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US Marines in Lebanon 1958!

Posted: 2002-08-26 06:53pm
by MKSheppard
U.S. Marines land at a Beirut beach 1958.

U.S. Marines establishing a beachhead a Beirut, 1958.

U.S. troops march through Beirut 1958.

UHHH.......Take a close look at the flag, people.....

Anyway..... ... rpics.html
Here you will find one of the largest collections of black and white,
and colour images of the war in Lebanon. The photographs, from
various sources, from 1958 to 1990 are presented over the
following pages and should be viewed in conjunction with reading
the section on the Lebanese war. This collection is constantly
being expanded. ... xs2_1.html
PLO shennigans in Lebanon.......After viewing this, I felt that Israel's
PEACE FOR GAILEE operation was justified in rooting out and eradicating
the PLO scum from Lebanon.

Posted: 2002-08-26 07:01pm
by Deimos Anomaly
Looks like the "Battlebars" they got right there...

Posted: 2002-08-26 07:06pm
by Asst. Asst. Lt. Cmdr. Smi
Well, that was 1958, and the Confederte flag wasn't purged from society yet. The might have been southern troops, it's not like the CSA exists anymore. At least it's not the Soviet flag.

Posted: 2002-08-26 07:32pm
by Witness

That looks strangely reminiscent of a scene from Full Metal Jacket. Where was it filmed, anyway?

Posted: 2002-08-26 09:57pm
by IRG CommandoJoe
The white buildings in the background look too modern for Full Metal Jacket.

Posted: 2002-08-26 10:15pm
by Witness
Perhaps. I haven't seen it in a while to be honest, and I'm operating on little sleep.

Posted: 2002-08-27 03:44am
by IRG CommandoJoe
It seems as though everyone justifies their screw-ups and/or typos with "little sleep" or "tired." Why do you go on these boards when you're tired then? :?

Posted: 2002-08-27 05:27am
by Robert Treder
Waitaminnit, what the hell is the point of all those pictures?

So U.S. troops were in Beirut. Is my mind supposed to be blown?

Hehe, maybe I'm just tired, so I don't get it...

Posted: 2002-08-27 06:52am
by MKSheppard
Robert Treder wrote:Waitaminnit, what the hell is the point of all those pictures?

So U.S. troops were in Beirut. Is my mind supposed to be blown?

Hehe, maybe I'm just tired, so I don't get it...
Look at the fricking FLAG they're marching with.....

Posted: 2002-08-27 07:26pm
by Robert Treder
Well, a lot of hicks join the military. Might that have been used as a flag for their particular unit? Probably wasn't even kosher then, but unless the image is doctored, they're marching with it, and malpractice can't be ruled out as the reasoning for its presence.

Posted: 2002-08-27 07:28pm
by Jack Lain
Are those national guard? That would explain the flag. Which company is that in the pic?