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What prank's are you planning for April Fool's?
Posted: 2003-04-01 12:21am
by Captain tycho
We all know April Fool's day is here, and I was wondering what kinda prank's you guys are planning on pulling.
I wonder how many people here will take this one seriously?
Posted: 2003-04-01 12:32am
by Cyborg Stan
Getting a old jacket and pants, stuffing them with throw away/moldy pillows. Wait until very late at night and use some rope and duct tape to hang the 'person' in the dorm elevator. For finishing touches, drop concentrated (used for cake icings) food coloring on the floor and carefully screw out the interior light-bulbs so it's dark. There's also a chance that we can also manage to spill milk on the pants and insert a rancid hot dog in there as well.
Posted: 2003-04-01 12:40am
by Cyborg Stan
Another idea :
Dressing up in your most conservative clothes, brush your teeth and hair and start preaching on the street the 'Way of the Lord'. Be sure to include the most offensive and inane bibilical quotes on your signs (but only give Books, Chapter, and Verse) and distribute packets that outwardly look like Chick tracts but contain detailed instructions for anal sex.
Spending the entire day flat on your back pretending to be dead.
Making bizaare posts on public forums.
Posted: 2003-04-01 12:43am
by SirNitram
I plan to recruit for the Church Of Cthulhu.
Posted: 2003-04-01 12:45am
by neoolong
SirNitram wrote:I plan to recruit for the Church Of Cthulhu.
How's that a joke?
Posted: 2003-04-01 12:46am
by Joe
SirNitram wrote:I plan to recruit for the Church Of Cthulhu.
Heh, I should start up a Campus Crusade for Cthulhu chapter at UGA, I'm sure they'd love it here.
Posted: 2003-04-01 12:55am
by SirNitram
neoolong wrote:SirNitram wrote:I plan to recruit for the Church Of Cthulhu.
How's that a joke?
I'm going to recruit from the Church Of Christian Scientists.
Posted: 2003-04-01 03:47am
by 2000AD
We already know what Wong and Dalton are doing.
Posted: 2003-04-01 03:53am
by Robert Treder
I already did one: if your kitchen sink has one of those flexible hoses for washing dishes, wrap a rubber band tightly around its lever and then put it in its holder, facing the sink's user. When someone turns on the tap, the hose will spray them. Works like a charm!
Posted: 2003-04-01 03:55am
by Frank Hipper
I am far too busy singing the praises of our Blessed LORD Jesus to dirty my Christian hands with heathen pranksterisms. And I have to get my tithe check of 18.2% of my 2002 gross earnings in the mail.
Posted: 2003-04-01 01:13pm
by Asst. Asst. Lt. Cmdr. Smi
I'm really not much of a prank person, but I might do something to scare others.
Posted: 2003-04-01 01:15pm
by Xenophobe3691
I plan on going home and tearfully telling my parents that I was rejected.
Posted: 2003-04-01 01:44pm
by Utsanomiko
I printed out and put up a bunch of the Chewie Pimp pics (from the Funny Pic Thread) on my brother's dorm floor. I added "April Fools! And Chewbaccca keeps on pimping." to it in big red text. Just thought I'd do something minor to spruce up his floor a bit.
...And they'll never know who did it.
Posted: 2003-04-01 01:45pm
by Lagmonster
I go by the 'poor man's prank system' known as
It's a cheap, funny way to get someone without too much of a mess.
Posted: 2003-04-01 01:52pm
by Kuja
I refused to take my medication this morning.
Posted: 2003-04-01 02:33pm
by meNNis
Im going to break up with my girlfriend.
Posted: 2003-04-01 02:39pm
by 2000AD
I still think the best APFD joke was last year's SW:Galaxies Developer's one.
They put up an announcement that Gungans were going to be the 6th playable species, complete with Gungan-Leia and Gungan-Vader with two twin blade lightsabers. Does anyone have those pics? They were funny.
Posted: 2003-04-01 02:43pm
by Ted
Darth Utsanomiko wrote:...And they'll never know who did it.
Seeing how you just admitted it on a forum that your brother reads, I think he would know who did it.
Posted: 2003-04-01 02:43pm
by Nathan F
Hehe, everyone has already seen what my big one was.
Posted: 2003-04-01 06:19pm
by Utsanomiko
Ted wrote:Darth Utsanomiko wrote:...And they'll never know who did it.
Seeing how you just admitted it on a forum that your brother reads, I think he would know who did it.
Seeing as how I live off-campus, and was only able to pull it off becasue I spend the nights on Mondays, I kinda let him know beforehand.
Posted: 2003-04-01 06:21pm
by Spanky The Dolphin
Ted wrote:Darth Utsanomiko wrote:...And they'll never know who did it.
Seeing how you just admitted it on a forum that your brother reads, I think he would know who did it.
Um, except that I was in on it, you retard. He used my printer, for one thing...
Posted: 2003-04-01 06:23pm
by Captain Cyran
I hid my mom's car on her...took her about 5 or 6 minutes to find it.
Posted: 2003-04-01 08:45pm
by Sienthal
Well, for my newspaper, we're doing an April Fool's spread. and it will include an article about Krispy Kreme taking over a crappy donut shop nearby (We're hoping for mad chaos with that one), and we're also going to do an article about a reaaaaallly bad movie, and we're gonna hype it up,
Posted: 2003-04-01 10:37pm
by BlkbrryTheGreat
Sadly enough, I wasn't really planning on doing any special pranks for today.
Posted: 2003-04-02 05:14am
by Robert Treder
closet sci-fi fan wrote:I'm not planning any either. I hate April 1st.
BOOO! April Fool's Day is the best holiday ever. Well, at least it kicks the shit out of St. Patrick's Day. Not to mention fucking "Palm Sunday." What the shit is "Palm Sunday"?
Oh, and my mom tried to get me by putting Saran Wrap over the toilet bowl, so that when I peed it would splatter everywhere. Nice fucking try, mom; I'm not that stupid. And even if I had fallen for it, fuck if I'd have cleaned it up.
I was going to move my mom's car around the block, but I would have had to do it when she was home, so that her car would be there, but no opportunity arose. There's always next year.