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! -- Computer Problems

Posted: 2003-04-11 01:05am
by EmperorChrostas the Cruel
My younger brother has recently gotten DSL, from SBCYahoo.
The fucking programs on the "you have no brain" installation disc, caused his computer to spontaneously crash and reboot.
By removing all, and reinstalling only the drivers and connection program, it now only spontaneously take a dump half as often, but still does it.
Does anyone know any solutions?
The web has been searched, and the consensus of the help and suggestion web sites is, it is the (connection)program (Enternet300) itself causing the random fuckups.

Anyone know ANYTHING that might help?
Or has he purchased a yugo and must live with a shitty product!
(Bad purchase= buy new product, or learn to live with it.)

Posted: 2003-04-11 01:09am
by TrailerParkJawa
My dad has problems with the PPOE software Yahoo/DSL uses. It makes his machine crawl sometimes. Im really happy with my static from DSLEXTREME.

What OS are you running that might help us to troubleshoot.

Posted: 2003-04-11 02:48am
by EmperorChrostas the Cruel
First, I would like to thank the quick thinking Mod who caught my error. I wanted to tittle this thread "DSL from hell!", but some how I goofed, or exceeded the # of letters. The same way Crostas the Cruel, became Crue!

He is running an e-machines 1100

I don't personally think this problem has a solution, but the depth of the pool of knowledge in this website is impressive. I am always surprised by something, every day or so.

Posted: 2003-04-11 02:55am
by Faram
If it is the program for PPoE that crashes the computer, you might vant to look at some PPoE enabled routers. They can handle the login and ain't prone to crashing.

Also have a look here: DSL Reports

Posted: 2003-04-11 12:35pm
by phongn
You may be able to find other PPOE clients on the 'net as well.

Posted: 2003-04-11 01:22pm
by EmperorChrostas the Cruel
Thanks all, so far, you have been more helpfull than flailing around randomly on the net.
Double thanks to Faram, the link just might have the solution!
Once again I am surprised!