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Don't Forget the Baseball Owners!!!
Posted: 2002-08-29 09:37pm
by Tsyroc
If we are going to raise money to sponsor MLB players then we need to consider doing the same for owners. Certainly none of them are doing well financially. Y'know because of those greedy players insisting on such high salaries. The poor owners can't even afford to build new stadiums for their teams without the help of local tax payers.
Posted: 2002-08-29 09:50pm
by Asst. Asst. Lt. Cmdr. Smi
We don't need to help the ownerrs. With enough money and steroids, the players will come crawling back. They might also need a sock to put down their pants, so they have something new to feel when they grab themselves.
Posted: 2002-08-29 09:58pm
by Master of Ossus
I agree with you in that I think that the baseball players are SERIOUSLY greedy. There is no reason A-Rod should be making the money that he does (especially since he wasn't getting nearly that much from anybody else, and because his team's not going for a World Series), and I don't think that MLB players should make any more money than they do.
I also think, though, that the owners should not be absolved of guilt in the matter, though. If the players did not go on strike, and their contracts were the same, then the owners would lock them out, next year.
One thing's for sure, though. Strike or no strike, I will not be buying a single MLB ticket next year. I think I'll get some more Sharks ones. Baseball neither deserves, nor has it earned my money.
Posted: 2002-08-29 10:15pm
by Sea Skimmer
I only reason I find the current massive salaries mildly acceptable is because so many players ruin there health playing.
But I don’t go to games or watch them on TV, and since I live in a small town, only a few of my state tax dollars ever get dumped into stadiums, so I really don’t care one way or another.
Posted: 2002-08-29 11:53pm
by Next of Kin
I won't be sending Steinbrener a check for 50 bucks any time soon. He's an owner who is responsible for paying all those bums ridiculous amounts of money. I guess its a moot point since the Yanks have a ridicuous amount of money stashed away!
Posted: 2002-08-30 03:01am
by Enlightenment
Contrast for a moment the hundreds of millions of dollars 'earned' by each owner from TV rights and stadium tickets with the tens of millions yearly salary given to top-ranked players. The greatest concentration of greed would not seem to be found among the players.
Posted: 2002-08-30 05:07pm
by Asst. Asst. Lt. Cmdr. Smi
No matter how you put it, the people in MLB are extrmely greedy. Perhaps when they lose all their money, the'll reconsider. It's the fans that helped make these players famous, not the players' steroids.
Posted: 2002-08-30 05:44pm
by Wicked Pilot
Ah who cares. I don't go to baseball games, I don't watch them on TV and I don't buy the merchandise. Baseball fans are the ones who pay the player's and owner's salaries, not me. It's the fans that should go on strike. They're the ones getting shitted on with skyrocketing ticket prices and overly expensive hotdogs. Don't get me wrong, baseball can be a fun sport to play, but in the end it's just a game. If you love baseball, spend your money helping out peewee teams for underprivilaged kids, not these MLB assholes.
Back to my origional point, as long as they don't try to extort my local government into building them a stadium with my tax dollars, I won't care. Let MLB strike, let the league collapse, I sure as hell won't lose any sleep over it.