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CERN is opening portals

Posted: 2016-09-15 10:28am
by Themightytom
I'm not sure it's science, and the author doesn't think it's science fiction. ... ture=share

Re: CERN is opening portals

Posted: 2016-09-15 10:31am
by Iroscato
Your avatar succinctly sums up my reaction to this thread/video. I mean...are you fucking kidding? :lol:

Re: CERN is opening portals

Posted: 2016-09-15 10:44am
by Khaat
Muahahahahahaha!*deep breath* -hahahahahahahahahahahaha!

Oh, I needed that!

Sadly, it will never become the "syfi original movie" it deserves to be.

Re: CERN is opening portals

Posted: 2016-09-15 11:00am
by U.P. Cinnabar
Themightytom wrote:I'm not sure it's science, and the author doesn't think it's science fiction. ... ture=share
In the immortal words of Lionel Hardcastle: "Oh, God."

Really?! This shit again?! I mean, aside from the fact that neither Fermilab nor CERN has generated sufficent antimatter to power a light bulb...sigh.

Re: CERN is opening portals

Posted: 2016-09-25 06:45am
by mr friendly guy
This is a parody right? The movie references make me think so. A real conspiracy theorist would not speak like that.. right? Right?