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Mmmmm! Chocolate Bunny!

Posted: 2003-03-24 10:43pm
by J
I was in the grocery store today when I stumbled across the Easter display aisle which was stuffed with all kinds of chocolately treats, like chocolate eggs, bunnies, hens, dinosaurs, and even a farmhouse brought to life in chocolate goodness, it was great! So great in fact that I couldn't help but buy 5, that's right, 5 pounds worth of chocolate bunnies and eggs for a bit over $12 cdn. fattening...good thing spring is here so I can be outside to work it all off.

Posted: 2003-03-24 11:33pm
by Baron Mordo
Chocolate's not fattening. :D

Posted: 2003-03-24 11:34pm
by Zaia
jmac, you are so cute. Did you just get bunnies and eggs, or did you opt for a dino or two? :D

Posted: 2003-03-24 11:59pm
by Sokar
AH! With the war and all I almost forgot it was Choco-bunny hunting season!! Score :D

Posted: 2003-03-25 12:02am
by Darth Yoshi
Easter's here? Hey, that's right! PARTY! PARTY!

Posted: 2003-03-25 12:24am
by Uraniun235
Cadbury eggs... *drool*

Posted: 2003-03-25 12:31am
by SyntaxVorlon
Isn't their a Harvey quote about Easter?

Posted: 2003-03-25 02:09am
by The Yosemite Bear
Harvey was a Pooka though....

Remind me to get some more fairy tale creatures ....

Posted: 2003-03-25 02:27am
by Companion Cube
*Mouth waters*

Posted: 2003-03-25 09:03am
by Kelly Antilles
Mmmmmmmmmm, chocolate *drool*

Posted: 2003-03-25 09:05am
by Zaia
Damn you, jmac, now every time I skim through OT I see this thread and immediately want to go out to the store and buy chocolate! Damn you to hell! :P :wink:

Posted: 2003-03-25 10:01am
by Zoink

Look at the bunny on the front page, its so cute and edible.

mmmmmm bunnies.

Posted: 2003-03-25 10:09am
by Zaia
Mmmmm, no no no, gotta go Godiva. They even have an Easter collection there. Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.

MMmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm, dark chocolate bunnies. Delish. :D

Posted: 2003-03-25 10:11am
by Vympel
Swiss chocolate 0wnZ j00 all.

Posted: 2003-03-25 10:26am
by Kelly Antilles
Vympel wrote:Swiss chocolate 0wnZ j00 all.
:shock: I agree with Vympel on something?!?!?

I shall go to Switzerland one day and taste every chocolate in the entire country. Then I will travel to the Black Forest and eat until content.

Posted: 2003-03-25 10:41am
by Vympel
Kelly Antilles wrote: :shock: I agree with Vympel on something?!?!?
*keels over from heart attack*
I shall go to Switzerland one day and taste every chocolate in the entire country. Then I will travel to the Black Forest and eat until content.
My mother's swiss cousin was staying here for 6 months- he kept on getting sent swiss chocolate from his parents. I made off with most of it. :)

He was a dickhead. Nice chocolate tho.

Posted: 2003-03-25 10:52am
by Ghost Rider
That and they make good watches.

But yes Swiss choclate is something else....and is almost a silly reason I hunt stores like that down.