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Jack Chick Dead at 92
Posted: 2017-01-16 12:01am
by amigocabal
Re: Jack Chick Dead at 92
Posted: 2017-01-16 12:03am
by Pelranius
Er, he's been dead since October 23, 2016, IIRC.
Re: Jack Chick Dead at 92
Posted: 2017-01-16 12:05am
by amigocabal
Pelranius wrote:Er, he's been dead since October 23, 2016, IIRC.
I did not find out about it until recently.
Re: Jack Chick Dead at 92
Posted: 2017-01-16 12:05pm
by TheFeniX
amigocabal wrote:rather controversial
An understatement that will echo through the void of space long after the last light of the universe burns dim. They guy literally died believing he'd be able to piss on every single catholic (well, anyone who didn't jerk it to the King Jame's Bible) from his glory-hole in heaven.
Jack is the reason I can't stand Baptists (Southern Baptists really). An evangelizing coworker wouldn't shut up about him until I read some of it. He's that kid that "really gets it" and you don't, so you're not a "real fan." "You aren't worthy of Kurt Kobain's love because I listened to him before Nevermind!"
The comics are definitely worth a read though. They range from infuriating to hilarious and give great insight to why some Christians are so god-damn annoying with their self-righteousness. The ones that believe this shit with 100% conviction: of course they think they're better than you. It'd be insane if they didn't.
Re: Jack Chick Dead at 92
Posted: 2017-01-21 12:31am
by Alkaloid
Man the ego in those is incredible.
In the last rights one I think he actually declared himself a prophet.
Re: Jack Chick Dead at 92
Posted: 2017-01-21 01:36am
by Joun_Lord
Not one to celebrate a death but not exactly broken up he's dead. The man brought me both great joy and incredible annoyance and is possibly one of the reasons I became the bitter angry atheist everyone knows and loves. His bullshit reading material was pretty much required reading back in elementary school when some 4th grade teacher made it her mission to convert the entire grade and as much of the rest of the school as possible.
If she had just stuck to the tired old but considerably nice biblical verses on being a good person and all that crap I'd probably have never started questioning shit. But nope, she brought in those little Tijuana bible looking comics books to read and pass out to all our friends. They were......interesting to say the least. Certainly not something a 10 year old should be reading, even one reading other religious propaganda like Battlefield Earth.
That combined with her spouting tabloid trash like that thing about Proctor and Gamble being open satanists who put 666 on their logos and how the children need to tell our parents not to buy their stuff. As foolish as I've been in my life even I was not foolish enough to buy into that crap or think the hateful crap in those comics was for me.
Re: Jack Chick Dead at 92
Posted: 2017-01-21 10:15am
by Raw Shark
Black Leaf! Nooooooooooooooooo!
Re: Jack Chick Dead at 92
Posted: 2017-01-22 03:23am
by Arthur_Tuxedo
Kinda hoped the text wouldn't cover Bill Murray's face but you get the idea
Re: Jack Chick Dead at 92
Posted: 2017-01-22 04:28am
by Darth Lucifer
LOL, I had to find a tract to read, just for shits and giggles. As a side note, I can't believe
The Jack T. Chick Parody Archive is still up on the internet.