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Thanksgiving Wishes

Posted: 2014-11-27 11:01am
by TimothyC
It's Thanksgiving in America. Not everybody will be celebrating it with the people they did last year. Some of us have been lost this year. Some of us are unable to come home, due to duty, or finances, or distance, or jobs, or all of the above. Some of us are bringing new folks to old traditions. Some of us have passed the turkey baster to the next generation, while others of us are on the diaspora that takes us to new places to begin new lives. And some of us, the lucky few, have those we love able to be here today when they couldn't last year.

To all, a Happy Thanksgiving.

Re: Thanksgiving Wishes

Posted: 2014-11-27 12:35pm
by The Romulan Republic
Happy Thanksgiving.

Since I'm currently living in Canada, I already celebrated Thanksgiving.

Re: Thanksgiving Wishes

Posted: 2014-11-27 04:59pm
by Ahriman238
Happy Thanksgiving all.

Re: Thanksgiving Wishes

Posted: 2014-11-27 11:39pm
by Guardsman Bass
Happy Thanksgiving!

My extended family doesn't as reliably get together on Thanksgiving as we do on Christmas Eve, but a bunch of us got together and all had the traditional turkey-stuffing-rolls-green-beans-lots'o'pie dinner. It's good to see them again, especially since I don't usually see some of them except at Thanksgiving, Easter, and Christmas.

Re: Thanksgiving Wishes

Posted: 2014-11-28 03:57am
by His Divine Shadow
I'm thankful we don't have thanksgiving, yet another holiday so close to christmas would be unbearable. No downtime.

Re: Thanksgiving Wishes

Posted: 2014-11-29 04:51pm
by DaZergRock54444
There really isn't any downtime. The official start of the Christmas shopping season is the day after Thanksgiving, though based on some of the ads I get in e-mail, the entire month of November is fair game for "holiday savings specials".

That said, I've enjoyed a very nice four days at home with the family.