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An irritating XP-Pro problem!

Posted: 2003-04-06 02:11pm
by BrYaN19kc
I have this little problem with my XP Pro. I know, I know – What else is new? LOL! Neway, generally I don’t have any problems at all. Now, after the installation of SimCity 4 and installation of C-Dilla (a security verification program) for the Oxford English Dictionary, I keep getting “new programs installed” messages for various programs. It’s weird, because this is coming from programs I use all the time. Usually, it happens with Dreamweaver MX, The Sims, Microsoft Word and Excel. It’s not a big deal and doesn’t seem to be bothering program performance, but it is a little irritating.

Anybody having this problem, or know what is doing it?

I have uninstalled and reinstalled SimCity 4 and C-Dilla, but the problem persists.

Posted: 2003-04-06 02:29pm
by Arrow
It sounds like something screwed your registry, causing Windows to not reckonize what you've installed. I'd need more information to tell you anything. Also, all me to point you to The forum members there can give you some excellent help.

Posted: 2003-04-06 02:35pm
by Einhander Sn0m4n
And GET RID OF CDILLA!! It's the _worst_ spyware around. You don't want it, trust me.

Posted: 2003-04-06 02:44pm
by BrYaN19kc
Arrow Mk84 wrote:It sounds like something screwed your registry, causing Windows to not reckonize what you've installed. I'd need more information to tell you anything. Also, all me to point you to The forum members there can give you some excellent help.

Arrow, thanks for the advise. I was affraid that it was probably a registry problem. GRRRRRRRR...

I have NT4 Server and Oracle 8i on my other box and never have a problem. EVER. But, then again I work on NT4 and Server 2000 all day long at work. XP is a little to touchy for me. :-)

Posted: 2003-04-06 02:47pm
by BrYaN19kc
Einhander Sn0m4n wrote:And GET RID OF CDILLA!! It's the _worst_ spyware around. You don't want it, trust me.
Ein! :P

I wish I could get rid of CDilla! It is a required install for the Oxford English Dictionary software. I really do think it is at the root of my problems. Drat it! I use Oxford like DAILY, so there is no way I can get rid of CDilla, unless I can find a crack or somthing. And we all know that it is illegal to do that! :shock:

So, whatcha ya doin today! :P

Posted: 2003-04-06 02:52pm
by Einhander Sn0m4n
BrYaN19kc wrote:
Einhander Sn0m4n wrote:And GET RID OF CDILLA!! It's the _worst_ spyware around. You don't want it, trust me.
Ein! :P

I wish I could get rid of CDilla! It is a required install for the Oxford English Dictionary software. I really do think it is at the root of my problems. Drat it! I use Oxford like DAILY, so there is no way I can get rid of CDilla, unless I can find a crack or somthing. And we all know that it is illegal to do that! :shock:

So, whatcha ya doin today! :P
Finding a crack. Anything which uses that draconian piece of shit DESERVES to be pirated. And yes, you're right, it is causing everything to fuck up. Get Spybot Search+Destroy, that'll kill your CDilla problem. Then get a better dictionary.

Posted: 2003-04-06 03:35pm
by phongn
IMHO, there is no better dictionary than the OED. Luckily, my school has a subscription to the web edition of it, so I don't have to worry about installing that junk software.

And no, it does not deserve to be pirated.

Posted: 2003-04-06 04:17pm
by Arrow
Bryan, you might want to download RegCleaner and check your directory. If RegCleaner can associate your registry entires with your programs, then your registry is fine. If so, CDilla is causing something else to screw up. Depending on how they programmed it (Win32 or MFC) and the functions/class methods they used, the problem could be a number of things. Given that CDilla is a security program, it could be placing a lot of restrictions on things. BTW, have you tried loggin into XP using the standard Admin accout (if you haven't deleted it)?

Posted: 2003-04-06 04:23pm
by Faram
Okay ask you lokal windoze expert :D

R click the taskbar / propeties / Start Menu / Customize / Advanced

And uncheck the Higlight Newly installed programs


Posted: 2003-04-06 05:37pm
by BrYaN19kc
HEY! :D :D

Thanks guys, I ran regclean and shut off the show new programs thing. I will keep my fingers crossed. :D

Posted: 2003-04-06 06:18pm
by Utsanomiko
This isn't a Thread Hijack; call it a Thread "Riding Shotgun to The Next Block" :wink:

Can anyone quickly tell me how I can set WinXP Pro to preview and show thumbnails for .tga image files? Normally, it will recognise a .jpg, .gif, etc, and provide an image if I set the folder's view to "thumbnails" (simple enough), and It will use its default image preview programs if I right-click and select the preview option (again, this is standard everyday stuff).

