water. They can move extremelly fast in the earth as well not to say in adition they get that tail slap which can break man bones easily. If arnold jumps over one crocodile, what would he do ? Cut the neck of the crocodile ? try to hit him between the eyes ? Do you noticed that he would have to hold the crocodile is with both hands ?
The easier adversary here is the lion. Not the crocodille.

Posted: 2002-08-24 01:10am
by Darth Yoshi
Actually, crocodiles don't have balanced jaw muscles. They can snap their jaws shut with plenty of strength, but keeping him from opening them is no biggie.

Posted: 2002-08-24 01:17am
by lgot

Actually, crocodiles don't have balanced jaw muscles. They can snap their jaws shut with plenty of strength, but keeping him from opening them is no biggie.
That is true. But you still have to use both hands to hold a crocodille mouth, hence his strenght in the neck is enough make you loose the grap with one push to the side. Crocodilles when in such sittuation roll, move to side, "Nod" the head with extreme violence. With one hand you cannt keep the hold of the animal that easily.

Posted: 2002-08-24 03:09am
by RedImperator
Everybody has been watching too much of the Crocodile Hunter. Steve Irwin can do what he does because he's done it his whole life--he knows the animals, knows their strengths and weaknesses, knows how to judge their moods, knows which direction they'll strike in, etc. There's nothing in the scenario that says the person has the kind of extraordinary knowledge that Irwin does--and I may be wrong, but I'm pretty sure not even Irwin can wrestle down an angry, full grown crocodile.

Frankly, I'd take a pissed off gorilla or a lion over the croc any day.

Posted: 2002-08-24 03:39am
by The Yosemite Bear
Sorry Had to do this...
(Voice = Steve Irwin)
Ahh, look at these magestic beuties now watch what happens When I annoy one.

Posted: 2002-08-24 08:03am
by Gunner
It depends on the animal and also how he attacks. It also depends on who sees who first, who attacks first etc.

To start off, a metal baseball bat swung with Ahnuld muscles behind it should be sufficient to smash the skull of either a lion or a gorilla, possibly killing it instantly and certainly stunning it enough for further bat-blows, or an assault with the knife, to do the finishing off.

However it may be less effective against a grizzly (huge thick skull capable of stopping 9mm pistol rounds dead) or a crocodile. Likewise going in with the knife against a grizzly would be foolish. Large grizzlys can have the strength of 12 men put together, sometimes more than that, and they also have teeth, claws... a grizzly bear can rip slashes in the steel skin of a car as though it was tinfoil. Getting in to work with the knife means getting in range of that. And stabbing it in the right place to kill it is no easy task.

(For the record: Historically, grizzly vs lion fights usually ended with the grizzly destroying the lion in short order.)

Vs a croc, depends. In the water he has no fucking chance, but on land where crocs tend to be slow as fuck most of the time, he has a much better chance. I say slow as fuck most of the time, crocs can in fact make short charges overland, however, anything other than flat terrain slows them down - low mounds, uneven ground etc. will leave a croc slow as fuck all the time its on that land, and this ahnuld type guy should be able to get behind it and jump on its back, then work up to the front and maybe stab its eyes out or something.

Posted: 2002-08-24 08:28am
by Lusankya
Well, if Ahnuld isn't a complete idiot, he uses some tactics, which should affect the outcome somewhat. He could stay alive simply by cliimbing a tree in most cases, since I believe that the Gorilla, Bear and Croc can't climb too well.

Posted: 2002-08-24 08:37am
by Gunner
Grizzlys can climb trees alright. In one case, a grizzly charged 200 yards and then climbed a tree to attack a hunter, all the while with two broken shoulders.

And apart from climbing, grizzlys can just knock down many types of trees.

Posted: 2002-08-24 09:52pm
by Lusankya
Oh well. My bad.

Posted: 2002-08-24 10:04pm
by Mr Bean
Yes one of the few things Movies get right is that you don't climb trees to get away from Bears

If he can't climb it
He can knock it over
If he can't knock it over
He can climb it

Posted: 2002-08-24 10:30pm
by Lusankya
My problem is that I neveer have to worry about these things - the only one of the four that naturally occurs on this continent is the crocodile, and then your strategy's simple - ignore it if it's a freshie and avoit it if it's a saltie.

Posted: 2002-08-24 11:49pm
by lgot
That is a good example of how it depend of the specie and where and when you will face those animals.
Crocodilles for example can be from one meter to 5 meters easily. Its a huge difference. And there is times you can just smash the head of the crocodille with the bat without danger, because the crocodille is rather inactive during some periods of the day and much slower and less agressive.
But climbing a tree wont make you win the fight, will make the fight go in a draw, since up there you cannt kill the croc either.
The best thing is that usually crocs have a short spam time for energy. They waste all they have in few seconds. If you scape this and avoid his jaws, he will be much easier to deal later. But that is about 15 minutes of fight.

Posted: 2002-08-25 01:38am
by The Yosemite Bear
In yosemite we have no Grizzly's and No Wolves, they are extinct in these parts. However it desn't stop the tourists from refering to the Foxes, and Coyotes as Wolves. And the Black Bears as Grizzly's. God what's next are they going to call the Bobcat's Jaguars?