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My post-accident conversations

Posted: 2003-03-29 05:42pm
by Lord_Xerxes
Ashecole666: I just got into a car accident.
**********: Everyone okay?
Ashecole666: I am.
Ashecole666: The driver at least went to the hospital in ambulence.
Ashecole666: with minor injurries.
**********: Agh. You weren't driving, though?
Ashecole666: I was.
Ashecole666: Rear ended.
**********: Oh, wasn't your fault, eh?
Ashecole666: nope
**********: That's good.
Ashecole666: My car...I have to move my bumper back up
Ashecole666: Their car...Fucked!
Ashecole666: Their hood went completely veritcal and curled up.
Ashecole666: Their bumper was on the ground hanging by a plastic thread.
**********: Oh shit. How'd they do it?
Ashecole666: And parts of their engine were scattered over the roat.
Ashecole666: road^
Ashecole666: Plastic vs Steel=You're fucked.
**********: Yeah.
Ashecole666: They got a ticket, I got a subpeona to appear in court as a witness to "Testify on the behalf of the State in the traffic case of the State vs **********.

Ashecole666: And she got carted off in an ambulance with minor injurries.
**********: Whoa.
Ashecole666: Owned by the doom.
**********: How'd they do it?
Ashecole666: Probably not paying attention.
Ashecole666: I stopped for the traffic ahead of me.
Ashecole666: They didn't see it, tried to stop to late, and slide into me.
Ashecole666: Rain.

**********:dude.. claim whip lash and sue the fuck out of them LOL
**********: er..
sith_lord_qui_gon_jinn: I didn't go to the hospital.
**********: ya still can tho. i didnt go in an ambulence nd the insurance covered it
sith_lord_qui_gon_jinn: Meh.
sith_lord_qui_gon_jinn: I'll just point and laugh at them.
sith_lord_qui_gon_jinn: And say "You're fucked."
**********: LOL!

(names/sns obviously ommited.)

Posted: 2003-03-29 07:44pm
by Andrew J.
Glad you're okay. Does the insurance cover everything?

Posted: 2003-03-30 01:05am
by Lord_Xerxes
Probably. It's pretty cut and dry that it was her fault. She got a ticket, and I didn't..and I got a subpeona to appear in court as a witness for the State vs her. Which is funny, because I'm a witness to my own accident.

Posted: 2003-03-30 02:54am
by Uraniun235
I think in rear-end accidents, the person who rear-ends another is automatically at fault by law.

Posted: 2003-03-31 12:58am
by Slartibartfast
Here it normally is, unless the person that's ahead did some dangerous maneuver like changing lanes and braking or something like that.

By velocity alone, you could hit the brakes for no reason at all and make a dead stop and if the person behind you crashes it's their fault. For a very simple reason: there's a minimum distance you HAVE to keep between cars. As speed increases, so does this distance. It's supposed to be enough for your eyes to tell your brain what's going on, then your brain to tell your foot to hit the brakes, plus a certain standard amount of braking distance. If you follow this rules it doesn't matter if the person ahead stopped too abruptly or not.

Posted: 2003-03-31 03:34am
by Lord_Xerxes
Yeah, I know it's pretty cut and dry as far as who's fault it was. But this is the second time I was rear-ended. And the first time, I had to fill out a form telling my side of what happened. This was just like "She got a ticket, and you're supeona'ed to court to be a witness against her.