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How much do I detest the Oscars?

Posted: 2003-03-23 08:03pm
by Anarchist Bunny
With the crappy preformances and bullshit opinions choosing the winners their are plenty of reasons not to watch the Oscars, but with the war it's going to be a fucking anti-war rally with lots of actors/resses thinking because we pay 6.50 to seem them act that we give a shit what they think.

So I've instead decided to watch Jurassic Park 2. Yes thats how much I hate the Oscars.

Posted: 2003-03-23 08:05pm
by Joe
I'm not watching them this year, I don't want to see Peter Jackson and company get screwed over the second year in a row. That said, when they finally do honor him (which will likely be next year), I guess I'll tune in.

Posted: 2003-03-23 08:08pm
by aerius
I've banned all awards shows for the last 10 years or so except for the Junos since I get to see hot Canadian singer chicks perform on that show. The rest of them are boring industry wankfests which are worse than soap operas. In general, awards shows suck ass.

Posted: 2003-03-23 08:10pm
by Stormbringer
The Oscars are on tonight? :shock: Hmm

Posted: 2003-03-23 08:20pm
by Superman
I second that. Screw the oscars.

I was thinking. If, gods forbid, a terrorist were to ever manage to bomb the oscars, they would manage to hit most of our celebrities. Man, that would be strange.

Posted: 2003-03-23 08:27pm
by Einhander Sn0m4n
Award Shows are one of a long list of TV bullshit that's Verboten in my household. Fuck the Oscars! SCI-FI UBER ALLES! (The genre, not the channel)

Posted: 2003-03-23 08:28pm
by aerius
Superman wrote:I was thinking. If, gods forbid, a terrorist were to ever manage to bomb the oscars, they would manage to hit most of our celebrities. Man, that would be strange.
Man that would kick ass. That way I won't have to hear the whiny bitches doing their PETA, Save the World, Let's all have peace, we're all special speeches. Good riddance to celebrity endorsements and stupid cause of the week shit. Seeing that my fave movie people will NEVER be at the Oscars I won't lose a damn thing if the awards get bombed and they all die.

Posted: 2003-03-23 08:30pm
by Next of Kin
aerius wrote:
Superman wrote:I was thinking. If, gods forbid, a terrorist were to ever manage to bomb the oscars, they would manage to hit most of our celebrities. Man, that would be strange.
Man that would kick ass. That way I won't have to hear the whiny bitches doing their PETA, Save the World, Let's all have peace, we're all special speeches. Good riddance to celebrity endorsements and stupid cause of the week shit. Seeing that my fave movie people will NEVER be at the Oscars I won't lose a damn thing if the awards get bombed and they all die.
As long as you get Halle Berry out of there first before you blow the building sky high that's all I care about.

Posted: 2003-03-23 09:28pm
by Einhander Sn0m4n
aerius wrote:
Superman wrote:I was thinking. If, gods forbid, a terrorist were to ever manage to bomb the oscars, they would manage to hit most of our celebrities. Man, that would be strange.
Man that would kick ass. That way I won't have to hear the whiny bitches doing their PETA, Save the World, Let's all have peace, we're all special speeches. Good riddance to celebrity endorsements and stupid cause of the week shit. Seeing that my fave movie people will NEVER be at the Oscars I won't lose a damn thing if the awards get bombed and they all die.
E: Echo Sorceress Niner to Command, I have Visual on the Target. Requesting Orders, over.

C: Command to Echo Sorceress Niner, Weapons Free, Fire at will, fire at will, fire at will!

E: Roger that, Command, Engaging Target!!

E: Target is destroyed, repeat, target is destroyed!! Commencing RTB Hyperspace Jump. Over and Out.

No giant pics ~ Stormbringer

Sorry bout that, Stormy. ~E. Sn0 -+31337+-

Posted: 2003-03-23 10:32pm
by Anarchist Bunny
And TTT got best Visual Effects.

Posted: 2003-03-23 10:37pm
by fgalkin
aerius wrote:
Superman wrote:I was thinking. If, gods forbid, a terrorist were to ever manage to bomb the oscars, they would manage to hit most of our celebrities. Man, that would be strange.
Man that would kick ass. That way I won't have to hear the whiny bitches doing their PETA, Save the World, Let's all have peace, we're all special speeches. Good riddance to celebrity endorsements and stupid cause of the week shit. Seeing that my fave movie people will NEVER be at the Oscars I won't lose a damn thing if the awards get bombed and they all die.
No. There are too many stars that I like.

