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News services
Posted: 2003-04-02 07:36am
by DocHorror
Hi forumites & forumettes,
What in your esteemed opinion is the best online news service?
By that I mean, unbiased, up to date, informative, reliable, etc...
Posted: 2003-04-02 10:04am
by Col. Crackpot
Al Jazzera and Fox News.
just kidding. BBC World is okay, as is MSNBC. CBC seems fairly straightforward as well. In the end every one will put their own spin on things though.
Posted: 2003-04-02 10:08am
by Lagmonster
I have my home page set to the ottawa citizen website. I usually am immediately in my 'favourites' folder clicking on links to websites I actually want to read, but occasionally a headline will catch my eye that I want to follow.
For serious news, I prefer to wade through newsgroups. They're more irritating and difficult to slog through to get to the actual facts, but quicker on the pickup.
Posted: 2003-04-02 10:15am
by Zoink
Posted: 2003-04-02 10:22am
by Montcalm
Here`s two of the three French Canadian news service i watch.
Posted: 2003-04-02 05:32pm
by weemadando
BBC, reuters and CNN with Al Jazeera as a counter-point.