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What was your favorite toy as a child?

Posted: 2003-04-09 12:58am
by Superman
I have to say that since I was child of the 80's, I have many favorites. My all time favorite were Legos. I had Pirate ships, castles and some space ones too!

Other than those, I loved:

He Man
Star Wars (I wish I still had those)
Real Ghostbusters (SO FUN!)

Damn, I miss the 80's. Does anyone know any good 80's sites?

Posted: 2003-04-09 01:01am
by Spanky The Dolphin
Well, there's Yesterday Land and X-Entertainment.

Mine were Legos and TMNT.

Hey, does anyone else remember Ramagons? :?

Posted: 2003-04-09 01:03am
by XaLEv
Transformers and TMNT.


Posted: 2003-04-09 01:05am
by Superman
Yes, I played TMNT with my cousin. *sigh*

I always had the bad guys win too! :evil:

Posted: 2003-04-09 01:08am
by Sokar
My favorite was my original issue Optimus Prime, he was in continous play for well over a decade as he was passed from me to my younger brothers, eventually he literaly fell apart, he wouldnt even hold eiether truck or robot forms, man I had some fun with that toy.

Other faves : He-man - The most Homoerotic toys EVER not sold in an Adult toy store :roll:

Legos - I still have a massive tub of these :wink:

Spirograph set - crazy gears and cogs combined with colored pens, kept me entertained for hours...

good times.......

Posted: 2003-04-09 01:11am
by Superman
Hmm, He-Man was rather homoerotic. I am surprised I didn't turn out gay because of him...

Anyone remember "Supernaturals?" They were these robe things with a hologram for a face.

Posted: 2003-04-09 01:13am
by Spanky The Dolphin
Hell yes. We had (still do, actually) a shitload of about a dozen Supernaturals.

Posted: 2003-04-09 01:13am
by fgalkin
Legos, Transformers, Batman, and TMNT.

Have a very nice day.

Posted: 2003-04-09 01:15am
by Superman
Spankster, sell some to me! heheh

Posted: 2003-04-09 01:16am
by Spanky The Dolphin
Why should I?!

I don't sell things, I keep them. :P

Posted: 2003-04-09 01:17am
by Superman

Posted: 2003-04-09 01:23am
by Dargos
My Army of over 1000 green and tan army men with tanks and artillery(great to play with in the sand box, built forts, bunkers etc then we threw rocks at them and made sound effects fun fun :lol:

My Big Wheel with skid out lever.(ahhh those were the days)

Star Wars(original stuff, not this "power of the Force" crap)I had everything and I gave it alllllll away because I stopped playing with them. I can still remember my parents faces when I did that. My favorite two peices were the MF and the AT-AT. And the TIE with ejectable

GI Joe. not the new stuff.. I'm talking original Barbie sized GI Joe. The ones with the fuzzy 5 o'clock shadow. fun fun.

Posted: 2003-04-09 01:23am
by generator_g1
MASK toys... :)

Posted: 2003-04-09 01:25am
by Superman
Oh, I had a few "MASK" toys too! Those ruled!

Posted: 2003-04-09 01:27am
by Spanky The Dolphin
Heh, come to think of it, since Utsanomiko and I grew up/live out in the country, one of our favourite "toys" was probably a shovel. :mrgreen:

Posted: 2003-04-09 01:27am
by Vympel
GI Joe! He's a real American hero!!!

Posted: 2003-04-09 01:27am
by Einhander Sn0m4n


Posted: 2003-04-09 01:29am
by fgalkin
Vympel wrote:GI Joe! He's a real American hero!!!
That toy wasn't popular in Russia. For obvious reasons. :D

Have a very nice day.

Posted: 2003-04-09 01:31am
by Spanky The Dolphin
Too complicated for bootlegging, eh? :P

Posted: 2003-04-09 01:31am
by Superman

Ruskie Joe! A real Commie Hero!

Posted: 2003-04-09 01:35am
by fgalkin
Superman wrote:HAHAHA

Ruskie Joe! A real Commie Hero!

Have a very nice day.

Posted: 2003-04-09 01:40am
by Dargos
Superman wrote:HAHAHA

Ruskie Joe! A real Commie Hero!
Shouldn't that be

Komrade Joe the real Communist Hero, freeing the oppressed workers of the world from the chains of the Capitalistic pigs.

also availiable

KGB Kevin, Protector of our Security.

Posted: 2003-04-09 01:50am
by Superman
I think you mean, "KGB Kruschev"

Posted: 2003-04-09 01:51am
by neoolong
Superman wrote:HAHAHA

Ruskie Joe! A real Commie Hero!
Actually in the comics they team up with the Oktober Guard which is like the Soviet GI Joe team.

As for favorite toys, I would say legos.

Now, my ten inch tall action figure of Satan whooping on my five inch tall action figure of Jesus.

Yes, they are real.

Posted: 2003-04-09 02:07am
by Sr.mal
I loved my fuckin VOLTRON man. That thing raped. I loved G.I.Joe Cobra always won. Also my army men, guess thats why I like Warhammer.