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This land is mine (video)

Posted: 2014-07-11 11:30am
by The Infidel
This is not to spark any discussion, but to share a really nice video I just saw that tells the story of (current) Israel as a musical.

I don't know how to share Vimeo-videos here, so a link to the site it is. Scroll down to see who's who.

Re: This land is mine (video)

Posted: 2014-07-12 12:29pm
by Channel72

Stupid Nitpick to show off that "I know stuff"™:

They forgot the Persian (Achaemenid Persians) between the Babylonians and Macedonians. Kind of a big ommission since they were responsible for returning Israel to the Jews before the Macedonians invaded, and lasted quite a bit longer than many of the other empires/dynasties portrayed.

Re: This land is mine (video)

Posted: 2014-07-14 02:16am
by mr friendly guy
Is this it