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Star Wars Papercraft Models...

Posted: 2003-03-28 09:58pm
by Damaramu
I'm sure this is old news, but here's a site where you can download, print out, and build Star Wars papercraft models.

They're quite cool looking, with a fair amount of detail.

Check out the site HERE.


Posted: 2003-03-28 10:08pm
by XaLEv
On this page it apparently says the SW galaxy is the Milky Way. :?

EDIT: Or not. Apparently ginga is used for both 'galaxy' and 'Milky Way'.

Posted: 2003-03-28 10:09pm
by RogueIce
XaLEv wrote:On this page it apparently says the SW galaxy is the Milky Way. :?
So my own X-wing is only one mis-jump away?? :D

Posted: 2003-03-28 10:24pm
by Damaramu
Gotta love wacky engrish translations:
The space ship of the Milky Way most speed where Han Solo and the Chewbaca drive, it is the Millennium Falcon. It is the fuselage which is visible simply, but very delicate form is done. It is possible, if the device which can be united simply has done, but even then it reached the number of considerable parts. The prop which it refers is the biggest model, those of 173cm edition " of counterattack of empire " to main, you referred to also the 76cm edition " of the desire which becomes new ". As for a certain part becoming eclectically, there is also a place where now the sushi, it abbreviates and simplifies, (especially back).

Posted: 2003-03-28 10:28pm
by RogueIce
Damaramu wrote:Gotta love wacky engrish translations:
The space ship of the Milky Way most speed where Han Solo and the Chewbaca drive, it is the Millennium Falcon. It is the fuselage which is visible simply, but very delicate form is done. It is possible, if the device which can be united simply has done, but even then it reached the number of considerable parts. The prop which it refers is the biggest model, those of 173cm edition " of counterattack of empire " to main, you referred to also the 76cm edition " of the desire which becomes new ". As for a certain part becoming eclectically, there is also a place where now the sushi, it abbreviates and simplifies, (especially back).
That last part made no sense at all...

Gotta love the Han and Chewie driving in the Milky Way comment. I can see it now... 8)

Posted: 2003-03-29 09:25pm
by Damaramu
I noticed the last sentence mentions :lol:

Posted: 2003-03-29 11:17pm
by Dalton
Hmm, Star Wars Engrish!

of the desire which becomes new
of counterattack of empire

What would ROTJ become?

of revenge of samurai warriors

Posted: 2003-03-29 11:21pm
by neoolong
Man, that's funny. And the paper models look pretty cool.

Posted: 2003-03-29 11:29pm
by XaLEv
Dalton wrote:Hmm, Star Wars Engrish!

of the desire which becomes new
of counterattack of empire

What would ROTJ become?

of revenge of samurai warriors
Heh. Check out the cover on volume 2 of the ROTJ manga. ... ZZZZZZ.jpg

Posted: 2003-03-29 11:30pm
by Dalton
XaLEv wrote:Heh. Check out the cover on volume 2 of the ROTJ manga. ... ZZZZZZ.jpg
Wow. I'll have to pick that up.

Posted: 2003-03-29 11:36pm
by neoolong
Hehe. I bet if they deviated a lot from the original, you'd get Jabba and Bib Fortuna on Leia tentacle porn. Wait, that's not a good thing.