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If you joined the Wu Tang Clan

Posted: 2002-08-28 10:44pm
by Next of Kin
To Find out what your name would be if you joined the WuTang go to the following site:

I'm known as Respected Worlock! :lol:

Posted: 2002-08-28 10:49pm
by Azeron
Hmm I got

Profound Leader

Posted: 2002-08-28 10:52pm
by Next of Kin
When I typed Azeron I received "Unlucky Watcher". I like the second one!

Posted: 2002-08-28 10:54pm
by Azeron
Dam random seed generator!!!

Posted: 2002-08-28 11:02pm
by Jadeite
I got Gentlemen Professional

Posted: 2002-08-28 11:02pm
by Captain Cyran
LOL I am apparently 'Vulgar Genious'

Posted: 2002-08-28 11:04pm
by Next of Kin
I just typed in Saddam Hussein and got "Friendly Contender". LOL! Yes, (sniff) I have no life! :cry:

Posted: 2002-08-28 11:27pm
by Captain Cyran
Apparently Adolf Hitler was a 'Pesty Wizard'

Posted: 2002-08-28 11:30pm
by Luke Starkiller
I am Happy Mercenary :?

Posted: 2002-08-28 11:32pm
by Stravo
Fanatical Observer....what's scary is that it somehow fits...

Posted: 2002-08-28 11:54pm
by Kamakazie Sith
My RL name got; Dynamic Conqueror :twisted:

My user name got; Happy Leader :D

Posted: 2002-08-29 12:09am
by Crown
My real name: Visual Prophet (just my first name), Respected Mercenary (my family name only), Insane Wizard (my full name).

My handle: Quiet Menace

Wow this is so accurate :)

Posted: 2002-08-29 12:18am
by Stuart Mackey
Violent Pupil

*snigger* that is so apt


Posted: 2002-08-29 12:30am
by MKSheppard
Mark Sheppard from this day forward,
you will also be known as Crazy Dreamer

[real name deleted] from this day forward,
you will also be known as Phantom Bastard

Posted: 2002-08-29 03:27am
by Mr. B
I am the Lucky watcher, WTF does that mean?

Oh and for Master Of Ossus's benefit I typed DarkStar and I got Amazing Demon. :lol:

Posted: 2002-08-29 04:13am
by Witness
Respected Desperado
Fearless Overlord
Thunderous Killer
Amateur Dominator

Combination of my real name (first and last), my first and alias last name, my first name alone, and my nickname.

Cool, huh?

My forum nickname got "Expert Genius", but eh..

Posted: 2002-08-29 04:39am
by Faram
Handle :
Amazing Knight

Real Name
Shrieking Swami

Now what is a Shrieking Swami ?

Posted: 2002-08-29 07:05am
by Kamakazie Sith
My girlfriends name is Violent Killer :shock:

Posted: 2002-08-29 08:36am
by Mr Bean
My Handel Got me-Merry Bandit
My RL name gets me-Thunderous Observer
And Black-Adder retreives me-Mighty Observer

A combination of Bean and my RL first name gets me Fearless Leader :D
Flip it around Mr and my last name and appernlty I'm a Drunken Mercenary

Posted: 2002-08-29 08:45am
by NecronLord
Shrieking Wanderer

Exar Kun = Midnight Lover
Darth Vader = Insane observer

Posted: 2002-08-29 09:02am
by Mr Bean
Some others

Darth Wong=Mad Commander
Bill Gates=Thunderous Demon
Steven Jobs=Unlucky Lover
Bill Clinton=Merry Prophet
George W Bush=Irate Prophet
George Bush=Expert Ambassador
Mark S=Unlucky Assassin
Dorkstar=Foolish Prophet
Baldstar=Bitter Hunter
Dumbstar=Friendly Contender
Darkstar=Pesty Ambassador
My Orgional Nick=Friendly Magician
A combination of my middle name and bean=Lucky Professional

Posted: 2002-08-29 11:37am
by RedImperator
Bwa ha ha...I am now Crazy Assassin!

Posted: 2002-08-29 12:28pm
by starfury
screen name = Annoying Enchanter
real name = Shrieking Wanderer 8)

Posted: 2002-08-29 01:04pm
by aerius
real name: Expert Menace
screen name: Visual Warrior

whatever the hell that means

Posted: 2002-08-29 01:20pm
by Blaze
First name:-Lazy-assed Prophet
Last name:-Pesty Magician
nickname:-Foolish Mercenary
Forum name:-Vulgar Hunter