Some of you may be familiar with Tom Kratman aka He-who-wanks-to-Nazis (but can't speak German). His highlights include shameless Nazi apologia, which, surprise, surprise, didn't go over that well on this board. (Example 1, Example 2 and Example 3)
Apparently, dickless wonder Tom "THE NAZIS COULD JUST HAVE SWAM ACROSS THE CHANNEL"* Kratman took issue with Stuart Slade (who actually did real-life strategy work and is a former poster here) and me criticizing him.
Now, let us review the choices Tom "I don't know how German names work" Kratman had.
a) Do nothing, after all just two guys on an internet board
b) Sign up to said internet board to defend your work
c) Actually turn your critics into characters in one of your works
Guess which one he chose?
*he actually did say this.
**Gotta love the homophobia too. "I'll make them gay. THAT'LL ANNOY THEM, HERP-A-DERP". Can we all say projection?