Posted: 2002-08-30 08:47am
Hello, do we have any libertarians here? Not the mild ones, but the dyed-in-the-wool kind who think that everything except for a little bit of law structure should be left to the private market.
I say this cause I just finished reading the [u]America Zone[/u], by L.Neil Smith. Pardon, but does anybody here seriously believe sheer market forces and almost complete lawlessness, where justice is decided on the dueling field and with private militias, would somehow turn into a stable society of extremely low crime, very little illiteracy(there are no public schools in the government in the book), very high living standards for everyone it seems(except the crossover people), and an extremely high scientific and technological discovery rate, which cause the people of the government to not only discover the technology we discovered, but to discover it significantly faster?
I say this cause I just finished reading the [u]America Zone[/u], by L.Neil Smith. Pardon, but does anybody here seriously believe sheer market forces and almost complete lawlessness, where justice is decided on the dueling field and with private militias, would somehow turn into a stable society of extremely low crime, very little illiteracy(there are no public schools in the government in the book), very high living standards for everyone it seems(except the crossover people), and an extremely high scientific and technological discovery rate, which cause the people of the government to not only discover the technology we discovered, but to discover it significantly faster?