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Posted: 2003-04-03 10:10am
by Tsyroc
My place of work recently set up the internet so it now blocks "entertainment" and "game" related websites. is blocked as a entertainment site.
Sports related sites like ESPN are not blocked but any kind of online magazine site is blocked.
However, I am able to still get to the boards by going directly to them.
Posted: 2003-04-03 10:16am
by Faram
Fucking internet blockers.
We have blockers and proxies at my work.
The proxy for some strange reason don't log my requests...
Too bad for them that I am the sys admin
Posted: 2003-04-03 10:38am
by Alyeska
Sports is not entertainment while is? You ought to go to your management and point out that sports is entertainment for some people while computer and message board type pages are entertainment for others. Either they block sports pages or they allow all entertainment pages.
Posted: 2003-04-03 11:26am
by Tsyroc
Well, I ocassionally like to go to sports sites too but it has crossed my mind.
Sports sites are where most of the guys in my department screw off instead of working. The games sites and other entertainment sites impacted the women more than the guys. It really impacted the nurses in my hosptial since you could always find a bunch of them playing games.
I'm just glad that a search for on Google gave a link to the board that wasn't blocked. I'll just have to keep up with the rest of the site at home.
One thing they blocked that I think is a little more than an entertainment issue is Even though we are a hospital and not a engineering firm I think too much of that comic hit close to home for them.
What's really stupid is the hospital has cable tv. Our break room has access to a couple of cable sports channels for use "during breaks". Funny, but when big games are on the guys seem to spend a lot of time back there. I'm sure they'll address that problem sooner or later. The asshole part of me has been tempted to reprogram the tv with a universal remote to block a lot of channels but so far I've decided against being such a bastard.
Besides it would be a kind of "bitchy" thing to do.
Posted: 2003-04-03 11:28am
by haas mark
But revenge is sweet..... oh, so sweet...
Posted: 2003-04-03 11:41am
by Tsyroc
verilon wrote:But revenge is sweet..... oh, so sweet...
That it is.
Right now my revenge is being able to do most of what I want despite their attempts to stop me. Mwahahahhahahahahah!!!
In the past I've used IE's content controls to block a lot of what our IS Department is currently blocking hosptial wide so it's not like I'm above being that petty. Currently I'm trying to be better than that but sometimes I can be weak...and a bastard.
The bastard bit is actually kind of fun. It gets those lamers off their asses and working so I don't have to do as much when I follow them. At least I hope it works that way.
I have a funny feeling they find something else to goof off too or they just go home early.
Posted: 2003-04-03 11:44am
by haas mark
Let's not get into what "goofing off" might be... [shudders]
Posted: 2003-04-03 11:54am
by Tsyroc
verilon wrote:Let's not get into what "goofing off" might be... [shudders]
Aw c'mon, it's a hospital pharmacy how sick and demented could it be? The really twisted types work in the morgue
Posted: 2003-04-03 11:56am
by Einhander Sn0m4n
If they bl0x0r SDnet, You cut their Sports Programming! No Mercy No Quarter! Block the Sports channels with that U-Remote and TAKE IT HOME AND LEAVE IT!
Posted: 2003-04-03 12:06pm
by haas mark
Tsyroc wrote:verilon wrote:Let's not get into what "goofing off" might be... [shudders]
Aw c'mon, it's a hospital pharmacy how sick and demented could it be? The really twisted types work in the morgue
[will say nothing of necrophilia..]
Posted: 2003-04-03 12:08pm
by Tsyroc
If it gets real bad I'll have to reconsider blocking cable channelsl.
Usually I don't have to get that elaborate. One time the radio in the central pharmacy was off all day. It seems someone (me) had unplugged it from the back of the radio but left it plugged into the wall. The Sherlocks I work with couldn't figure out what was wrong with it and thought it was broken. I came in that night and they told me it was broken. I walked over and plugged it back in. I never expected that to last more than a minute, tops.
Posted: 2003-04-03 01:17pm
by Companion Cube
Tsyroc wrote:verilon wrote:Let's not get into what "goofing off" might be... [shudders]
Aw c'mon, it's a hospital pharmacy how sick and demented could it be? The really twisted types work in the morgue
*Attempts to clear mind*
*Attempt fails*
*Throws up*
Posted: 2003-04-03 01:37pm
by Asst. Asst. Lt. Cmdr. Smi
So, your boss must be another one of them sports jocks.
There's a blocker at my school that keeps me from viewing sites like the Onion, but I can still come here.
Posted: 2003-04-03 03:58pm
by Sea Skimmer
Asst. Asst. Lt. Cmdr. Smi wrote:So, your boss must be another one of them sports jocks.
There's a blocker at my school that keeps me from viewing sites like the Onion, but I can still come here.
My schools administrators are too stupid to figure out how to block anything. I'm surprised one of them can even log himself in.
Posted: 2003-04-03 04:36pm
by Pu-239
My school administrators are too stupid to even block writing to the C:\ directory. Morons. Try a proxy server. List is at Only 10% of them seem to work though. Hope the trolls do not look at this to go around IP bans though.
Posted: 2003-04-03 05:37pm
by PrinceofLowLight has a program that may disable it...erhm, this might be illegal so...*Pokes head back under rock*