Except .tgas, which can be easilly opened in Photoshop, but I don't think it provides a preview either. So I have to open this common screenshot/model skin image format blindly. :x :x

For the life of me, I cannot find any option or setting in Control Pannel or anywhere else that I could possibly tell it to include .tgas in its list of previewable image files. I can't even find the location of this Image Preview program (I'm not at my XP comp today or tomorrow, so I can't reall the full name, other than it includes something like "Microsoft Image and Fax Preview). I'm stumped, and It pisses me off that my old Win98 computer could preview .tgas (though not .jpegs, oddly).

Posted: 2003-04-06 06:24pm
by Faram
Don't know if this work, I am drunk pissed and stuff.

Try this, open explorer tools / folder options / file types tab

Click new and add .tgas choose whatever program you vant them to open from.

Posted: 2003-04-06 06:54pm
by Utsanomiko
I doubt that's it. In fact, I think I've already tried that option.

WinXP recognizes and opens .tgas just fine; the problem is that its preview and thumbnail features don't.

Posted: 2003-04-06 07:15pm
by Dalton
Darth Utsanomiko wrote:I doubt that's it. In fact, I think I've already tried that option.

WinXP recognizes and opens .tgas just fine; the problem is that its preview and thumbnail features don't.
XP or Picture and Fax Viewer probably isn't set up to view Targas. You might want to poke around on Google Groups or Microsoft's KB.

Posted: 2003-04-06 07:34pm
by Hyperion
First problem all of you are having: windows XP (aka: eXtra Pain) I refuse to have that piece of shit "operating" system on ANY of my computers thanks to the spyware it has and the touchy (on a good day) operation. Give me 2k any day, 13 months of uptime says it's the best.

That and I saw how twitchy XP is about the registry at the LANparty I had last Friday, some poor guy had his box go tits up thanks to it, just totally out of the blue *boom* and he had to reinstall, even the repair installation "feature" didn't work. Worst registry issues I've ever had were with 98SE and those could be ignored and never caused the comp to quit booting up.

Btw, 2k is self-recovering if the registry gets thrashed, which is one reason I like it.

Oh and for the record, there is no such thing as software "piracy" in my book, it's all fair use to me, especially since the damned corporations love charging exorbitant prices for crap.

Posted: 2003-04-06 09:19pm
by phongn
The XP preview system, IIRC, cannot display Targa files.

Posted: 2003-04-06 09:24pm
by phongn
Hyperion wrote:First problem all of you are having: windows XP (aka: eXtra Pain) I refuse to have that piece of shit "operating" system on ANY of my computers thanks to the spyware it has and the touchy (on a good day) operation. Give me 2k any day, 13 months of uptime says it's the best.
I assume that you haven't actually installed any patches then? You can't possibly have that much continuous uptime if you've installed certain major patches, since they involved a restart.
That and I saw how twitchy XP is about the registry at the LANparty I had last Friday, some poor guy had his box go tits up thanks to it, just totally out of the blue *boom* and he had to reinstall, even the repair installation "feature" didn't work.
I've never had any problemx with XP Professional. None. I muck around in the registry as well.
Worst registry issues I've ever had were with 98SE and those could be ignored and never caused the comp to quit booting up.
I once accidentially set a key to require domain server authentication when I didn't have one, so I needed to boot into safe-mode :(
Btw, 2k is self-recovering if the registry gets thrashed, which is one reason I like it.
Windows NT 5.1 includes that exact same feature.
Oh and for the record, there is no such thing as software "piracy" in my book, it's all fair use to me, especially since the damned corporations love charging exorbitant prices for crap.
The law says otherwise, your opinion is completely irrelevant.

Posted: 2003-04-07 07:47am
by His Divine Shadow
How many times now have Hyperion come bursting into a XP thread whining about windows XP and all the evil spyware it contains?

Posted: 2003-04-07 08:34am
by Pu-239
Oh and for the record, there is no such thing as software "piracy" in my book, it's all fair use to me, especially since the damned corporations love charging exorbitant prices for crap.
Not a good thing to say on a public message board. The MS police might get you... :wink:

*hides from BSA*

Well I really don't pirate MS software though, I just don't use it except for Win98.

Well my sister has a pirated Office XP, but I despise it, so I use my openoffice installation.

Posted: 2003-04-07 03:34pm
by phongn
Pu-239 wrote:Well my sister has a pirated Office XP, but I despise it, so I use my openoffice installation.
I cannot stand OpenOffice. I don't know why, but it simply doesn't work for me. I purchased CodeWeaver's Crossover so I could run Office 2K on my Linux box.

Posted: 2003-04-07 03:34pm
by phongn
His Divine Shadow wrote:How many times now have Hyperion come bursting into a XP thread whining about windows XP and all the evil spyware it contains?
Far too many on SD and SB.