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Next semester's schedule...

Posted: 2003-04-10 09:51pm
by The Dark
Well, I just got my schedule for next semester in my mail. 18 hours, 6 classes. Life's going to be hell :D .

MAT 201 Basic Calc I
ECO 206 Microeconomics
ECO 305 Macroeconomic Theory
REL 425 Doctrine of God
LAN 101 Hellenistic Greek
LAN ??? Ancient Hebrew

By the time I graduate, I'll have a BA and a BS and be considered moderately proficient in three languages other than English.

Posted: 2003-04-10 09:53pm
by Alex Moon
Ouch. What'cha studying?

EDIT: BTW, what level of ECON courses are you taking?

Posted: 2003-04-10 09:55pm
by The Dark
BA in religion and BS in economics. No, I don't have a clue what I want to do. My philosophy professor's trying to talk me into doing politics after I argued in favor of affirmative action one day and delivered a speech against it the next. I hope he was joking...

Posted: 2003-04-10 09:56pm
by Durandal
MAT340 - Differential Equations I
PHY112 - Physics for Scientists and Engineers III
PHY220 - Mechanics I
PSY110 - Explaining Human Behavior

Posted: 2003-04-10 10:41pm
by Alex Moon
So far I have:

Intermediate Microeconomics- 3 hours
Analytic Geometry/Calculus 2- 5 hours
Intermediate Japanese- 5 hours

Posted: 2003-04-10 10:49pm
by Joe
At the moment, it looks like:

ACCT 5000 - Intermediate Accounting I
ACCT 5400 - Tax I (fun!)
ACCT 5710 - Professional Accounting I
MSIT 3000 - Statistical Analysis for Business (more fun!)
MARK 3000 - Principles of Marketing

And a PE class somewhere in there.

Posted: 2003-04-10 10:53pm
by Hamel
Since there is no next quarter for me due to a change of residence, i'll just list what shit i'm taking currently

CIS 273 - MCSE 2000 Infrastrucure
CIS 225 - System Software Troubleshooting (blowoff to TEH MAXX)
CIS 274 - MSCE 2000 Directory Services Administration
CIS 263 - Managing Windows 2000 Networks (gogo subnetting)

I can't take anymore of this bullshit

I'm getting out of IT while I still have my sanity

Posted: 2003-04-10 11:42pm
by Trytostaydead

Virology (shitload of molecular/genetics)
Vertebrate Anatomy/Systems
Cancer Biology (even bigger shitload of molecular/genetics)

Posted: 2003-04-11 02:38am
by weemadando
If all goes well my schedule for next semester shall be:

Unemployment 101.
Bumming off the government 310.
Longterm relationships 101.

Posted: 2003-04-11 04:53am
by InnerBrat
Why are youu guiys doing two degrees at once? Sounds scary.

Anyway, allow me to say HAHAHAHAHAHA!

I have no more lectures, only the following exams:

Zooarchaeology (practical bone identifictaion exam)
Palaeoceanography (written)
Geological Archaeology (written)

--edit-- and by the middle of June I'll have an MSci