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What do you think of my website???
Posted: 2003-04-17 11:47pm
by brothersinarm
I was hoping that someone could give me some feedback on my website. It has absolutely nothing to do with star wars, but nevertheless I was hoping someone could give feed back on the design, layout, etc. Thanks guys I really appreciate it.
Posted: 2003-04-17 11:47pm
by brothersinarm
how could i forget the webaddress
Posted: 2003-04-17 11:55pm
by Dalton
Not horribly obnoxious with java toys and popups, with a clean design. The text on the buttons should be centered, but overall an attractive and functional site.
Posted: 2003-04-17 11:55pm
by brothersinarm
Posted: 2003-04-17 11:55pm
by Frank Hipper
Basic and easy to use. Perfectly suited to it's purpose. Nowhere as cute as your avatar, however.
Posted: 2003-04-17 11:59pm
by brothersinarm
Not horribly obnoxious with java toys and popups, with a clean design. The text on the buttons should be centered, but overall an attractive and functional site.
Thanks I was going for the clean look, as suggested by website for dummies guide. And I really don't know how to use java.
Basic and easy to use. Perfectly suited to it's purpose. Nowhere as cute as your avatar, however.
Aw Thanks...yes the little bovine dances the night and day away. I wonder if he ever stops...
The site was *cute* before someone complained about seizures. I was going for the techno, bright purple clashes of yellow look before. But it ended up looking tacky so I made it all white.
Thanks for the feedback!
Posted: 2003-04-18 12:18am
by brothersinarm
say were any of you guys able to get the search engine to work? I don't know why but it doesn't work. Maybe its just my browser.
Posted: 2003-04-18 12:21am
by Dalton
brothersinarm wrote:say were any of you guys able to get the search engine to work? I don't know why but it doesn't work. Maybe its just my browser.
Works fine here.
Posted: 2003-04-18 12:23am
by Exonerate
Do you want me to be nice or mean?
The Search thing is ugly, and the main page looks a bit empty...
Is that Times New Roman I see? Its passable, but I'd recommend Verdana, Tahoma, and other fonts like that... I guess its decent, but I think you could probably just stick the news stuff on the front page.
Posted: 2003-04-18 12:23am
by brothersinarm
were you using the site search or the websearch? For some reason the site search doesn't seem to work. Maybe the spider didn't go through yet but every time i do a site search it says not found.
Posted: 2003-04-18 12:25am
by Dalton
brothersinarm wrote:were you using the site search or the websearch? For some reason the site search doesn't seem to work. Maybe the spider didn't go through yet but every time i do a site search it says not found.
Site search for Psych turned up 5 hits on the site.
Posted: 2003-04-18 12:26am
by brothersinarm
the search thing is free...and that's all that matters
:):):) As for the fonts I'm using the website making tool that comes free with netscape and it doesn't have a lot of fonts. Most of them are even worse. I'm kinda strapped for cash and I don't think I could convince anyone to advertise on the site until more people visit it
Posted: 2003-04-18 12:28am
by brothersinarm
thanks Dalton. Its working now. I guess I was just alittle bit panicky as this is the first time I tried using a search bar on my site. Its kinda tricky and I'm not very good...
Posted: 2003-04-18 12:29am
by brothersinarm
say if i wanted to use other fonts how would I do this using the netscape webcreating program?
Posted: 2003-04-18 12:39am
by Exonerate
<font face="Verdana">Text you want</font>
I'm assuming you know how to edit the HTML directly.
Posted: 2003-04-18 12:45am
by brothersinarm
yup I can edit html, just don't know how to create them. Haven't memorized the codes yet.
Posted: 2003-04-18 12:45am
by brothersinarm
oh and thanks Exonerate
Posted: 2003-04-18 12:48am
by Exonerate
No Problem
You could also embed it into your CSS files, which saves more space and to me, is a lot more convenient.
Posted: 2003-04-18 12:52am
by brothersinarm
whats a css file?
Posted: 2003-04-18 01:31am
by Exonerate
Posted: 2003-04-18 02:19am
by brothersinarm
thanks again
Posted: 2003-04-18 12:55pm
by Pu-239
Maybe add a javascript rollover. I'll maybe post code later.
Posted: 2003-04-18 04:44pm
by brothersinarm
well I decided to remove the buttons and start over with the design. Here is the website, again redone. Tell me what you think.
Posted: 2003-04-18 05:19pm
by Pu-239
Well I suggest reduce font size, and fill up the empty space.
Dump tables for layout and use CSS instead. Go to and look up some stuff. I think the news should be on the right also.
Posted: 2003-04-18 08:21pm
by brothersinarm
boy this is so time consuming