Have a very nice day.

Posted: 2003-03-23 10:53pm
by Shinova
Michael Moore. Bowling for Columbine won Best documentary.

He went up there, said some thank yous,


The only good thing is that some people were booing him, and the next presenter made a joke, "Now the teamsters are forcing Michael Moore into the trunk of his limo." :twisted:

And Eminem just won Best song. :x I wish U2 had won that one.

Posted: 2003-03-23 10:57pm
by Ghost Rider
Just like Shinova has pointed of the many reasons I avoid hearing what celebrities think and the award shows that present them...beside I can look at the tabloids for the next skimpy costume some up and coming is wearing.

Posted: 2003-03-23 11:41pm
by fgalkin
WTF? LoTR wasn't nominated for best adapted screenplay. :?

Have a very nice day.

Posted: 2003-03-24 12:02am
by Captain tycho
fgalkin wrote:WTF? LoTR wasn't nominated for best adapted screenplay. :?

Have a very nice day.
Well duh.
It was only based on the best book of all time, and was possibly one of the best movies of all time, so of course they aren't gonna pick it. :roll: :evil:

Posted: 2003-03-24 12:09am
by Enforcer Talen
oh. oscars were on. oh well.

I was playing sw d20 rpg ^_^

Posted: 2003-03-24 12:23am
by Nathan F
Glad to see that no one else wants to see the PETA/Peacenik/Tree-hugging/Self-professed-political-experts doing a great job of making themselves look stupid in that wankfest...

Anyone notice how doing all that crap is now the 'cool' thing in Hollywood?

Posted: 2003-03-24 01:52am
by Companion Cube
Nathan F wrote:Glad to see that no one else wants to see the PETA/Peacenik/Tree-hugging/Self-professed-political-experts doing a great job of making themselves look stupid in that wankfest...

Anyone notice how doing all that crap is now the 'cool' thing in Hollywood?
Oh yes. And come to think of it, terrorists bombing the Oscars would at least prevent a load of good actors making crappy sequels...

Posted: 2003-03-24 02:11am
by Captain tycho
Enforcer Talen wrote:oh. oscars were on. oh well.

I was playing sw d20 rpg ^_^
Bah, I was playing GTA Vice City. :twisted: 8)
Who wants to watch the Oscars anyway?

Posted: 2003-03-24 06:55am
by HemlockGrey
I only unmuted it when Steve Martin was on. God, that man is funny.

Apparently LotR wasn't even nominated for Adapted Screenplay, or Cinemetography.

Posted: 2003-03-24 11:34am
by Shinova
HemlockGrey wrote:I only unmuted it when Steve Martin was on. God, that man is funny.

Apparently LotR wasn't even nominated for Adapted Screenplay, or Cinemetography.

The host's Steve Martin?

Posted: 2003-03-24 01:36pm
by Asst. Asst. Lt. Cmdr. Smi
Shinova wrote:
HemlockGrey wrote:I only unmuted it when Steve Martin was on. God, that man is funny.

Apparently LotR wasn't even nominated for Adapted Screenplay, or Cinemetography.

The host's Steve Martin?
Yes, and he was pretty damn funny.

Posted: 2003-03-27 04:37pm
by DPDarkPrimus
Peter O'Toole's speech was the best... but I'm sure you all knew that already.

Re: How much do I detest the Oscars?

Posted: 2003-03-27 05:12pm
by jegs2
anarchistbunny wrote:With the crappy preformances and bullshit opinions choosing the winners their are plenty of reasons not to watch the Oscars, but with the war it's going to be a fucking anti-war rally with lots of actors/resses thinking because we pay 6.50 to seem them act that we give a shit what they think.

So I've instead decided to watch Jurassic Park 2. Yes thats how much I hate the Oscars.
I honestly can't remember ever watching the Oscars. Something about watching Hollywood types pat each other on the back and then fire off-handed (or not so off-handed) political barbs that just doesn't appeal to me.

Posted: 2003-03-28 08:27am
by Peregrin Toker
The reason that Hollywood stars make a big show out of promoting their political views is not that they actually care, but as a way of getting even more attention. As they didn't have enough....

Well, that's usually the case. There's possibly some exceptions out there.